Command Line Tool to Convert WEBP to JPG

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Convert Webp, Use ImageMagick

Convert Webp, Year 2016

To convert webp to jpg format:

Install Webp Tools

# install webp
sudo apt-get install webp

(Ubuntu version 16)

After that, you'll have the following command line tools:

WebP encoder tool
WebP decoder tool
WebP file viewer
WebP muxing tool
Tool for converting GIF images to WebP

Convert From WebP to JPG

# convert from webp to png
dwebp xx.webp -o xx.png

After you got png, you can use other tool to convert it to jpg. Such as ImageMagick.

Convert from JPG to WebP

# convert from jpg to webp
cwebp filename -o filename