-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. cool4skull ​Hello Xah Lee ​https://discord.gg/QYFcqNT Xah Lee ​xah lee fan club mat5ch ​hey all mat5ch ​@xah lee: do u really wanna climb down the rabbit hole? mat5ch ​xD mat5ch ​nah, i meant getting into the whole js eco system @Xah Lee mat5ch ​i heard svelte is the next hot shit mat5ch ​or rather current cool4skull ​@Xah Lee , the other day you mentioned that Stephen Wolfram contacted you to come work for mathematica but you did not respond to his message. Are you just not interested in working anymore? mat5ch ​its svelte . dev mat5ch ​@Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Didn't you say you start 1 hour later today? mat5ch ​hey @BartholomewJS Justin Heyes-Jones ​morning all mat5ch ​here to save the day Jos ​@Xah Lee And I always thought I was the champion in Procrastination woo16202 ​:( lol BartholomewJS ​@Greetings, mat5ch David Kochanov ​😦 mat5ch ​i wonder how many people dont act in a interview. these situations call for a fake behaviour mat5ch ​as i said, rabbit hole @Xah Lee dipi ​If you »act« (i.e. lie), you have to remember those lies. A lot. If you are yourself (i.e. be truthful), you can be spontaneous and not have to remember what (not) to say. David Kochanov ​isnt it a neuromancer joke mat5ch ​@dipi i know exactly what u mean and maybe i was a bit exagerrating dipi ​😉 Kathy H ​hello all~! George ​Hi 👋 George ​Seems like More people than usual today? dipi ​Sunday 👍 George ​Ah mat5ch ​the yang gang xD mat5ch ​did u ever consider writing a book btw? @Xah Lee dipi ​Some use arithmetics vs math as a synecdoche (like BASIC vs software engineering) BartholomewJS ​@mat5ch Or compiling his websites into a book. mat5ch ​👌 dipi ​Trump has »all the best words« 🙄 BartholomewJS ​"Shakesfear" mat5ch ​lol George ​My wife and I were talking yesterday about articulation and that different languages develop muscles in your face differently. I once knew a guy who claimed he could tell French speakers by their face mat5ch ​and sorry yue wang ​杀哥,上次看到你在推特说要用vscode了吗 BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Chinese alert! dipi ​<-- from Germany mat5ch ​@dipi guten Abend! mat5ch ​😃 George ​Xah do you know what text editors are most popular around the world? dipi ​Guten verregneten Abend, @mat5ch BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Teach us German. mat5ch ​jopp 😞 dipi ​Regentag == Websurftag mat5ch ​Verstehe ^^ Jos ​can you talk about emacs lisp BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Next to me. dipi ​<-- using vim since 1994 BartholomewJS ​Damn, you old. dipi ​Off my lawn! 😛 mat5ch ​for me its either vim or emacs, didnt make a final decision George ​Xah I saw your 2020 goals on your website- how close are you to achieving them? BartholomewJS ​@mat5ch Vimacs dipi ​Our C+UNIX teacher forced us to learn vi back then — it stuck mat5ch ​any of u guys have some experience with freebsd? George ​Only a little with openbsd dipi ​Just insofar as macOS (OS X) has a FreeBSD »personality« BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Judge the design of the OpenBSD homepage. mat5ch ​im currently trying to install and getting the basic stuff to run on a dell notebook mat5ch ​its not that trivial is all i can say xD George ​What counts as basic? mat5ch ​i have some requirements concerning audio e.g. dipi ​<-- fine with PulseAudio on openSUSE Leap 15.0 mat5ch ​otherwise, basic meaning desktop environment, sound, input, edirots mat5ch ​*editors mat5ch ​the stuff concerning audio (ardour, jack) is kinda basic on linux, but not so much on freebsd i fear George ​Open bsd was pretty easy but i only really use a web browser and terminal George ​No special requirements for sound dipi ​same here mat5ch ​i see dipi ​sometimes I capture some audio with ffmpeg and cut it up with Audacity dipi ​<-- knows about how the Hilbert sphere relates to the complex number plane; is that projective geometry? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee What are you talking about? If you write a successful book out of nowhere, here, you get rich over night. The hard thing is for people to know your book exists + other Marketing stuff. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Don't forget to answer my email later. George ​Xah Lee you're not worried about artificial sweeteners? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee We have a couple of books that came out of nowhere, but became successful because they appeared at the right time at the right place. dipi ​Cheers 🍸 mat5ch ​i would say that all of those arent really healthy but whatever mat5ch ​Cheers xD dipi ​…or, maybe, Prost 🍺 George ​Openbsd founder is unpopular with social justice, that's why BartholomewJS ​@George Seriously? George ​Yes BartholomewJS ​I guess I'll have to forget OpenBSD. dipi ​Liebe == Love BartholomewJS ​@George What's the worst thing he expressed? George ​Don't even remember. Probably he was pro meritocracy or something, I know they're anti meritocracy lately BartholomewJS ​@George So he ist against SJWism? George ​Don't think he's spoken against it specifically, but they don't like him George ​He's a target like Eich and stallman BartholomewJS ​@George Ah, I thought he is promoting SJWism. If he is disliked by SJWists, he has to do something good. dipi ​RMS tried to defend sex trafficing in the case of that billionair who commited suicide while in jail mat5ch ​that suicide came in handy for a lot of people mat5ch ​just my 2cents here BartholomewJS ​@dipi Isn't that what media tried to squeeze out of his words even if he didn't say that exactly? dipi ​don't know BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I almost puked when I first time saw OpenBSD's homepage. Kathy H ​thanks Farzin F ​❤ take care everyone Farzin F ​lol BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Tomorrow same time? dipi ​Have a great sunday, @Xah Lee mat5ch ​bye Xah Lee Say something... 0/200