-*- coding: utf-8 -*- cllement99p ​Good morning cllement99p ​Your microphone is off cat44 ​Cannot hear you Xah Ateshtesh ​Hello!! =D Ateshtesh ​talk about 10 golang. write a script that validate matching brackets «»「」【】《》 etc. Show elisp version. Ateshtesh ​pleease =D Maciej Wojtowicz ​Hello Xah. Long time no see :). Maciej Wojtowicz ​You are right Polish :). I am working with engineers from many countries and could hear 10000 versions of my name so do not worry :). meocats ​fack parens use indentation meocats ​lisp sans parens meocats ​if everyone is pretty printing already there's no more point for brackets meocats ​thoughts on minikanren? i love that Maciej Wojtowicz ​I have a question. Have you had a chance to test KeyMouse device? You mentioned this device in your webpage. Ateshtesh ​Yeah! thanks! Ateshtesh ​😄 Maciej Wojtowicz ​I have been using this device for 8 months now. Took me about 1M to remap it to make Emacsy. I can give you more user experience details if you are interested. Maciej Wojtowicz ​In short you are right that mouse if quite heavy but you can get used to. Typing performace is for me similar as for kinesis. I am happy to share more details later on meocats ​minikaren is a proof solver based on scheme implemented using b trees if i recall meocats ​the author runs a show like you on youtube, he's a really nice guy Kathy H ​I'm new to golang Luis Henriquez-Perez ​oh wow I didn't know Xah used evil. nice. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Maciej Wojtowicz ​moving hand back and fort was worse issue for me for years. You always sacrifice something. Again, heavy but not bad, usable and precise Luis Henriquez-Perez ​lol my bad. This message is held for review. meocats ​relational programming is pure sex meocats ​let me try again meocats ​relational programming is dank meocats ​talk faster meocats ​we all getting older every second meocats ​maybe theres a built-in func for convert byte slice to char slice meocats ​go sounds like a headache just do it in julia or something meocats ​do you want it to run fast, is that why you chose go? Kathy H ​yep Arcane Шахты ​Hi xah Kathy H ​interesting. I config show-paren-mode to locate parentheses, I never really think about how it works in backend. Kathy H ​me BartholomewJS ​Goodbye Kathy H ​thanks bye Xah Lee Say something... 0/200