-*- coding: utf-8 -*- BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. BartholomewJS ​10# - Functional programming, Xah Lee style Xah Lee ​yo batholomew! Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. BartholomewJS ​Right on time. BartholomewJS ​Xah Lee style, your style BartholomewJS ​you talk a lot about Haskell, maybe that? BartholomewJS ​I don't know Haskell really. BartholomewJS ​I only heard that nobody understands monads. Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Morning BartholomewJS ​Clojure :D cat44 ​Good morning Claudio Perez Gamayo ​:-) Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Np, thanks Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Software engineer Claudio Perez Gamayo ​I’m based in Spain Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Yeah Claudio Perez Gamayo ​23:04 Iris García ​@Xah Lee Hi! :) Iris García ​@Xah Lee you can show the request opening developer tools in the browser Iris García ​hehe Seamus Slack ​@Xah Lee is it better to call elisp functions many times or should the output go into a var? Using let inside non interactive function. Iris García ​but multiple browsers can use the same agent :D Seamus Slack ​You have to speak latin to understand jargons. I would imagine there is en =ilent in chinese. Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee Can you make a video about audioMotion.js Andri Gunawan ​a logarithmic frequency spectrum analyser made in javascript Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData hann window PajéMalQuisto ​Xah, what do you eat daily? This message is held for review. BartholomewJS ​Pussy PajéMalQuisto ​i am laughing too much BartholomewJS ​StumbleUpon Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Yes Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Don’t remember the name Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Yeah, delicious? Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Not really, I just enjoy hearing you talk about everything Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee search "p5.sound.js logarithmic frequency analysis" Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee Why The Coding Train didn't make a logarithmic frequency analyser on P5.js? Claudio Perez Gamayo ​What’s your preferred best general programming language? Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Beautiful Claudio Perez Gamayo ​I need to check your Mathematica tutorial Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Ah, got it Claudio Perez Gamayo ​I’ll check anyway Iris García ​@Xah Lee how can you hate UNIX that much and use OS X which is UNIX under the hood? BartholomewJS ​It is based on BSD which is based on UNIX, but BSD has an entirely different license model than Linux. BartholomewJS ​If Linux had a sell-out license, macOS would be based on Linux. Claudio Perez Gamayo ​I think is more about the Unix philosophy and hacker types, I don’t think OSX has much of that Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee Math.log10(freq); Claudio Perez Gamayo ​😂 This message is held for review. Andri Gunawan ​Square root of 2 is 1.4142135623730951 Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee getByteFrequencyData hanning window Andri Gunawan ​AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData hanning window Andri Gunawan ​Web Audio API AnalyserNode hanning window? Andri Gunawan ​search "AnalyserNode hann window" BartholomewJS ​It's funny how not many seem to complain about this huge dependency baggage that X11 has, while there are so many systemd haters for it being "too big and monolithic". Ridiculous. @Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​And systemd actually works well, wile X11... Well. @Xah Lee Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Unix haters handbook ^ Yangsub Song ​Hi BartholomewJS ​Special Agent Chrome. Calling Firefox. Where are you??? @Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​You're Chinese so I figured you eat one kitten a day to keep the doctor away. @Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​Apparently Google even censors math. It is evil, because it is not inclusive enough. This message is held for review. Dan Morris ​@Xah Lee Can you comment on metaweblog/WebloggerMode ? Gantz akira ​lol BartholomewJS ​😐 Claudio Perez Gamayo ​Bye, have a good day Xah Lee Say something... 0/200