Python For-Else Loop Sucks
python for-else loop construct.
- yeah. just readover. seems completely idiotic...
- first is the choice of the word, else, for it. this is completely confusing. because any sense of the word 'else' really isn't what the semantic means.
- now as for this semantic construct... am trying to think how generally useful it is.
- the proper keyword might be: epilog, or 'after', or 'post'.
- or 'last'. these are candidate keywords instead of 'else'.
- now, thinking about the semantic
- Image
- basically, it's a construct such that, if for loop ran sans break, a end clause is executed.
- i think, the problem with this, logically speaking, is that, it tries to create construct on construct. that is, a sorta meta construct.
- hum wait..
- was gonna say, the semantic is based on the semantic of the lang.
- that is, this construct, is helpful in the sense of basing on the success of other constructs of the lang, not the actual problem progrmer is trying to solve.
- e.g. if this thought is correct, then, it's like, let's add a 'endRun' keyword to python, so, if whole script run successfully, run the endRun clause.
- ok, so this is similar to the exception and cleanup thing in python
- like python's try, except, else.
- golly. another bad use of word 'else'.
- js use try, catch, finally.
- ---------------
- more generally, i think whether a contruct shoud be in a lang is mostly depends on how useful it is, how often it is needed, in the lang. (must be specific to a particular lang. not cross langs judgement)
- i think in this case, of the for-else, it fails the criterion, within python.
- gosh, i find guido von russom the most idiotic among lang creators
- among lang creator, c , c++, java, js, python, perl ruby, php c# typescript etc, we can judge each 's iq, and each's knowledge.
- I no like c c++ java perl etc. but i think guido von rossum, is lower iq than all.