-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Xah Lee ​test ZitronCrazy ​hey Xah Benayak Karki ​Hello Panos A ​Hi Oleg Marakhovsky ​Hello Xah Seamus Slack ​Howdy Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Benayak Karki ​Happy to be here Seamus Slack ​now with 150% more tech! love it Benayak Karki ​What about Lisp macros? Benayak Karki ​I agree BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. Forbidden303 ​(describe-function 'describe-function) Benayak Karki ​I think that's correct BartholomewJS ​You're write. Benayak Karki ​brilliant Seamus Slack ​(if (equal 3 4) (message "ture") (message "f***")) BartholomewJS ​Where is Dion? BartholomewJS ​Python 😑 Dion Bridger ​My dudes Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee Why is setq not just called set? BartholomewJS ​@Dion Bridger My guy nic w ​How can you start creating a functionality like "goto definition" for python with elisp? Dion Bridger ​I found out why logical operators for control flow is bad btw Dion Bridger ​chased down that Dijkstra quote you had on your site. Conditional control flow makes program derivation from post conditions and preconditions difficult. Forbidden303 ​why car and not first? why not both... ok let me build a function. BartholomewJS ​oh my Camel BartholomewJS ​#digressingsomuch BartholomewJS ​Is Xah's new tag on social media. BartholomewJS ​Translating to? Ateshtesh ​Oh my god! you are awesome! Im learning a lot with your website and videos!! Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee what is the difference between message and print in elisp? Forbidden303 ​jump to definition BartholomewJS ​@Ateshtesh We definitely agree. nic w ​like I'm editing a python script and I want to jump to the place it is defined nic w ​a function or variable Seamus Slack ​(setq a-path-set-in-conventional-way "Java") Dion Bridger ​was Elisp or /semantically intended/ as control flow or as a logical operator? Forbidden303 ​every action in emacs is a function Seamus Slack ​Thank you it's been good nic w ​TIL the setq thing, thaks! Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee Python? Maybe a bit of rant about go lang? Ateshtesh ​@nic w you also can use M-. to jump to a function definition in any languaje Benayak Karki ​[message retracted] nic w ​I often see python projects where some definitions cannot be found, I want to figure out how that can be fixed Ateshtesh ​@nic w do you try to find a library function definition? or functions defined already inside your project? Forbidden303 ​nic you should install package elpy. pretty sure it has that functionalitf Forbidden303 ​elpy-goto-definition David Kochanov ​hi @nic w :] nic w ​I use elpy, it misses some stuff Forbidden303 ​aahhh nic w ​Hey @David Kochanov ! nic w ​@David Kochanov we're talking about elisp today, your chance to give up on vim! 😃 Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee the describe wasn't working before because the buffer wasn't written to disk. Forbidden303 ​evil-mode for easy transition Forbidden303 ​so the file has to be loaded...aahhh Forbidden303 ​maybe that nic? David Kochanov ​i have given up on vim but then not sure i want to move to emacs just use vs code with vim-like modes but also have the definition problem I think its the language server David Kochanov ​not sure what emacs is using nic w ​@Forbidden303 @xah I'll check that, thanks! Forbidden303 ​pay the piper nic w ​bon apetit! ZitronCrazy ​bye Angus Zhang ​it's 4:36am Forbidden303 ​bye Xah Lee Say something... 0/200