-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Xah Lee ​woot Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. barrios160679 ​Hi, Xah barrios160679 ​What web cam would you recommend? barrios160679 ​I am from Houston barrios160679 ​Emacs lisp, if you can barrios160679 ​I write a major mode barrios160679 ​for a domain-specific language barrios160679 ​It's actually not a language in a strict sense, it's a simulation program that has several hundred or even thousand keywords. barrios160679 ​Anyway, I am trying to come up with good keybindings to move to next/previous keyword or section of the code file. barrios160679 ​As an ex-vimmer, I also use the evil-mode and not sure if I am ready to give it up :). The problem is that evil steals all good keybindings (like "] barrios160679 ​"[" barrios160679 ​and so on). What would you recommend? barrios160679 ​How about Ctrl+arrows or Alt+arrows? Raghav Rao ​Hey man I've been using your single key bindings for a year now (F10 - terminal, F6- close etc) for a year now, just wanted to say thanks for the great tip Mohammad shairbeeny ​Hey Xah, can you talk about your favorite emacs packages? Mohammad shairbeeny ​My favorite package is xah-fly-keys yue wang ​杀哥,我很喜欢看你直播!! Farzin F ​I have a specific question about the package all-the-icons-dired, but i worry that it may be too specific and wouldn't be helpful to anyone but me barrios160679 ​Yes, thanks, Xah. I will look into key sequences! Pablo M ​Hello... Pablo M ​Oh sorry, I don't have any current one, and honestly it's 5 am here... next time maybe. Xah Lee ​still here guys Xah Lee Say something... 0/200