Why Nobody Uses Emacs Lisp for Text Processing (2017)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Why Nobody Uses Emacs Lisp for Text Processing

reddit emacs text processing 2017-07-31
reddit emacs text processing 2017-07-31

reddit discussions https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/6qpbka/elisp_for_text_processing_in_buffers/

my take:

for me, the basic problems are, from more critical to less:

The emacs buffer type is far more powerful than string type. The addition of “point” datatype and others, narrow to region, move/search forward backward, insert/replace text anywhere, makes it far more powerful than any regex. I thought i'd write all text processing in elisp. But these days, i avoid it, unless i want to use it interactively while in emacs.

Emacs Lisp is the Best Programing Language for Text Processing

2024-11-24 Addendum. I think emacs lisp is the best, most powerful, convenient, programing language for doing text processing.

During 2017, i was a bit tired of some of the problems. However, all things considered, emacs lisp is the best by far. I still code text processing tasks in emacs lisp daily.

Except for the ugly regex, all other problem are fixed.