-*- coding: utf-8 -*- BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. Xah Lee ​morn batho Xah Lee ​how's the weather there BartholomewJS ​Why do you make me look out of the window...😖 Xah Lee ​take photos n upload 😃 BartholomewJS ​It's gotten cooler, compared to the hot day, because it is already dark here. BartholomewJS ​So that's good. BartholomewJS ​Btw. FYI we never see the first ~30 seconds of your stream. ZitronCrazy ​Hey Xah BartholomewJS ​You are always already talking when it starts. BartholomewJS ​It says 5 watching, for me. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. BartholomewJS ​I don't know why, but your first sentence is cut off. BartholomewJS ​You are already talking to us when we don't see you yet. BartholomewJS ​Yes, live stream. BartholomewJS ​No, only live stream. BartholomewJS ​Not boring, we just don't do HTML, really. :D BartholomewJS ​Seamus should show up. BartholomewJS ​Can you trust Chinese Wikipedia? 😁 BartholomewJS ​Yes, like sight seeing in Tiananmen is important in China. BartholomewJS ​I heard that Chinese people are told that the first humans on earth were some special Chinese humans. BartholomewJS ​Don't mention the words. 😁 BartholomewJS ​Entitiy overflow... Shutting down... 😁 abdo esam ​good BartholomewJS ​What do you need entities for if you have Unicode? Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee did you already go over calling external code in elisp? (I joined late) BartholomewJS ​@Seamus Slack If I did not miss anything, he did not do that, yet. BartholomewJS ​He pretty much was talking about HTML, only. Volodymyr Vitvitskyi ​man, you are doing great job, sharing your experience. Thank you Thomas Wall ​hello! Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee Install everything from scratch? Yes please. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Do you know that now there is an SJW version of GIMP, called Glimpse? Volodymyr Vitvitskyi ​It is a quite interesting question to try new things in a fresh Emacs and it is not very convenitent to rename .emacs.d folder. Have you tried HOME evar: "HOME=`pwd`/newhome emacs" ? BartholomewJS ​I think he is talking about a custom config location. Volodymyr Vitvitskyi ​Yeah, it is a question. If you have several sandboxes to play with packages in isolation and you want to start multiple instances of Emacs against different configs BartholomewJS ​That's why he proposed a different way of changing where emacs is supposed to look for stuff. Volodymyr Vitvitskyi ​@BartholomewJS you are right Volodymyr Vitvitskyi ​especially when you want to keep your configured instance running but at the same time try something new. Volod Vitvitskyi ​ok Volod Vitvitskyi ​The external sounds doesn't affect the quality as for me 😃 BartholomewJS ​Goodbye, Xah. ZitronCrazy ​bye Volod Vitvitskyi ​Thank you, Xah! Volod Vitvitskyi ​Bye Volod Vitvitskyi ​Great content BartholomewJS ​Indeed, a streamer that is actually special and not the same as everyone else. Xah Lee Say something... 0/200