-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Xah Lee ​so i guess we do programing style today? BartholomewJS ​#9 BartholomewJS ​Yes, man. Xah Lee ​k BartholomewJS ​Some time when you learn more about it, you can talk about HoTT. BartholomewJS ​Very interesting topiv. BartholomewJS ​topic BartholomewJS ​Especially interesting to hear the opinion of Chinese Human Calculator named Xah Lee. Xah Lee ​homotopy type theory. lol. that'd be years later BartholomewJS ​Come on, you are a math pro. Xah Lee ​seriously, hott is specialized phd stuff BartholomewJS ​Plane Curve is your middle name. Xah Lee ​or post doc even BartholomewJS ​You are specialized PhD guy. Xah Lee ​u in college? Xah Lee ​what year BartholomewJS ​It's called university here, but its a couple of years by now. Xah Lee ​u in 3rd year? BartholomewJS ​I have a weird CV, because I already studied Philosophy and have an BA in it. BartholomewJS ​But I started informatics afterwards. Xah Lee ​oh Xah Lee ​ic Xah Lee ​so that's what german calls computer science? BartholomewJS ​Because I could not stop my love for 1s and 0s I guess. 😁 BartholomewJS ​In German you say "Informatik" which is basically "informatics" which is also basically "computer science" Xah Lee ​ok BartholomewJS ​I study informatics applied on media. Xah Lee ​like photoshop? lol BartholomewJS ​Audio, Video, Interactive Media, like e.g. video games... Xah Lee ​and editing videos? Xah Lee ​lol. that doesn't sounds like comp sci. BartholomewJS ​Yes, that is part of the study. Xah Lee ​in usa that's usually digital art BartholomewJS ​It is computer science, but it is applied. BartholomewJS ​It's like you are studying computer science but apply your knowledge to media. BartholomewJS ​Basically afterwards I could program a game, eg. Xah Lee ​ic. BartholomewJS ​(If I was that good. 😀) Xah Lee ​in usa, there's a term IT = info tech. but the term IT seems died out. was popular in 90s BartholomewJS ​It's basically looking at Audio, Video, Interactive media from the computer science perspective. BartholomewJS ​I think in Germany "IT" just started out. 😁 BartholomewJS ​Germans usually get what was cool 10 years ago in the USA. Xah Lee ​lol BartholomewJS ​3rd wave Feminism exists since ~2012 in the US. Xah Lee ​what's your fav lang? Xah Lee ​and what langs you know? BartholomewJS ​But in Germany the SJWs started since ~1 year maybe orl ess. BartholomewJS ​Natural or programming? Xah Lee ​programing. but, ok, both. BartholomewJS ​German, BartholomewJS ​German, English, Polish... and some others, but only fragments. Xah Lee ​3rd wave fem technically began 90s or so. not 2010. 2010 is roughly the beginning of sjw Xah Lee ​what keyboard u using? or build? BartholomewJS ​You are right, I was referring to extremist 3rd wave feminism i.e. SJWism. Xah Lee ​ok. right. BartholomewJS ​Did you watch young Christopher Hitchens in the 90's about feminism? Xah Lee ​not really Xah Lee ​i did a lot on Camille Paglia BartholomewJS ​Don't beat me. I actually have an unergonomic keyboard. It is Logitech G15 1st Gen. Xah Lee ​lol BartholomewJS ​Did you watch a lot of Hitchens though? BartholomewJS ​But I am planning to switch keyboards, big inspiration from you Xah Lee ​i thought u building a kbd Xah Lee ​no hav't watched Hitchens. maybe 1 or 2 vid. BartholomewJS ​Yes, I am still about to get the stuff together. I have to plan how much money I spend, etc. BartholomewJS ​My favourite keyboard you have shown was the Nyquist. BartholomewJS ​OH MY GOD GO WATCH HITCHENS BartholomewJS ​I'm going to kill you, go watch Hitchens, you don't have a life if you don't watch him. Xah Lee ​ok. maybe. these kinda thing is that, once you watched some, all's about the same Xah Lee ​i did hear once Camille Paglia criticize i think Hitchens BartholomewJS ​Okay, I must agree. BartholomewJS ​Still, Hitchens is my biggest role model in life. Xah Lee ​brb. i start soon. BartholomewJS ​Yes Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Daniel Langlois ​Hi! abdo esam ​hii xah Daniel Langlois ​I'm drinking beer and typiong dvorak.. BartholomewJS ​@Daniel Langlois You try to impress Xah. 😏 ZitronCrazy ​Hey Xah ^^ Daniel Langlois ​you have pyramids in Egypt, and also there is one in Las Vegas. abdo esam ​thank you, can you give an example of functional javascript Justin Heyes-Jones ​Morning BartholomewJS ​Wow, nice to see so many joining. Justin Heyes-Jones ​You can do some php in functional style. It has map filter reduce and closures BartholomewJS ​To be honest, I don't have good idea on functional programming, in general. BartholomewJS ​Someone: What is functional programming @Xah Lee : Lambda Daniel Langlois ​in python, map() and filter() do work with a a lambda function, not so bad.. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Is your opinion against OOP your personal opinion or because of reasons? Daniel Langlois ​come to think of it, in pythong, reduce() applies a rolling computation to sequential pairs of values in a list. Daniel Langlois ​list comprehension actually works in python too. Daniel Langlois ​like this: Daniel Langlois ​a = [1,2,3,5,7,9] Daniel Langlois ​b = [2,3,5,6,7,8] Daniel Langlois ​print [x for x in a if x in b] BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I heard a lot of beginners saying they don't understand monad and use it the wrong way. Justin Heyes-Jones ​You need monad in haskell to do any kind of side effect code. abdo esam ​what about recursion like in javascript? Justin Heyes-Jones ​This is great advice, program simple functional programming first and you will start to spot patterns and then you can learn some advanced things Daniel Langlois ​“monad” -- don't get bombarded by impenetrable category theory math. Daniel Langlois ​The whole reason functions exist is so you can compose them. Daniel Langlois ​Composing simple functions is easy, because the types all line up easily. Daniel Langlois ​Monads are needed because lots of functions aren’t simple mappings from a => b. Daniel Langlois ​Functions map: a => b Daniel Langlois ​If a function has side effects we call it .. a 'procedure'! Daniel Langlois ​You often have to write to databases, integrate with external systems or write files. But we pretend we don't need to do any of these things ever, if we are explaining functional programming!! BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Why are iterators bad? Daniel Langlois ​The list comprehension construct is found quite often in functional programming languages but it is not distinctive of functional programming. Daniel Langlois ​Monadic list comprehensions with imperative/generator syntax are a relatively new syntactic and semantic innovation. Ateshtesh ​xah! Hello! Ateshtesh ​Can you talk about 2 js. write a english to braille converter._ Ateshtesh ​changos! I Copied the bad one... I mean talk about this: 4 understand JavaScript “object” in depth Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee AnalyserNode Hann windowing? abdo esam ​yes, in React.js and redux, function return a function is everywhere Andri Gunawan ​Yes, in Web Audio API, AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData Andri Gunawan ​@Xan Lee Can you learn Web Audio API? Andri Gunawan ​@Xan Lee Why not make a log frequency spectrum on p5.js? BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan I think Xah denied this request some streams ago. Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS Can i code a logarithmic frequency scale spectrum on p5.js? Andri Gunawan ​Anyone knows Web Audio API? BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan I don't like JavaScript. Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS Web Audio API? BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan Never needed it, Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS You lied BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan You prove my humanity. Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS Can i do a bargraph spectrum analyser with logarithmic frequency scale on p5.js and make a youtube video? BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan If you have internet access, you probably can. Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS why search results "p5.js logarithmic frequency spectrum" on youtube irrelevant for me? BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan Either because you know the videos' topics already or because you don't understand that you might need/want them. Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS Search "p5js logarithmic frequency spectrum" on youtube Andri Gunawan ​Math.log2(freq) = Hz to Octave Andri Gunawan ​AnalyserNode Hann windowing Andri Gunawan ​@Xan Lee Try search "p5js logarithmic frequency spectrum" on YouTube BartholomewJS ​Everyone uses OOP nowadays. @Xah Lee : "OOP was a mistake." 😂 Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS Will i try a p5.sound.js to make a logarthmic frequency spectrum? Hope will succed BartholomewJS ​@Andi BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan No risk no fun, no pain no gain. Andri Gunawan ​@BartholomewJS what about web audio api Andri Gunawan ​[message retracted] Andri Gunawan ​new Float32Array(analyser.fftSize); This message is held for review. Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee Can i make video about dsp.js FFT and AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData? This message is held for review. Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee read the comments about web audio api SpinalChamp ​Can I use samples from your streams in music Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee you should read window function on wikipedia BartholomewJS ​@SpinalChamp Damn son Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData + FFT library = Spectrum analyser with customizable window fuctions BartholomewJS ​XAH LEE MUSIC ZitronCrazy ​dutz dutz BartholomewJS ​🎷🎧🎤🎤 Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee feel free to use getFloatTimeDomainData Andri Gunawan ​Hann window SpinalChamp ​Xah techno BartholomewJS ​Goodbye abdo esam ​thank you xah lee, bye! ZitronCrazy ​bye BartholomewJS ​@SpinalChamp Make an intro to his streams. Andri Gunawan ​@Xah Lee next stream will be web audio api BartholomewJS ​@Andri Gunawan No SpinalChamp ​I'll send the track. It's just a simple techno track with some vocal samples from some of your streams BartholomewJS ​wub wub wub wub wub Xah Lee Say something... 0/200