-*- coding: utf-8 -*- BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. Xah Lee ​morn Bartho Xah Lee ​did u send me a email or something? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Yes. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Kathy H ​hi BartholomewJS ​@Kathy H Greetings. cool4skull ​Am I late again? cool4skull ​When did this start? ZitronCrazy ​Hey Xah BartholomewJS ​@cool4skull 4 hours ago. ZitronCrazy ​I think its okay Kathy H ​Morning @BartholomewJS. ZitronCrazy ​okay :D Kathy H ​hahaha Kathy H ​I've seen it..not safe at work mat5ch ​hey there Justin Heyes-Jones ​I only know you for lisp and emacs stuff and your twitter Pablo M ​Hi mat5ch ​currently having a nice pumpkin soup :). im here to lurk today Kathy H ​please talk about why nodejs is all over the places? Justin Heyes-Jones ​i like pumpkin soup! i make it spicy once a year Justin Heyes-Jones ​@Xah Lee I am trying to avoid twitter because so much angry crap mat5ch ​i added curry and cumin to mine, its kinda spicey xD Justin Heyes-Jones ​🤤 Pablo M ​So, back to the blog! Pablo M ​server side Panos A ​concurency Pablo M ​reactive? Panos A ​yes. nice explained Panos A ​omnipotence: the quality of having unlimited or very great power. uberfun2000 ​impedance 2 4 ​hi all 2 4 ​emery berger has a good recent talk about this Justin Heyes-Jones ​impedance is pronounced more like impeeedance. at least in canada maxirater ​nginx uses callbacks, using callbacks to do concurrency is not as good as using real threads, which is why we should be using Go for web on not Node maxirater ​@Xah Lee when you do shell scripting, do you use eLisp? or would you use Go for systems administration scripts? uberfun2000 ​webworkers in js runs as parallel threads uberfun2000 ​agree that asynchronous is different than parallel programming - great live stream today btw. Yisrael Dov L ​@uberfun what no screaming today? Yisrael Dov L ​the mobile app is awful.! Yisrael Dov L ​so use sh Yisrael Dov L ​isn't go Lang compiled? maxirater ​@Yisrael Dov L yes Go is compiled, but it deletes the binary if you use 'go run filename.go' so you can use it for scripts BartholomewJS ​@Yisrael Dov L Yes. Liokardo ​You've been consistent with these streams! maxirater ​using recurssion to loop sucks, you should use map/iteration functions La Casaca ​cons rules! Derek A ​lol maxirater ​a cons is a linked list La Casaca ​a series of conses make a linked list Kathy H ​thanks La Casaca ​bye xah This message is held for review. La Casaca ​fuck social justice fucks Xah Lee Say something... 0/200