-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Xah Lee ​yo Xah Lee ​yo, say something Xah Lee ​some tech problems Xah Lee ​hold on a sec Xah Lee ​youtube changed its stuff Xah Lee ​check if this is working Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. GrinDeg ​Hi! GrinDeg ​Yekaterinburg GrinDeg ​I wanted to ask your opinion about Hong Kong. I heard that almost all chineese people are against communist China is it true? Yad Tahir ​True GrinDeg ​Well, russian government media are against protestors. But that opinion is unpopular in the internet Yad Tahir ​Kurdistan part of Iraq :) Yad Tahir ​The north part of Iraq is way much better. Erbil, which is a city in Iraq, now is like Dubai in 90s. Yad Tahir ​Yep abdo esam ​hey Xah how are you Yad Tahir ​But I lived in the UK for 10 years :) GrinDeg ​I actually see many asian tourists on the streets 😃 Idk if they are chineese, but that's very likely abdo esam ​saddam hussein had a fight with kuwait for oil abdo esam ​I'm from Egypt abdo esam ​doing good, thank you following you for a while and i really like your talk so keep it up :)) Yad Tahir ​Ohh, sorry to hear that... I am actually in Iraq right now 😛 😛 Yad Tahir ​I love you videos 😛 good job Yad Tahir ​BTW, I am also asking my UG students to watch your Emacs vids Yad Tahir ​Undergraduate abdo esam ​haha it's like a cold war here, really bad each year something bad happens Yad Tahir ​[message retracted] George ​你好xah abdo esam ​Palestine is israel actually so you can't see palestine on maps George ​neoconservatism has become the bipartisan position unfortunately GrinDeg ​So as far as I can tell, people who support Hong Kong are want Taiwan to win over China. They say that chineese in Taiwan or Singapore etc. living way better than in China, so China should go away George ​How we transition from a world with 1 superpower to a world with multiple superpowers is a big issue imo. I'm more worried about that than climate change. BartholomewJS ​Why so early George ​Perth, Australia GrinDeg ​I'm just saying things, that some people around me think and say. I actually don't know anything about this issue. GrinDeg ​yeah, of course. We have different opinions on Hong Kong in Russia. GrinDeg ​But it actually touches problem of communism, and that's a whooole other problem for us in Russia :D BartholomewJS ​Yes, I saw. @Xah BartholomewJS ​7.30am BartholomewJS ​No, don't delete. abdo esam ​but sometimes many people really be with rebels, this happens in the middle east too which after that they regret about asking for the change and getting the change already, things go worse after that Yad Tahir ​I would say that since it is not related to your channel, then removing the video is not a bad idea BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee You should worry less about what YouTube wants and worry more about what you want. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee You won't be kicked out just because of this. There are tons of videos that talk about politics and they aren't kicked out. George ​I don't think the HK protests are primarily about democracy. I think it's mostly about nativism, i.e. they don't want Mainlanders screwing up their city. That's my impression talking to HK people. lucaspenido ​Sup broooooo GrinDeg ​Thank you for this stream. Very interesting to hear other opinion. Because pro-China opinion is tightly associated with our government media. abdo esam ​we are here sir BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Of course. Zhanming Ma ​.. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee You have no idea how being myself has got me in trouble lately. Yet, I won't surrender, I will live on and stand for myself. BartholomewJS ​Half as young as you. @Xah Lee abdo esam ​i'm 23 years old, unemployed and really applying for jobs )) Zhanming Ma ​china Zhanming Ma ​no Nightbot ​One liek equals one respect for my toitle that died from drowning Zhanming Ma ​i don't know abdo esam ​hahaha so True, we have very good history but modern history is not that good anymore XD Iris García ​@Xah Lee Good morning BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee The video today? Yad Tahir ​xD l GAYNIBBAMIDGET l ​Greatly appreciate if yal sub 🙏 BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee For me it is today. 😂 BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Yes, I will be there. Zhanming Ma ​yes Yad Tahir ​Have a good day :) BartholomewJS ​Yes, about 20 seconds delay. @Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​Goodbye Zhanming Ma ​Bye abdo esam ​have a good day xah thank you Sam Tang ​Hi,Xah Yad Tahir ​All encrypted XD Zhanming Ma ​Shanghai BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee It is maybe 10 seconds but I want you to be more patient so I said 20 seconds. Sam Tang ​Beijing Xah Lee Say something... 0/200