-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/aladdin/aladdin4_1.html jasper ⇒ a opague, impure variety of quartz used as a gemstone. jasper alabaster ⇒ A dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum (AHD). Alabaster ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/aladdin/aladdin3.html Wazir ⇒ Wazir Emirs ⇒ Emir Grandees ⇒ Grandee ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/ue3.html tire⇒ attire; a headband or headdress. baldaquin⇒? magaritas⇒?. tiara ⇒ Tiara ssss--------------------------------------------------- 3 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an9.html spoon ⇒ (Informal) To engage in amorous behavior, such as kissing or caressing. Bassorah ⇒ Basra = A port and city on the south east of Iraq. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 2 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an8.html lign ⇒ ligni-, a prefix, meaning wood. nadd⇒?. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 5 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an7.html rais ⇒ a Muslim ship's captain. chops ⇒ jaws. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 2 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an6.html coat o'mail ⇒ coat of mail = Knight's armor. Mail = armor. foeman ⇒ enemy. shaft ⇒ a long spear. prove ⇒ (archaic) turns out to be. brand ⇒ sword. railer ⇒ One who scoffs, insults, censures, or reproaches. the poem supplicates to the headman, that his post is supposed to protect the protagonist, but stead doing him harm, and if things be so, at least let him go: “Stand clear, and succor neither these nor those!” ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an5.html cuffed ⇒ slap. suffer ⇒ permit, allow. thereanent ⇒ with reference to that matter, subject, or affair. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an4.html list⇒ to be pleasing to; suit. “Do as thou list” means do what you like. santon ⇒ a saint in Muslim conutries. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 4 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an3.html clove ⇒ cleave. asunder ⇒ apart. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an2.html baste ⇒ thrash. ribroasting ⇒ (archaic) thrash. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an10.html crock⇒soil, soot, smut. kazis⇒? ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/arabian_nights/an1.html coursing ⇒ move swiftly over; hunt. wot ⇒ archaic. Past of wit, to know. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt4ch01.html Barbadoes = A independent island nation located at the east of the Caribbean Sea. (top of South America) Leeward Islands. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt3ch10.html threepence ⇒ A coin worth three pennies, formerly used in Great Britain. (AHD) Shilling ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt3ch05.html The idea of printing knowledge on food and ingesting the food to learn is fascinating. This chapter illustrated several preposterous ideas.

With our scientific advancement today, with nano-mechanics, quantum physics, and computer, genetic engineering etc, the ideas entailed on this page remain preposterous. Swift must have made sure that these are written and presented in a way no scientific advancement will make them sensible.

Turning shit into food? Extract sunshrine from veggies for later release for warmth? Consolidate air and put into horse's hooves so horses can run on water? Random text generator that can generate letters of science and art? Distinguish colors by smell and touch? All these are inane. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 2 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt2ch06.html The House of Lords is sometimes called House of Peers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Lords http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishops ssss--------------------------------------------------- 3 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt2ch05.html Wherry ⇒ small 2 person rowing boat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wherry Man of War ⇒ old warship. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_of_war ssss--------------------------------------------------- 2 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt2ch04.html vault ⇒ a arched structure. Vault Saint Paul ⇒ Saint Paul's Cathedral in London. It is one of the well-known architecture. St_Paul's_Cathedral Kitchen grate: the metal lattice of furnace. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt2ch02.html Nile, a river on north Africa continent. See: Nile Ganges, a river near northen India, right below Hymalaya mountains. See: Ganges ssss--------------------------------------------------- 4 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt2ch01.html feet ⇒ 0.3048 meters. yard⇒ 3 feet = 0.9144 meters.
ssss--------------------------------------------------- 2 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt1ch05.html train ⇒ A staff of people following in attendance; retinue. (AHD) office ⇒ A usually beneficial act performed for another. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 4 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/Gullivers_Travels/gt1ch02.html †4 “… and all”. This usage seems slangy but apparently used then. †5 snuff = a pulverized tobacco, as one form of ingesting tobacco. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 4 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act4s2.html prey ⇒ one that is defenseless. lave ⇒ To wash; to bathe; as, to lave a bruise. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 2 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act4.html Hector ⇒ the prime hero of Trojan War on Troy's side. Hector Junius Brutus ⇒ Lucius Junius Brutus, a kinsman of the raped girl Lucretia. ssss--------------------------------------------------- 1 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act3.html Troy ⇒ The city of Troy was burned down at the end in Trojan War. Trojan War Nilus ⇒ God of the Nile river. Nilus ssss--------------------------------------------------- 7 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act2s3.html taper ⇒ a source of feeble light. (AHD) Pyramus ⇒ Pyramus and Thisbe are lovers but cannot unite, until a unlucky day both martyred for each other. Pyramus Cocytus ⇒ the river of wailing. Cocytus ssss--------------------------------------------------- 7 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act2.html Sit fas aut nefas ⇒ Latin: be it right or wrong. (JB) Per Styga, per manes vehor = «“I am carried through the Stygian regions, through the realm of shades”, i.e. “I am in hell”» (JB) ssss--------------------------------------------------- 3 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act1p2.html short⇒rudely brief. (AHD) sharp⇒Fierce, impetuous, hash, severe… (AHD) ssss--------------------------------------------------- 3 ~/web/xahlee_org/p/titus/act1.html avaunt⇒ begone; go away. surpris'd ⇒ To attack or capture suddenly and without warning. (AHD)