PowerShell vs Bash

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This pages shows the common tasks in both bash and PowerShell.

Simple Commands

The following bash commands have PowerShell alias. (but the options are not the same)


New File

touch name
ni name

New Directory

mkdir name
mkdir name

Copy Directory

cp -r sourceDir destDir
cp -r sourceDir destDir

Directory Size

# current dir size, in kilo bytes
du . -sk
"{0:N2}" -f ((dir -Recurse | measure -Property Length -sum).sum / 1MB)

find program

which myCommandName
gcm myCommandName

Print File Content

cat fname
cat fname

Print First/Last n Lines of File

head -n 9 fname
cat -totalcount 9 fname
tail -n 9 fname
cat -tail 9 fname

Join Files

cat fname1 fname2 > newFileName
cat fname1, fname2 > newFileName


unzip fname.zip
Expand-Archive fname.zip

List Files by File Name Extension

find . -name "*html"
dir -Recurse -filter *html

List Backup Files

find . -name "*~"
dir -Recurse -filter *~

List Directories

find . -type d
dir -Directory -Recurse

List Files Not Directory

find . -type f
dir -File -Recurse

List Empty Files

find . -size 0
dir -recurse | where {$_.length -eq 0}

delete file

find . -name "*~" -delete
dir -Recurse -filter *~ | rm

List Files that Contains Search Text

grep myRegex *html
sls *html -pattern myRegex -CaseSensitive

Diff Files

diff f1 f2
diff (cat f1) (cat f2)

sort, uniq

sort -Unique

word count, line count



# put content in a file
echo "some" > myfile.txt
echo "some more" >> myfile.txt # append
# put content in a file
"some" > myfile.txt
"some more" >> myfile.txt # append

thanks to Jeffrey Snover of Microsoft for helping on about 10 of the items. (Jeffrey created PowerShell)