-*- coding: utf-8 -*- 4:56 PM Xah Lee ​start in 5 min Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. 5:02 PM Hello beautiful people! ​hello 5:03 PM Thomas Wall ​Hello, world! 5:03 PM Hello beautiful people! ​😀 5:03 PM Hello beautiful people! ​No. I am from Czech republic 5:03 PM Hello beautiful people! ​same time thought 5:04 PM Thomas Wall ​UK here! 5:04 PM Hello beautiful people! ​nope. 2 in morning. Czech rep. is next to Germany. 5:04 PM Hello beautiful people! ​@Xah Lee yes. I am using emacs 5:04 PM Thomas Wall ​VS. 5:08 PM Thomas Wall ​You know… Windows IDE. 5:10 PM Hello beautiful people! ​well I am also working in IntelliJ idea, MSSMS (Microsoft Sql something something studio ) 5:11 PM Hello beautiful people! ​@Thomas Wall I have heard Visual Studio is pretty neat. Do you like it? 5:11 PM Thomas Wall ​Love it. 5:11 PM Hello beautiful people! ​@Thomas Wall Java? C# ? 5:11 PM Thomas Wall ​C#. 5:12 PM Hello beautiful people! ​is there lot of jobs for C# developers in your area? 5:13 PM Xah Lee ​http://xahlee.info/talk_show/i/screen... 5:13 PM Thomas Wall ​Yeah. it used to be mostly PHP jobs, but now a lot of C# jobs. 5:14 PM Hello beautiful people! ​@Thomas Wall Do you use vim or emacs keybindings in VS? 5:15 PM Thomas Wall ​I never got into Vim or Emacs, so I don't know much about keybindings. 5:16 PM Hello beautiful people! ​I see. I thing of Emacs highly. But default keybinding is rubbish 5:18 PM Thomas Wall ​WebStorm is popular JS IDE. 5:19 PM Hello beautiful people! ​@Xah Lee I'm not sure if you can save files from Chrome dev. tools. There are some online JS editor 5:20 PM Issam Mourad ​Hey Xah 5:21 PM Issam Mourad ​Dude what's the deal with those concentration camps in Cina? 5:21 PM Hello beautiful people! ​@Xah Lee There is free version of IntelliJ idea as well (community edition or something) But it does not have all features 5:21 PM Thomas Wall ​I don't remember how I came across your homepage. 5:22 PM Asme williams ​Hi, What Emacs theme-are you using? the one with the mint green background. 5:22 PM Thomas Wall ​But I have an interest in programming language design, so it might have been one of your articles on this subject. 5:25 PM Asme williams ​Thanks! What about the floating windows showing keystroke von the left? 5:26 PM Daniel Langlois ​Hi! Hello beautiful people! CZK 100.00 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5:28 PM Daniel Langlois ​yeah, xahflykeys rocks 5:28 PM Daniel Langlois ​yeah, xahflykeys rocks! 5:28 PM Gantz akira ​what did he contributed to flykeys ??? 5:29 PM Gantz akira ​am using it too , best thing so far ..my fingers are now better off 5:29 PM Hello beautiful people! ​thinks it's under 5 usd 5:29 PM Daniel Langlois ​esoteric stuff, but you can look at my little ideas at github 5:30 PM BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. 5:30 PM Gantz akira ​link ? 5:30 PM Ray T. ​We need -fly-keys also in vscode 5:30 PM Hello beautiful people! ​hello @BartholomewJS 5:30 PM BartholomewJS ​@Hello beautiful people! 5:31 PM Daniel Langlois ​under 'pull requests' 5:32 PM ZitronCrazy ​hey xah 5:33 PM Daniel Langlois ​keymaps and minor modes stuff -- maybe just under the hood a convenient way of implementing.. 5:36 PM Asme williams ​Thanks for the detailed answer. 💕 5:42 PM Xah Lee ​Emacs: Xah Fly Keys http://ergoemacs.org/misc/ergoemacs_v... 5:43 PM Daniel Langlois ​yeah, I'm using it, it's working. I don't pretend it's not a bit of a radical change though .. 5:46 PM Daniel Langlois ​In xah-fly-keys, the idea is that most frequently used commands have most easy keys. 5:46 PM Daniel Langlois ​Like vi, but the design of key/command choice is based on command frequency statistics and ease-of-key score 5:59 PM BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I usually clearly prefer open source over especially Microsoft, but in this case I think it'd be better if you'd switch from the old pain Emacs to the fresh and juicy Visual Studio Code. 6:03 PM Alan W ​hay all 6:03 PM BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Greetings. 6:04 PM Alan W ​lol sup @BartholomewJS ; we miss u on discord and all the "sellout" tech 6:06 PM BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Really? Nice to hear. 6:06 PM BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Why do you break in cars again. .. 😫 6:07 PM BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee The more I see you using Emacs the more I find it confusing und unusable, to be honest. 6:12 PM ZitronCrazy ​bye Xah ^^ 6:12 PM Alan W ​nighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht 6:13 PM Daniel Langlois ​bye! 6:15 PM BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Proprietary EULA's have the biggest baggage possible 6:15 PM BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Not allowed to redistribute, modify, etc etc etc etc.... All those crappy unnecessary restrictions. 6:15 PM Xing Tu ​https://en.wikipedia org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish Xah Lee Say something... 0/200