2009-03-23 emacs command call frequency stat of xah lee. roughly from 2008-08-30 to 2009-03-23. see: http://xahlee.org/emacs/command-frequency.html 1608980 46.29% self-insert-command 286065 8.23% next-line 210253 6.05% previous-line 209141 6.02% forward-word 166348 4.79% backward-word 65798 1.89% delete-backward-char 61816 1.78% isearch-printing-char 59479 1.71% forward-char 52382 1.51% backward-kill-word 51591 1.48% backward-char 47728 1.37% newline 32595 0.94% save-buffer 28048 0.81% yank 25447 0.73% mwheel-scroll 25330 0.73% kill-line 23065 0.66% close-current-buffer 19022 0.55% move-beginning-of-line 16921 0.49% scroll-up 15738 0.45% isearch-forward 15736 0.45% isearch-other-meta-char 15663 0.45% kill-word 14248 0.41% execute-extended-command 13969 0.40% find-file 13650 0.39% forward-paragraph 13491 0.39% isearch-repeat-forward 13425 0.39% move-cursor-next-pane 13122 0.38% set-mark-command 12369 0.36% delete-char 11710 0.34% forward-block 11025 0.32% scroll-down 11023 0.32% backward-paragraph 10416 0.30% undo 9783 0.28% beginning-of-buffer 9482 0.27% shrink-whitespaces 9168 0.26% dired-advertised-find-file 8823 0.25% switch-to-next-frame 8121 0.23% minibuffer-complete 7719 0.22% previous-history-element 7707 0.22% extend-selection 7281 0.21% backward-block 6795 0.20% delete-other-windows 6574 0.19% recenter 6545 0.19% dired-next-line 6357 0.18% kill-ring-save 6258 0.18% end-of-buffer 5883 0.17% dired-previous-line 5538 0.16% cua-paste 4917 0.14% other-window 4559 0.13% backward-delete-char-untabify 4526 0.13% select-text-in-quote 4441 0.13% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert ()) (backward-char 1)) 4223 0.12% kill-region 4116 0.12% minibuffer-keyboard-quit 3963 0.11% next-user-buffer 3911 0.11% split-window-vertically 3646 0.10% toggle-letter-case 3521 0.10% keyboard-quit 3519 0.10% cua-scroll-up 3518 0.10% revert-buffer 3461 0.10% describe-function 3391 0.10% mouse-drag-region 3282 0.09% mouse-set-point 3238 0.09% insert-tag 3083 0.09% copy-all 2724 0.08% previous-user-buffer 2692 0.08% kill-line-backward 2618 0.08% compact-uncompact-block 2598 0.07% handle-switch-frame 2565 0.07% cua-scroll-down 2483 0.07% cua-set-mark 2337 0.07% shell-command 2098 0.06% browse-url-of-buffer 2083 0.06% xah-find-file-at-point 2059 0.06% yas/expand 2056 0.06% eval-last-sexp 1888 0.05% exit-minibuffer 1823 0.05% new-empty-buffer 1727 0.05% mark-semantic-unit 1708 0.05% lookup-word-def 1602 0.05% query-replace 1515 0.04% comint-send-input 1448 0.04% cua-copy-region 1439 0.04% run-current-file 1337 0.04% sgml-delete-tag 1224 0.04% tabbar-forward 1221 0.04% isearch-repeat-backward 1213 0.03% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert "") (backward-char 1)) 1167 0.03% gf 1162 0.03% isearch-backward 1122 0.03% xah-erase-buffer 1083 0.03% describe-key 1063 0.03% lisp-indent-line 1054 0.03% tabbar-backward 1026 0.03% dired-do-query-replace-regexp 1014 0.03% ibuffer 1004 0.03% comment-dwim 962 0.03% wrap-url 962 0.03% isearch-other-control-char 923 0.03% xah-browse-url-at-point 891 0.03% compile-goto-error 867 0.02% cua-cut-region 862 0.02% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert +)) 849 0.02% cua-delete-region 824 0.02% sh 816 0.02% dired-flag-file-deletion 814 0.02% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert “”) (backward-char 1)) 811 0.02% push-button 807 0.02% cut-all 797 0.02% d 789 0.02% bookmark-bmenu-list 724 0.02% bookmark-bmenu-this-window 700 0.02% • 698 0.02% ibuffer-mark-for-delete 690 0.02% ibuffer-forward-line 689 0.02% move-end-of-line 683 0.02% ibuffer-visit-buffer 675 0.02% wrap-span 671 0.02% sgml-close-tag 660 0.02% l 642 0.02% mark-sexp 601 0.02% mouse-save-then-kill 599 0.02% describe-variable 598 0.02% xc 579 0.02% calcDigit-key 561 0.02% sgml-slash 537 0.02% dired-mark 535 0.02% dired-do-flagged-delete 528 0.02% minibuffer-complete-and-exit 518 0.01% cua-replace-region 518 0.01% hb 517 0.01% comint-previous-input 513 0.01% cua-cancel 503 0.01% insert-xah-sig 494 0.01% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert =)) 485 0.01% dired-mark-files-regexp 485 0.01% forward-button 467 0.01% yank-pop 454 0.01% next-emacs-buffer 449 0.01% copy-file-path 446 0.01% fix-img-alt 434 0.01% eb 413 0.01% next-frame-command 408 0.01% my-erase-buffer 401 0.01% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert []) (backward-char 1)) 394 0.01% dictionary-lookup-definition 376 0.01% sgml-skip-tag-backward 370 0.01% image-linkify 364 0.01% dired-do-rename 361 0.01% delete-window 361 0.01% widget-button-click 359 0.01% o 357 0.01% speck-mouse-popup-menu 357 0.01% isearch-exit 352 0.01% wikipedia-linkify 347 0.01% c-electric-backspace 347 0.01% new-temp-file 340 0.01% lisp-complete-symbol 337 0.01% wrap-span-xnt 337 0.01% Info-follow-nearest-node 336 0.01% image-forward-hscroll 335 0.01% other-frame 331 0.01% call-keyword-completion 326 0.01% backward-sexp 325 0.01% sgml-skip-tag-forward 323 0.01% select-word 322 0.01% insert-xahurl 322 0.01% eis 320 0.01% forward-sexp 301 0.01% quoted-insert 301 0.01% wrap-span-x-w 294 0.01% make-frame-command 286 0.01% tabbar-forward-group 286 0.01% er 283 0.01% query-replace-regexp 282 0.01% switch-to-buffer 280 0.01% Info-up 280 0.01% dired-up-directory 276 0.01% xlsl-comment-dwim 273 0.01% insert-xahsig 267 0.01% replace-keybinding-notation 266 0.01% toggle-letter-case-word-or-region 262 0.01% my-find-file-at-point 259 0.01% scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll 258 0.01% backward-up-list 255 0.01% hm 254 0.01% dired-do-copy 253 0.01% mark-whole-buffer 247 0.01% string-rectangle 246 0.01% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert {}) (backward-char 1)) 244 0.01% qr 244 0.01% kill-rectangle 242 0.01% lookup-wikipedia 238 0.01% mb 238 0.01% w3m-next-anchor 238 0.01% calcDigit-start 238 0.01% indent-region 237 0.01% wdired-finish-edit 236 0.01% (lambda nil (interactive) (wrap-span w)) 236 0.01% isearch-yank-word-or-char 236 0.01% next-history-element 233 0.01% dired-do-compress 231 0.01% iw 229 0.01% insert-xah-url 227 0.01% c-indent-command 225 0.01% forward-punctuation 225 0.01% my-browse-url-at-point 223 0.01% calcDigit-nondigit 220 0.01% customize-group 214 0.01% rn 214 0.01% previous-emacs-buffer 213 0.01% ibuffer-backward-line 212 0.01% isearch-abort 212 0.01% dired-create-directory 203 0.01% lb 203 0.01% top-level 202 0.01% elm 198 0.01% indent-for-tab-command 197 0.01% flyspell-correct-word 196 0.01% move-cursor-to-next-pane 196 0.01% html-list-item 188 0.01% dtag 188 0.01% redo 187 0.01% image-backward-hscroll 184 0.01% js2-enter-key 178 0.01% speck-mode 174 0.01% dired-unmark-all-marks 173 0.00% ibuffer-mark-unsaved-buffers 173 0.00% ibuffer-do-save 165 0.00% cua--prefix-override-handler 164 0.00% dml 162 0.00% source-linkify 159 0.00% elisp-format-region 150 0.00% i 149 0.00% html-headline-2 144 0.00% c-electric-semi&comma 142 0.00% r" 138 0.00% def 137 0.00% rs 132 0.00% html-headline-3 132 0.00% apropos-command 130 0.00% man 125 0.00% xah-cite 125 0.00% compilation-next-error 125 0.00% ih4 124 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert «») (backward-char 1)) 123 0.00% unfill-paragraph 123 0.00% lookup-word-definition 118 0.00% byte-compile-file 118 0.00% dehtmlize-block 115 0.00% ignore 114 0.00% make-pdxml-entry 112 0.00% save-buffers-kill-emacs 111 0.00% html-horizontal-rule 105 0.00% elisp-ref-linkify 104 0.00% js2-insert-and-indent 100 0.00% flyspell-buffer 99 0.00% xlsl-convert-rgb 99 0.00% xah-put-dstp 97 0.00% c-electric-slash 96 0.00% describe-mode 95 0.00% python-backspace 95 0.00% make-backup 94 0.00% lg 92 0.00% xlsl-syntax-check 92 0.00% dired-flag-backup-files 91 0.00% lookup-google 90 0.00% [134217842 134217842 134217842 134217770 134217841 134217828 134217835 134217833 134217825 102 117 108 108 45 115 105 122 101 return] 90 0.00% insert-word-entry 90 0.00% spm 86 0.00% ibuffer-do-delete 86 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert ‹›) (backward-char 1)) 85 0.00% perl-electric-terminator 85 0.00% ntr 80 0.00% fd 79 0.00% link-selected 78 0.00% full-size-img-linkify 77 0.00% xah-fix-to-html4strict 76 0.00% xlsl-lookup-lsl-ref 74 0.00% ido-find-file 74 0.00% Custom-newline 74 0.00% lj-compose-submit-then-exit 74 0.00% yas/next-field-group 73 0.00% lookup-word-definition-in-w3m 72 0.00% ido-magic-forward-char 72 0.00% replace-html-chars-region 72 0.00% backward-punctuation 72 0.00% widen 71 0.00% isearch-delete-char 71 0.00% what-cursor-position 70 0.00% db 70 0.00% tabbar-backward-group 69 0.00% html-previous-content 69 0.00% mouse-drag-mode-line 69 0.00% calc 69 0.00% lml 69 0.00% fix-to-html4-strict 67 0.00% apply-macro-to-region-lines 67 0.00% dired-unmark 67 0.00% html-next-content 66 0.00% no-select-backward-paragraph 65 0.00% ispell-word 65 0.00% report-emacs-bug 64 0.00% youtube-linkify 64 0.00% make-time-mag-src 64 0.00% unload-feature 63 0.00% e-blog-forward-button 61 0.00% dictionary-next-link 61 0.00% cua-repeat-replace-region 61 0.00% undefined 59 0.00% delete-blank-lines 59 0.00% cua--prefix-repeat-handler 56 0.00% delete-non-matching-lines 56 0.00% rof 56 0.00% alt=""i 55 0.00% w3m-previous-anchor 55 0.00% calc-quit 54 0.00% cua-paste-pop 54 0.00% ibuffer-update 53 0.00% w3m-view-this-url 53 0.00% fill-paragraph 53 0.00% Info-next-reference 52 0.00% — 52 0.00% rcirc-send-input 52 0.00% tt 52 0.00% widget-button-press 52 0.00% tabbar-select-tab-callback 52 0.00% lj-compose 51 0.00% just-one-space 51 0.00% ibuffer-unmark-forward 51 0.00% show-file-in-dired 50 0.00% → 50 0.00% count-region 49 0.00% scroll-other-window 49 0.00% exchange-point-and-mark 48 0.00% cua-resize-rectangle-right 48 0.00% calc-plus 46 0.00% 2html4s 46 0.00% calc-divide 44 0.00% calc-pop 44 0.00% tabbar-select-button-callback 43 0.00% xlsl-mode 43 0.00% w3m-print-current-url 42 0.00% html-line 42 0.00% defunct 42 0.00% [return 134217825 up return 134217837 134217826 down] 40 0.00% xah-search-next-unbold 40 0.00% toggle-read-only 39 0.00% ibuffer-do-kill-on-deletion-marks 38 0.00% python-complete-symbol 36 0.00% cua-mode 36 0.00% comint-next-input 35 0.00% info-emacs-manual 34 0.00% text-mode 34 0.00% complete-symbol 34 0.00% my-mark-sexp 33 0.00% youtube-search-linkify 33 0.00% lookup-lsl-ref 33 0.00% replace-eols-to-p 33 0.00% center-line 33 0.00% mail-send-and-exit 32 0.00% cperl-electric-backspace 32 0.00% info 32 0.00% pst1 32 0.00% tuareg-electric 32 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 32 0.00% xyz-complete-symbol 31 0.00% calc-times 31 0.00% list-colors-display 30 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 30 0.00% dired-next-subdir 30 0.00% global-set-key 30 0.00% down-list 30 0.00% amazon-linkify 30 0.00% mouse-yank-at-click 30 0.00% xx-comment-dwim 29 0.00% ff 29 0.00% iwe 29 0.00% exit-recursive-edit 29 0.00% no-select-forward-paragraph 29 0.00% Info-history-back 29 0.00% fix-to-html4strict 29 0.00% xxParaNumInParenLinkify 28 0.00% scroll-other-window-down 28 0.00% delete-frame 28 0.00% term-send-raw 28 0.00% command-frequency 28 0.00% comment-region 28 0.00% delete-trailing-whitespace 28 0.00% ibuffer-mark-forward 28 0.00% xah-curve-linkify 28 0.00% dired-flag-files-regexp 27 0.00% e-blog-new-post 27 0.00% xah-delete-table-tag-region 27 0.00% diff 27 0.00% xlsl-complete-symbol 27 0.00% dictionary-close 27 0.00% insert-css 27 0.00% no-select-beginning-of-buffer 27 0.00% calcDigit-backspace 27 0.00% minibuffer-complete-word 27 0.00% ed 26 0.00% ↗ 26 0.00% make-html-table 26 0.00% fundamental-mode 26 0.00% mouse-select-window 26 0.00% lineIsCommnt-p 26 0.00% compact-parens 26 0.00% yas/reload-all 26 0.00% [3 2 134217760 3 6 C-return 114 101 102 return] 26 0.00% xlsl-lookup-lsl-ref2 25 0.00% ido-exit-minibuffer 25 0.00% Info-copy-current-node-name 25 0.00% html-headline-1 24 0.00% ‣ 24 0.00% ido-next-match 24 0.00% load-file 24 0.00% font-lock-fontify-buffer 24 0.00% ibuffer-forward-filter-group 24 0.00% pretty-control-l-mode 23 0.00% widget-forward 23 0.00% ee 22 0.00% describe-major-mode 22 0.00% dired-find-alternate-file 22 0.00% eval-expression 22 0.00% compact-uncompact-block-or-region 22 0.00% 22 0.00% insert-dtd-html4s 22 0.00% xx 22 0.00% e-blog-extract-for-post 21 0.00% switch-to-previous-frame 21 0.00% ispell-complete-word 21 0.00% wdired-change-to-wdired-mode 21 0.00% sort-lines 21 0.00% emacs-index-search 20 0.00% kmacro-start-macro 20 0.00% narrow-to-region 20 0.00% insert-html-template 20 0.00% find-dired 20 0.00% image-scroll-up 20 0.00% doMyReplace 20 0.00% ° 19 0.00% set-variable 19 0.00% sh-mode 19 0.00% c-mode 19 0.00% describe-syntax 18 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert ) (backward-char 1)) 18 0.00% § 18 0.00% ← 18 0.00% cua-resize-rectangle-up 18 0.00% toggle-case-fold-search 18 0.00% comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof 18 0.00% write-file 18 0.00% mouse-set-region 18 0.00% insert-faq-format 18 0.00% split-window-horizontally 18 0.00% authors 18 0.00% pager-page-up 18 0.00% ⇒ 17 0.00% ido-mode 17 0.00% cperl-electric-semi 17 0.00% lsl-comment-dwim 17 0.00% html-headline-4 17 0.00% php-mode 17 0.00% comment-or-uncomment-region 17 0.00% version 17 0.00% insert-file 17 0.00% comint-interrupt-subjob 16 0.00% 16 0.00% replace-keyboard-shortcut-notation 16 0.00% isearch-with-input-method 16 0.00% python-mode 16 0.00% c-electric-pound 16 0.00% w3m-mouse-view-this-url 16 0.00% insert-php-tag 16 0.00% highlight-phrase 15 0.00% ido-delete-backward-updir 15 0.00% kmacro-end-macro 15 0.00% font-lock-mode 15 0.00% isearch-yank-line 15 0.00% kill-buffer 15 0.00% customize-variable 15 0.00% help-follow 15 0.00% previous-completion 15 0.00% xah-update-page-tag 14 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (find-alternate-file ..)) 14 0.00% dired-display-file 14 0.00% calc-missing-key 14 0.00% apropos 14 0.00% [134217737] 14 0.00% escape-quotes-region 14 0.00% keep-lines 13 0.00% no-select-end-of-buffer 13 0.00% mark-paragraph 13 0.00% next-frame 13 0.00% xx-mode 13 0.00% calc-minus 13 0.00% css-mode 13 0.00% tuareg-indent-phrase 12 0.00% ★ 12 0.00% cua-insert-char-rectangle 12 0.00% ido-complete-space 12 0.00% ido-take-first-match 12 0.00% ↑ 12 0.00% elisp-format-buffer 12 0.00% cua--mouse-ignore 12 0.00% emacs-ref-linkify 12 0.00% flyspell-mode 12 0.00% View-quit 12 0.00% highlight-lines-matching-regexp 12 0.00% make-word-entry 12 0.00% Info-mouse-follow-nearest-node 12 0.00% xah-find-word-usage 12 0.00% cua-exchange-point-and-mark 12 0.00% dired-omit-mode 12 0.00% ibuffer-interactive-filter-by-mode 12 0.00% c-electric-colon 12 0.00% xxParaNumLinkify 11 0.00% ido-next-match-dir 11 0.00% fix-timestamp-region 11 0.00% dehtmlize-span-region 11 0.00% toggle-input-method 11 0.00% insert-css2 11 0.00% sgml-maybe-name-self 11 0.00% forward-symbol 11 0.00% down-case-word-or-region 11 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 10 0.00% π 10 0.00% ido-prev-match-dir 10 0.00% ido-prev-match 10 0.00% cua-set-rectangle-mark 10 0.00% [return 134217781 return 44 134217837 134217826 134217839 134217833 134217833] 10 0.00% calendar 10 0.00% transpose-sexps 10 0.00% view-emacs-FAQ 10 0.00% perl-mode 10 0.00% highlight-regexp 10 0.00% ibuffer-jump-to-buffer 10 0.00% qrr 10 0.00% w3m 10 0.00% w3m-view-previous-page 10 0.00% calc-yank 10 0.00% insert-counter-column 10 0.00% s2_ 10 0.00% w3m-goto-url 10 0.00% mode-line-mode-menu-1 10 0.00% toggle-debug-on-error 10 0.00% xah-insert-dstp 10 0.00% grep 10 0.00% pager-page-down 10 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (call-interactively (key-binding (kbd M-TAB)))) 9 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 9 0.00% php-ref-linkify 9 0.00% shell-command-on-region 9 0.00% open-with-textwrangler 9 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (let ((orig-function (symbol-function (quote message)))) (unwind-protect (progn (defun message (string &rest arguments) (let* ((s1 (concat prompt (buffer-substring (shell-command/minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max)))) (s2 (apply (function format) string arguments)) (w (- (window-width) (string-width s1) (string-width s2) 1))) (funcall orig-function (if (>= w 0) (concat s1 (make-string w 32) s2) s2)) (if (sit-for 0.3) (funcall orig-function s1)) s2)) (require (quote shell)) (require (quote comint)) (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote shell-command-complete-functions))) (fset (quote message) orig-function)))) 9 0.00% title-case-word-or-region 9 0.00% calc-undo 9 0.00% w3m-scroll-down-or-previous-url 9 0.00% describe-bindings 9 0.00% dired-toggle-marks 9 0.00% forward-sentence 9 0.00% fill-region 9 0.00% lookup-php-ref 9 0.00% fs 9 0.00% delete-matching-lines 9 0.00% xah-insert-file-creation-date 9 0.00% paraNumLinkify 8 0.00% xlsl-color-vectors-region 8 0.00% syntax-color-vector 8 0.00% woman 8 0.00% mouse-set-font 8 0.00% htmlize-buffer 8 0.00% move-past-close-and-reindent 8 0.00% tabbar-mode 8 0.00% Custom-goto-parent 8 0.00% widget-move-and-invoke 8 0.00% delete-indentation 8 0.00% calc-enter 8 0.00% calc-roll-down 8 0.00% mark-word 8 0.00% open-with-xcode 8 0.00% count-lines-page 8 0.00% tabbar-mwheel-forward-group 8 0.00% calc-power 8 0.00% xlsl-uncomment-current-line 8 0.00% ibuffer-do-replace-regexp 8 0.00% mode-line-previous-buffer 8 0.00% ibuffer-mark-by-file-name-regexp 8 0.00% myheader 8 0.00% skeleton-pair-insert-maybe 8 0.00% recover-file 7 0.00% beginning-of-buffer-other-window 7 0.00% mouse-choose-completion 7 0.00% finder-select 7 0.00% make-google-earth 7 0.00% insert-date-time 7 0.00% mathematica-ref-linkify 7 0.00% search-emacs-glossary 7 0.00% i1 7 0.00% downcase-region 7 0.00% toggle-awk-sh-mode 7 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-disable 7 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-right 7 0.00% menu-bar-options-save 7 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (other-frame -1)) 7 0.00% c-electric-star 7 0.00% dired-mouse-find-file-other-window 7 0.00% term 7 0.00% kill-this-buffer 7 0.00% python-electric-colon 7 0.00% comint-dynamic-complete 7 0.00% describe-prefix-bindings 7 0.00% dired-undo 7 0.00% elisp-index-search 7 0.00% recover-this-file 7 0.00% mode-line-toggle-read-only 7 0.00% insert-dtd-html4t 7 0.00% insert-blockquote-tag 7 0.00% ibuffer-unmark-all 7 0.00% myheader-skeleton 7 0.00% fsb 7 0.00% toggle-line-spacing 7 0.00% js2-mode 7 0.00% dired 7 0.00% cp1 7 0.00% customize-face 6 0.00% end-of-buffer-other-window 6 0.00% ido-delete-backward-word-updir 6 0.00% ins1 6 0.00% js-console-send-input 6 0.00% povray-ref-linkify 6 0.00% java-ref-linkify 6 0.00% perldoc-ref-linkify 6 0.00% line-number-mode 6 0.00% insert-kbd-macro 6 0.00% xlsl-copy-all 6 0.00% load-library 6 0.00% downcase-word 6 0.00% cn 6 0.00% isearch-toggle-regexp 6 0.00% ibuffer-visit-buffer-1-window 6 0.00% abort-recursive-edit 6 0.00% tabbar-mwheel-backward-group 6 0.00% my-isearch 6 0.00% mouse-major-mode-menu 6 0.00% yas/minor-mode 6 0.00% _ 6 0.00% dired-do-chmod 6 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (browse-url http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html)) 6 0.00% set-background-color 6 0.00% rcirc-insert-prev-input 5 0.00% insert-register 5 0.00% backward-kill-filename 5 0.00% js-console 5 0.00% view-emacs-news 5 0.00% find-file-read-only 5 0.00% exit-calendar 5 0.00% occur-mode-goto-occurrence 5 0.00% (lambda nil (wrap-span w)) 5 0.00% insert-xah-im 5 0.00% set-input-method 5 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-reset 5 0.00% insert-date 5 0.00% ibuffer-toggle-filter-group 5 0.00% ibuffer-backward-filter-group 5 0.00% rgb 5 0.00% insert-xahim 5 0.00% term-send-backspace 5 0.00% lsl-mode 5 0.00% html-paragraph 5 0.00% no-select-cua-scroll-down 5 0.00% no-select-cua-scroll-up 5 0.00% awk-mode 5 0.00% c-beginning-of-statement 5 0.00% dired-do-shell-command 5 0.00% uncomment-region 5 0.00% wrap-span-x-b 5 0.00% w3m-toggle-inline-image 5 0.00% _2s 5 0.00% xlsl-comment-region 5 0.00% xlsl-comment-current-line 5 0.00% ibuffer-mouse-toggle-mark 5 0.00% select-url 5 0.00% replace-mma-symbols-region 5 0.00% backward-button 5 0.00% lm-move-up 5 0.00% wdired-next-line 5 0.00% mode-line-change-eol 5 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert 「」) (backward-char 1)) 5 0.00% crm-minibuffer-complete 5 0.00% ibuffer-visit-buffer-other-window-noselect 5 0.00% ido-forget-work-directory 4 0.00% googlevideo-linkify 4 0.00% refresh-pretty-control-l 4 0.00% forward-page 4 0.00% finder-by-keyword 4 0.00% js2-mode-show-node 4 0.00% cperl-mode 4 0.00% cua-resize-rectangle-down 4 0.00% nxml-electric-slash 4 0.00% dired-find-file 4 0.00% View-scroll-to-buffer-end 4 0.00% wrap-text 4 0.00% name-last-kbd-macro 4 0.00% dictionary-help 4 0.00% Info-scroll-down 4 0.00% insert-page-tag 4 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert 『』) (backward-char 1)) 4 0.00% tool-bar-mode 4 0.00% move-cursor-to-previous-pane 4 0.00% longlines-mode 4 0.00% rot13-region 4 0.00% term-send-raw-meta 4 0.00% nxml-mode 4 0.00% isearch-backward-regexp 4 0.00% where-is 4 0.00% binding-changed-notify 4 0.00% f1 4 0.00% center-paragraph 4 0.00% foo-mode 4 0.00% help-for-help 4 0.00% copy-to-register 4 0.00% insert-column-counter 4 0.00% dired-copy-filename-as-kill 4 0.00% latex-skeleton 4 0.00% yas/load-directory 4 0.00% column-number-mode 4 0.00% js2-beginning-of-line 4 0.00% weblogger-start-entry 4 0.00% weblogger-setup-weblog 4 0.00% insert-javascript-tag 4 0.00% insert-keywords-tag 4 0.00% ediff-patch-file 4 0.00% nonincremental-search-forward 4 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert ‘’) (backward-char 1)) 4 0.00% γ 3 0.00% compact-region 3 0.00% backward-page 3 0.00% isearch-quote-char 3 0.00% finder-exit 3 0.00% finder-mouse-select 3 0.00% blink-cursor-mode 3 0.00% about-emacs 3 0.00% calendar-forward-day 3 0.00% ediff-files 3 0.00% blogger-start-post 3 0.00% archive-flag-deleted 3 0.00% insert-register-1-content 3 0.00% ruby-mode 3 0.00% Custom-no-edit 3 0.00% diff-goto-source 3 0.00% list-matching-lines 3 0.00% move-cursor-previous-pane 3 0.00% view-order-manuals 3 0.00% auto-fill-mode 3 0.00% display-buffer 3 0.00% Info-nth-menu-item 3 0.00% mac-font-panel-mode 3 0.00% toggle-indicate-empty-lines 3 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-left 3 0.00% upcase-initials-region 3 0.00% capitalize-region 3 0.00% capitalize-word 3 0.00% previous-frame 3 0.00% lsl-call-lslint 3 0.00% rcirc 3 0.00% my-dictionary-lookup-definition 3 0.00% indent-new-comment-line 3 0.00% calc-copy-as-kill 3 0.00% keyboard-escape-quit 3 0.00% mark-defun 3 0.00% menu-bar-mode 3 0.00% view-echo-area-messages 3 0.00% semnav-up 3 0.00% dired-sort-toggle-or-edit 3 0.00% dired-smart-shell-command 3 0.00% dbx 3 0.00% dired-flag-auto-save-files 3 0.00% html-mode 3 0.00% insert-section-break 3 0.00% insert-screen-filler 3 0.00% math-lang-mode 3 0.00% bookmark-bmenu-save 3 0.00% insert-copyright-template 3 0.00% yas/prev-field-group 3 0.00% yas/about 3 0.00% replace-curly-apostrophe-region 3 0.00% htmlize-region 3 0.00% info-lookup-symbol 3 0.00% choose-completion 3 0.00% js2-mode-match-single-quote 3 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 3 0.00% nxml-balanced-close-start-tag-block 3 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 3 0.00% list-buffers 3 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (display-message-or-buffer (concat xlsl-mode is a major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. You are currently using version: xlsl-mode-version To see inline documentation, type “Alt+x describe-mode Enter m” while you are in xlsl-mode. To see the latest version and online doc, go to http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html ) *About xlsl-mode*)) 3 0.00% ido-complete 3 0.00% xlsl-color-vector-region 3 0.00% rcirc-insert-next-input 2 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert ) (backward-char 1)) 2 0.00% archive-extract 2 0.00% cperl-indent-region 2 0.00% rgrep 2 0.00% grep-find 2 0.00% wm 2 0.00% ibuffer-find-file 2 0.00% rename-buffer 2 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G83890) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G83890))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 2 0.00% cua-rotate-rectangle 2 0.00% desktop-save 2 0.00% ido-up-directory 2 0.00% emacs-lisp-mode 2 0.00% † 2 0.00% info-apropos 2 0.00% describe-gnu-project 2 0.00% goto-char 2 0.00% ↓ 2 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 2 0.00% ≠ 2 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 2 0.00% blogger-send-post 2 0.00% blogger-save-post 2 0.00% wdired-previous-line 2 0.00% global-unset-key 2 0.00% ins2 2 0.00% xah-delete-table-region 2 0.00% yank-rectangle 2 0.00% cua-mouse-set-rectangle-mark 2 0.00% xyz-mode 2 0.00% show-paren-mode 2 0.00% Info-search 2 0.00% Info-prev 2 0.00% terminal-emulator 2 0.00% shell 2 0.00% insert-parentheses 2 0.00% [134217825 111 116 104 101 114 45 119 105 110 100 111 119 return 134217825 100 101 108 101 116 101 45 119 105 110 100 111 119 return] 2 0.00% remove-next-pane 2 0.00% kmacro-name-last-macro 2 0.00% w3m-view-url-with-external-browser 2 0.00% backward-sentence 2 0.00% View-scroll-half-page-backward 2 0.00% dehtmlize-region 2 0.00% customize 2 0.00% menu-bar-text-mode-auto-fill 2 0.00% toggle-truncate-lines 2 0.00% insert-definition-entry 2 0.00% Info-prev-reference 2 0.00% dired-do-redisplay 2 0.00% rmail 2 0.00% compile 2 0.00% speedbar-frame-mode 2 0.00% θ 2 0.00% save-some-buffers 2 0.00% run-current-java-file 2 0.00% customize-browse 2 0.00% dired-do-kill-lines 2 0.00% isearch-ring-advance 2 0.00% no-select-move-end-of-line 2 0.00% up-case-word-or-region 2 0.00% c++-mode 2 0.00% f2 2 0.00% spell-buffer 2 0.00% ~ 2 0.00% xlsl-copy-n-syntax-check 2 0.00% w3m-search 2 0.00% w3m-edit-this-url 2 0.00% ibuffer-mark-by-name-regexp 2 0.00% [134217844] 2 0.00%  2 0.00% find-alternate-file 2 0.00% enriched-mode 2 0.00% xlsl-uncomment-region 2 0.00% mail 2 0.00% isearch-complete 2 0.00% backward-kill-sexp 2 0.00% mouse-delete-window 2 0.00% Info-next 2 0.00% ucs-insert 2 0.00% Info-menu 2 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G88763) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G88763))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 2 0.00% ruler-mode 2 0.00% λ 2 0.00% clean-css 2 0.00% calc-evaluate 2 0.00% quit-window 2 0.00% [134217781 60 return 17 10 60 return 33 134217800 134217781 62 return 62 17 10 return 33 134217800 134217825 107 101 101 112 45 108 105 110 101 115 return 104 114 101 102 return 134217825 107 101 101 112 45 108 105 110 101 115 return 106 112 103 return 134217781 60 97 32 104 114 101 102 61 34 return 115 108 101 101 112 32 50 59 32 119 103 101 116 32 return 33 134217800 37 backspace 134217781 34 62 return return 33] 2 0.00% list-faces-display 2 0.00% menu-function-224 2 0.00% parse3 2 0.00% html-headline-5 2 0.00% message-beginning-of-line 2 0.00% insert-javascript-tag2 2 0.00% eval-region 2 0.00% set-file-name-coding-system 2 0.00% describe-coding-system 2 0.00% set-buffer-file-coding-system 2 0.00% replace-html-chars-revrerse-region 2 0.00% menu-find-file-existing 2 0.00% facemenu-remove-face-props 2 0.00% find-tag 2 0.00% toggle-uniquify-buffer-names 2 0.00% calculator-digit 2 0.00% dired-2unix-marked-files 2 0.00% (lambda nil (browse-url http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html)) 2 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (customize-group (quote xlsl-mode))) 2 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (set-buffer (get-buffer-create *About xlsl-mode*)) (insert xlsl-mode is a major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. You are currently using version: xlsl-mode-version To see inline documentation, type “Alt+x describe-mode Enter m” while you are in xlsl-mode. To see the latest version and online doc, go to http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html )) 2 0.00% desktop-read 2 0.00% advertised-widget-backward 2 0.00% ido-wide-find-file-or-pop-dir 2 0.00% comint-previous-matching-input 2 0.00% cua-toggle-rectangle-mark 2 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G42920) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G42920))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 2 0.00% recentf-open-files 2 0.00% insert-utf-header 2 0.00% α 2 0.00% β 2 0.00% eval-defun 1 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (insert ) (backward-char 1)) 1 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (display-message-or-buffer (concat xlsl-mode is a major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. You are currently using version: xlsl-mode-version To see inline documentation, type “Alt+x describe-mode” while you are in xlsl-mode. To see the latest version and online doc, go to http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html ) *About xlsl-mode*)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G13197) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G13197))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G13196) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G13196))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G13190) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G13190))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G13194) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G13194))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% font-lock-colorwords 1 0.00% mn 1 0.00% compilation-previous-error 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G44556) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G44556))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% describe-current-display-table 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% customize-option 1 0.00% image-dired-delete-tag 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G101952) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G101952))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% call-command-completion 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G81853) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G81853))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% ido-switch-buffer 1 0.00% append-next-kill 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G34256) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G34256))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% pp^l 1 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% eval-buffer 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% browse-url-at-point 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G83166) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G83166))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% describe-minor-mode 1 0.00% cua-sequence-rectangle 1 0.00% cua-toggle-rectangle-virtual-edges 1 0.00% w3m-reload-this-page 1 0.00% w3m-redisplay-this-page 1 0.00% ido-restrict-to-matches 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (display-message-or-buffer (concat xlsl-mode is a major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. You are currently using version: xlsl-mode-version To see inline documentation, type “Alt+x describe-mode Enter m” while you are in xlsl-mode. To see the latest version and online doc, go to http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html ) *About xlsl-mode*)) 1 0.00% html-radio-buttons 1 0.00% bookmark-jump 1 0.00% manual-entry 1 0.00% describe-no-warranty 1 0.00% goto-address-at-point 1 0.00% menu-bar-help-extra-packages 1 0.00% help-with-tutorial-spec-language 1 0.00% describe-distribution 1 0.00% view-emacs-problems 1 0.00% help-with-tutorial 1 0.00% recentf-open-most-recent-file-2 1 0.00% calendar-backward-week 1 0.00% ediff-toggle-help 1 0.00% ediff-documentation 1 0.00% insert-mma-icon 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% dictionary-prev-link 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% archive-unflag 1 0.00% archive-previous-line 1 0.00% sgml-name-char 1 0.00% xml-mode 1 0.00% insert-google-earth-link 1 0.00% ibuffer-mark-by-mode-regexp 1 0.00% cp2 1 0.00% xah-remove-table-region 1 0.00% calc-end-vector 1 0.00% calc-begin-vector 1 0.00% mk 1 0.00% mark-page 1 0.00% irc 1 0.00% c-electric-paren 1 0.00% backward-kill-sentence 1 0.00% set-goal-column 1 0.00% nxhtml-mode 1 0.00% add-alts 1 0.00% #[(e) "rʎ : 8 `F) 8)! 55!, [save-selected-window-alist save-selected-window-window e event position enable-multibyte-characters selected-window mapcar #[(frame) !D [frame frame-selected-window] 3] frame-list ((byte-code / @ @!( A@)!( @ A@)" A* !: !Ň [save-selected-window-alist elt --cl-dolist-temp-- x save-selected-window-window nil frame-live-p window-live-p set-frame-selected-window select-window] 4)) select-window 1 (0 . 0) 0 describe-coding-system buffer-file-coding-system] 6 nil e] 1 0.00% view-lossage 1 0.00% mylsl-mode 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% w3m-history-restore-position 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% bookmark-bmenu-load 1 0.00% python-ref-linkify 1 0.00% dired-show-file-type 1 0.00% move-to-window-line 1 0.00% Info-history-forward 1 0.00% dired-find-file-other-window 1 0.00% ibuffer-toggle-marks 1 0.00% shell-mode 1 0.00% wrap-span-code 1 0.00% enlarge-window 1 0.00% find-file-other-window 1 0.00% dired-do-byte-compile 1 0.00% link-selected-all 1 0.00% w3m-redisplay-with-charset 1 0.00% upcase-word 1 0.00% dired-unmark-backward 1 0.00% up-list 1 0.00% help-quit 1 0.00% dired-goto-file 1 0.00% isearch-nonincremental-exit-minibuffer 1 0.00% xah-lsl-mode 1 0.00% (lambda (event) (interactive e) (setq tabbar-last-selected-tab (quote (lsl-mode_Xah_Lee.el . user-buffer))) (when tabbar-select-tab-function (select-window (posn-window (event-start event))) (funcall tabbar-select-tab-function event (quote (lsl-mode_Xah_Lee.el . user-buffer))) (force-mode-line-update) (sit-for 0))) 1 0.00% eis2 1 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-left 1 0.00% rcf 1 0.00% recentf-open-more-files 1 0.00% (lambda nil ((other-frame -1))) 1 0.00% (lambda nil (other-frame -1)) 1 0.00% not-modified 1 0.00% dired-summary 1 0.00% sql-mode 1 0.00% dired-do-chown 1 0.00% transform-rgb-value-word-or-region 1 0.00% wrap-span-x-r 1 0.00% open-unicode-template 1 0.00% dired-view-file 1 0.00% insert-slurl 1 0.00% isearch-edit-string 1 0.00% command-frequency-write-file 1 0.00% command-frequency-mode 1 0.00% shrink-white-space 1 0.00% o2 1 0.00% recentf-mode 1 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-box 1 0.00% (lambda (event) (interactive e) (setq tabbar-last-selected-tab (quote (font-lock_study.el . user-buffer))) (when tabbar-select-tab-function (select-window (posn-window (event-start event))) (funcall tabbar-select-tab-function event (quote (font-lock_study.el . user-buffer))) (force-mode-line-update) (sit-for 0))) 1 0.00% mouse-drag-header-line 1 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize 1 0.00% previous-frame-command 1 0.00% menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-none 1 0.00% lisp-interaction-mode 1 0.00% my-process-region 1 0.00% w3m-print-this-url 1 0.00% w3m-history 1 0.00% w3m-bookmark-add-current-url 1 0.00% w3m-beginning-of-line 1 0.00% delete-whitespace-rectangle 1 0.00% ibuffer-mark-by-mode 1 0.00% (lambda nil (find-alternate-file ..)) 1 0.00% dictionary-select-dictionary 1 0.00% forward-list 1 0.00% mail-mode 1 0.00% xlsl-comment-or-uncomment-region 1 0.00% pov-complete-word 1 0.00% ixu 1 0.00% dired-mark-files-containing-regexp 1 0.00% #[(e) "rʎ : 8 `F) 8)! 55!, [save-selected-window-alist save-selected-window-window e event position enable-multibyte-characters selected-window mapcar #[(frame) !D [frame frame-selected-window] 3] frame-list ((byte-code / @ @!( A@)!( @ A@)" A* !: !Ň [save-selected-window-alist elt --cl-dolist-temp-- x save-selected-window-window nil frame-live-p window-live-p set-frame-selected-window select-window] 4)) select-window 1 (0 . 0) 0 describe-coding-system buffer-file-coding-system] 6 nil e] 1 0.00% next-completion 1 0.00% dired-do-find-marked-files 1 0.00% ddfmf 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% insert-atom-entry 1 0.00% html-unordered-list 1 0.00% apropos-follow 1 0.00% Info-help 1 0.00% show-entry 1 0.00% ibuffer-visit-buffer-other-window 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% curve-linkify 1 0.00% debug 1 0.00% replace-straight-quotes-region 1 0.00% Info-exit 1 0.00% ibuffer-mark-modified-buffers 1 0.00% Info-top-node 1 0.00% Info-directory 1 0.00% menu-bar-select-buffer 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G88728) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G88728))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G88750) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G88750))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G88634) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G88634))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G88660) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G88660))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% dabbrev-expand 1 0.00% view-hello-file 1 0.00% c-hungry-delete-backwards 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% dired-do-search 1 0.00% dired-backup-diff 1 0.00% lm 1 0.00% lm-start-robot 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply #[(G88800) ``J# [G88800 yas/expand-snippet] 4] (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% ibuffer-do-shell-command-pipe 1 0.00% dired-hide-subdir 1 0.00% dired-diff 1 0.00% sl 1 0.00% ruby-end-of-block 1 0.00% xxFindChapter 1 0.00% weblogger-send-entry 1 0.00% js-console-next-evaluated-expression 1 0.00% scheme-mode 1 0.00% nxml-forward-element 1 0.00% elisp-format-region-or-buffer 1 0.00% whitespace-mode 1 0.00% nonincremental-repeat-search-forward 1 0.00% facemenu-remove-all 1 0.00% size-indication-mode 1 0.00% customize-saved 1 0.00% eudc-get-email 1 0.00% calculator 1 0.00% calculator-op-or-exp 1 0.00% calculator-enter 1 0.00% calculator-quit 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% previous-line. 1 0.00% bookmark-set 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% (lambda nil ((get-buffer-create) (insert xlsl-mode a mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. ))) 1 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (get-buffer-create *About xlsl-mode*) (insert xlsl-mode is a major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. You are currently using version: xlsl-mode-version To see inline documentation, type “Alt+x describe-mode Enter m” while you are in xlsl-mode. To see the latest version and online doc, go to http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html )) 1 0.00% (lambda nil (interactive) (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create *About xlsl-mode*)) (insert xlsl-mode is a major mode for editing Linden Scripting Language. You are currently using version: xlsl-mode-version To see inline documentation, type “Alt+x describe-mode Enter m” while you are in xlsl-mode. To see the latest version and online doc, go to http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html )) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G33978) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G33978))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% minibuffer-completion-help 1 0.00% tcl-mode 1 0.00% haskell-mode 1 0.00% tuareg-mode 1 0.00% latex-mode 1 0.00% java-mode 1 0.00% html-helper-mode 1 0.00% reverse-region 1 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% dired-maybe-insert-subdir 1 0.00% #[nil !! [call-interactively key-binding [134217737]] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% cua-upcase-rectangle 1 0.00% #[nil KŽ"!!!* [orig-function message ((byte-code M [orig-function message] 2)) defalias #[(string &rest arguments)  d{P # !Z !ZZ Y, " Q- !!: ! + [prompt s1 string arguments s2 w minibuffer-prompt-end apply format window-width string-width 1 0 make-string 32 sit-for 0.3 orig-function] 5] require shell comint run-hook-with-args-until-success shell-command-complete-functions] 3 nil nil] 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G41452) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G41452))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G42186) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G42186))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% lisp-mode 1 0.00% describe-key-briefly 1 0.00% phases-of-moon 1 0.00% diary 1 0.00% (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (interactive) (apply (lambda (G101752) (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) (symbol-value G101752))) (quote --template--) --cl-rest--)) 1 0.00% fix-rm-span-quote