-*- coding: utf-8 -*- dipi ​[Top chat -> Live chat] Hi everybody Xah Lee ​morn dipi Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Liam W ​hello Kathy H ​greetings everyone abdo esam ​hello MR.xah lee (bow) Liam W ​london dipi ​I wish Google hadn’t deleted Panoramio — so many geo-located images lost, like tears in the rain :,-( dipi ​Nuremberg, Germany, where I live, is supposed to have more sex workers than Amsterdam due to lenient legislation Kathy H ​Amsterdam, adult disney land LOL dipi ​Nein! :-D dipi ​Nuremberg, North of Munich dipi ​<-- uses DuckDuckGo image search and Google Images via direct URL manipulation (address bar), and Bing Images via web form. Works for me dipi ​Gulliver == political polemics dipi ​@Xah Lee maybe you can blur the offending second in this stream wth YouTube’s online-editing gimmicks? dipi ​oh ok dipi ​a perpetually spining trackball? Nifty! BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. dipi ​Eye-tracking glasses would be nice too. Hello @BartholomewJS Kathy H ​@BartholomewJS hi BartholomewJS ​@dipi @Kathy H Thank you both for the warm welcoming. Nice to see you. Justin Heyes-Jones ​Hi all BartholomewJS ​@Justin Heyes-Jones Greetings. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee What do you think of the Brave Browser cryptocurrency? Justin Heyes-Jones ​@Xah Lee how long does it take to get used to a keyboard like that BartholomewJS ​Basic Attention Token BartholomewJS ​@Justin Heyes-Jones How much do you type a day?` 😀 Justin Heyes-Jones ​All day long every day ahah Justin Heyes-Jones ​But I am so used to Mac keyboard it is an extension of my soul BartholomewJS ​@Justin Heyes-Jones If that is really true, it should take you a week, max. 😁 Justin Heyes-Jones ​maybe i'll give it a try some time. learning emacs was awkward for a week dipi ​I, for one, never got paid per lines of code written. Since adopting Ruby philosophies, the opposite is true: LOCNW (lines of code NOT written); DRY (don’t repeat yourself); OAOO (once and only once) BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Brave has a Github account. Isn't that too open sourcy for you? F DIS OPEN SAUCE dipi ​… in other words, typing less can be a virtue dipi ​lol @BartholomewJS Justin Heyes-Jones ​My code ends up being short but i type a lot of code then rewrite it Justin Heyes-Jones ​but i type all day for slack and design docs etc dipi ​Refactoring, right on! Justin Heyes-Jones ​@Xah Lee no rsi. i do get it from mice, but i use trackball dipi ​Nah, Lines of code and code bloat came from VMS and Windows BartholomewJS ​ps aux dipi ​ps wwxauf | less BartholomewJS ​@dipi Less is more. 😂 dipi ​indeed mat5ch ​hey all BartholomewJS ​Someone: I don't like line truncation. Xah Lee: I wrote 5 articles about line truncation. BartholomewJS ​@mat5ch Grettings. dipi ​hi @mat5ch dipi ​lines of code =/= lines of data dipi ​… hence, the ps example was a bad example dipi ​@Xah Lee to be fair, pkzip messed up my stuff more than once as well dipi ​…like with rsync, ssh and cpio, with tar you have to know what you’re doing dipi ​vim also tends to get a little sluggish with syntax-coloring on; »set syntac off«, and it’s superfast again, no matter the line lengths :-) dipi ​By the way, a worse offender in terms of line-truncating: the DOS shell dipi ​I learned CP/M back in the 1980s: no line discipline what-so-ever dipi ​^messed up the above vim command: set syntax off dipi ​@Xah Lee so Unix is supposed to be blamed for the constraints of punch-card tech? Does not compute. dipi ​Rather: blame IBM PCs and Apple ][ dipi ​(… which would be equally absurd) dipi ​Truncating a log file has nothing to do with line truncation, @Xah Lee — see »man 2 trunc« dipi ​I think the »UNIX Haters’ Handbook« has a few good paragraphs about the whole issue :-= dipi ​@Xah Lee most DOS command still assume a 80 chars wide console dipi ​@Xah Lee nevermind, I see where you’re coming from; banning folks for their opinion is not ok, I agree there Kathy H ​LOL dipi ​here in Germany, I experienced Unix and Linux geeks to be pragmatic rather than dogmatic, not much of a cult mat5ch ​@dipi whats your take on NixOs? dipi ​I have no experience with it, @mat5ch — you? mat5ch ​it seems a pretty nice os for developers mat5ch ​not yet, only seen a few talks on YT and visited their handbook mat5ch ​its probably a lot to learn / dig in first before getting comfortable with it dipi ​worth checking out, @mat5ch — thanks for bringing it to my attention, just thumbing through the wikipedia page mat5ch ​😃 dipi ​@Xah Lee I agree, gofmt is a step in the right direction; Rust also has an auto-formatting feature; on the other hand: cb (C beautifyer) goes way back :-= dipi ​@Xah Lee that’s a { one-statement block } which is ok to put into one line — it’s idiomatic Go; as soon as you use 2 statements in the main body, you have the canonical formatting dipi ​SBOD == spinning beach ball of death 😃 I know it well dipi ​I guarantee that no version of tar would truncate the contents of files like that. dipi ​… file paths longer than 4k characters, however — undefined (as far as I know) dipi ​@Xah Lee I very much doubt that we’d have built-in editor magic if not for the »unix philosophy« boogeyman; the complexity of editors is orthogonal to OS design decisions dipi ​(… btw, sorry for derailing the stream, I feel guilty) dipi ​Microsoft had a chance to restart the shell concept in a perfect way with their »PowerShell« and failed. Just saying. Kathy H ​thanks dipi ​food for thought, thanks for the discussion @Xah Lee dipi ​…because MAthematica costs $2000 dipi ​<-- note to self: chat in complete sentences :-) Xah Lee Say something... 0/200