User Interface Design: Peepshow Windows
I have a 20 inch screen, but modern software forces it to 2 inch screen.
Modern software user interface often forces your screen into a tiny box.
Google Plus Peepshow Windows
Sometimes you just wonder, what are the designers thinking??
what are the possible reasons they do this?
so, am guessing, vast majority of people feel comfortable scrolling around a tiny window to compose? Or, perhaps, 99% of posts are 2 sentences?
- For every post, you have to click the “Show Comments” to see the comments.
- Comments are in a tiny window, you have to scroll.
- You have to click the “Read more” to see each complete comment.
Code Snippet Scroll Peepshow Window
Many programing sites use a small scroll box for code snippets. It forces you to scroll, vertically and or horizontally.
Wrap it, my friend. 〔see CSS: white-space Line Break〕
Microsoft Windows 10, still peep show windows. It cannot be resized.