2021-05-17 xah fly keys leader key sequences. For QWERTY layout. In command mode, press SPC C-h to see. ssss--------------------------------------------------- Overriding Bindings Starting With SPC: key binding --- ------- SPC TAB xah-fly--tab-key-map SPC RET xah-fly-M-x SPC SPC xah-fly-insert-mode-activate SPC ' xah-show-formfeed-as-line SPC , xah-fly-w-keymap SPC 3 delete-window SPC 4 split-window-right SPC 5 balance-windows SPC 6 xah-upcase-sentence SPC 9 ispell-word SPC ; save-buffer SPC \ toggle-input-method SPC a mark-whole-buffer SPC b xah-toggle-previous-letter-case SPC c xah-copy-all-or-region SPC d xah-fly-e-keymap SPC e xah-fly-dot-keymap SPC f switch-to-buffer SPC g kill-line SPC h beginning-of-buffer SPC i xah-fly-c-keymap SPC j xah-fly-h-keymap SPC k xah-fly-t-keymap SPC l xah-fly-n-keymap SPC m dired-jump SPC n end-of-buffer SPC o xah-fly-r-keymap SPC p recenter-top-bottom SPC q xah-fill-or-unfill SPC r query-replace SPC s exchange-point-and-mark SPC t xah-show-kill-ring SPC u xah-close-current-buffer SPC v xah-paste-or-paste-previous SPC w xah-fly-comma-keymap SPC x xah-cut-all-or-region SPC y xah-search-current-word SPC DEL xah-fly-insert-mode-activate SPC , , delete-frame SPC , c xah-run-current-file SPC , d eval-defun SPC , e eval-buffer SPC , f eval-region SPC , m eval-last-sexp SPC , r eval-expression SPC , x save-buffers-kill-terminal SPC , DEL xah-delete-current-file SPC k TAB move-to-column SPC k SPC xah-clean-whitespace SPC k , xah-next-window-or-frame SPC k 1 xah-append-to-register-1 SPC k 2 xah-clear-register-1 SPC k 3 xah-copy-to-register-1 SPC k 4 xah-paste-from-register-1 SPC k 7 xah-append-to-register-1 SPC k 8 xah-clear-register-1 SPC k c copy-to-register SPC k d list-matching-lines SPC k e sort-lines SPC k f delete-matching-lines SPC k g delete-non-matching-lines SPC k h mark-defun SPC k i goto-char SPC k k repeat SPC k l repeat-complex-command SPC k m xah-make-backup-and-save SPC k n xah-reformat-to-sentence-lines SPC k o copy-rectangle-to-register SPC k p xah-escape-quotes SPC k q reverse-region SPC k r query-replace-regexp SPC k t delete-duplicate-lines SPC k v insert-register SPC k w sort-numeric-fields SPC k y goto-line SPC o SPC rectangle-mark-mode SPC o 3 number-to-register SPC o 4 increment-register SPC o d call-last-kbd-macro SPC o e kmacro-start-macro SPC o f xah-quote-lines SPC o g xah-space-to-newline SPC o h delete-rectangle SPC o i replace-rectangle SPC o l rectangle-number-lines SPC o o yank-rectangle SPC o p clear-rectangle SPC o r kmacro-end-macro SPC o s open-rectangle SPC o t delete-whitespace-rectangle SPC o u kill-rectangle SPC o w apply-macro-to-region-lines SPC l SPC whitespace-mode SPC l , eww SPC l / abort-recursive-edit SPC l 0 shell-command-on-region SPC l 1 set-input-method SPC l 2 global-hl-line-mode SPC l 4 global-display-line-numbers-mode SPC l 5 visual-line-mode SPC l 6 calendar SPC l 7 calc SPC l 9 shell-command SPC l a text-scale-adjust SPC l b save-some-buffers SPC l c flyspell-buffer SPC l d eshell SPC l e toggle-frame-fullscreen SPC l f shell SPC l g make-frame-command SPC l h narrow-to-page SPC l i toggle-case-fold-search SPC l j widen SPC l k narrow-to-defun SPC l l narrow-to-region SPC l m jump-to-register SPC l n toggle-debug-on-error SPC l p toggle-word-wrap SPC l q frameset-to-register SPC l r read-only-mode SPC l s variable-pitch-mode SPC l t toggle-truncate-lines SPC l u xah-toggle-read-novel-mode SPC l v menu-bar-open SPC l w abbrev-mode SPC l z window-configuration-to-register SPC j . apropos-value SPC j / describe-coding-system SPC j ; describe-syntax SPC j a apropos-command SPC j c man SPC j d view-echo-area-messages SPC j f elisp-index-search SPC j g info SPC j h apropos-documentation SPC j i describe-char SPC j j describe-function SPC j l describe-variable SPC j m xah-describe-major-mode SPC j n describe-bindings SPC j o apropos-variable SPC j p view-lossage SPC j s describe-language-environment SPC j u info-lookup-symbol SPC j v describe-key SPC j y describe-face SPC d RET insert-char SPC d SPC xah-insert-unicode SPC d , xah-insert-angle-bracket SPC d ; xah-insert-string-assignment SPC d W xah-insert-double-angle-bracket SPC d f xah-insert-date SPC d g xah-insert-curly-single-quote SPC d h xah-insert-double-curly-quote SPC d i xah-insert-ascii-single-quote SPC d j xah-insert-brace SPC d k xah-insert-paren SPC d l xah-insert-square-bracket SPC d m xah-insert-corner-bracket SPC d n xah-insert-black-lenticular-bracket SPC d o xah-insert-tortoise-shell-bracket SPC d p xah-insert-formfeed SPC d r xah-insert-single-angle-quote SPC d t xah-insert-double-angle-quote SPC d u xah-insert-ascii-double-quote SPC d y xah-insert-emacs-quote SPC i ; write-file SPC i d ibuffer SPC i e find-file SPC i f xah-open-file-at-cursor SPC i g xah-copy-file-path SPC i i bookmark-bmenu-list SPC i j recentf-open-files SPC i l xah-new-empty-buffer SPC i o xah-open-file-fast SPC i p bookmark-set SPC i r xah-open-last-closed SPC i s xah-show-in-desktop SPC i t xah-list-recently-closed SPC i u xah-open-in-terminal SPC i w xah-open-in-external-app SPC i y xah-open-recently-closed SPC w k xref-find-definitions SPC w l xref-pop-marker-stack SPC TAB TAB indent-for-tab-command SPC TAB 0 expand-jump-to-next-slot SPC TAB 1 abbrev-prefix-mark SPC TAB 2 edit-abbrevs SPC TAB 3 expand-abbrev SPC TAB 4 expand-region-abbrevs SPC TAB 5 unexpand-abbrev SPC TAB 6 add-global-abbrev SPC TAB 7 add-mode-abbrev SPC TAB 8 inverse-add-global-abbrev SPC TAB 9 inverse-add-mode-abbrev SPC TAB ; indent-sexp SPC TAB ] expand-jump-to-previous-slot SPC TAB g complete-symbol SPC TAB o indent-region SPC TAB u indent-rigidly