-*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3:03 PM Emily ​Heyyy gang 3:03 PM Xah Lee ​woot emily 3:03 PM Xah Lee ​just updated description 3:04 PM Xah Lee ​i think we start in 30 min. 3:04 PM Emily ​👍 3:30 PM Xah Lee ​coming 3:31 PM Emily ​Cool cool 3:35 PM Emily ​Hello xah 3:36 PM Kathy H ​hi all 3:36 PM zumwelt zumleben ​hello everyone 3:36 PM paul durao ​Hello 3:36 PM Emily ​Heyya 3:37 PM zumwelt zumleben ​xah you have sold me on the kinesis advantage... time to put a dent in my wallet 3:37 PM Eduardo Alencar ​hi everyone 3:37 PM paul durao ​I like the hhk keyboard 3:38 PM Xah Lee ​Xah keyboard Blog http://xahlee.info/kbd/keyboard_blog.... 3:38 PM Emily ​Hhkb gang 3:40 PM zumwelt zumleben ​i own that as well 3:40 PM paul durao ​Lovely books 3:40 PM zumwelt zumleben ​i used to have a CST L-TRAC, i really miss the scroll wheel on that 😕 smooth like butter 3:41 PM Kathy H ​yep 3:41 PM zumwelt zumleben ​ye i hear it 3:42 PM Emily ​Why have you been listening to it so much? 3:42 PM Emily ​:p 3:44 PM zumwelt zumleben ​foot dexterity lvl 100 3:44 PM Emily ​Pretty much 3:44 PM Emily ​Tho not at first 3:45 PM zumwelt zumleben ​i lost it when moving and i will never forget it because soon after i realized they shut down : C 3:46 PM paul durao ​U need 3 buttons on unix 3:46 PM zumwelt zumleben ​it is pretty bad placement, i will admit that 3:47 PM zumwelt zumleben ​but other than that it is a tank 3:47 PM zumwelt zumleben ​looks kind of like one too lol 3:47 PM paul durao ​I stopped using mouse in Emacs after I stopped using sun 3:48 PM paul durao ​It’s called windows lol 3:51 PM paul durao ​Very good point in the user interface 3:51 PM zumwelt zumleben ​i'm from florida (unfortunately) 3:52 PM zumwelt zumleben ​well, for the time i live here anyway 3:52 PM Emily ​I was going to buy that keypedal set! 3:53 PM zumwelt zumleben ​that looks really satisfying to click 3:55 PM Emily ​Its programmes with an app on windows or mac 3:56 PM zumwelt zumleben ​i was thinking of buying some giant Kailh switches and then wiring up my own foot pedals 3:56 PM zumwelt zumleben ​they come with giant keycaps lol 3:59 PM Eduardo Alencar ​it must be nice 3:59 PM Eduardo Alencar ​do you use it often? 4:00 PM Emily ​I often sit crossed legged but after a while it hurts my back 4:00 PM Eduardo Alencar ​same 4:00 PM Emily ​So foot trackball will help me sit better at least Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. 4:01 PM Eduardo Alencar ​that made me remember I need really bad to fix my posture 4:05 PM Emily ​:D 4:05 PM Emily ​Great juggling 4:05 PM Eduardo Alencar ​mute 4:05 PM Kathy H ​love it, I watched your juggling clip for many times 4:05 PM zumwelt zumleben ​no audio 4:06 PM Emily ​No audio 4:06 PM Eduardo Alencar ​no audio 4:06 PM Emily ​@Xah Lee 4:06 PM zumwelt zumleben ​@Xah Lee 4:07 PM paul durao ​No audio 4:08 PM Eduardo Alencar ​well 4:08 PM zumwelt zumleben ​spam time 4:08 PM zumwelt zumleben ​no audio 4:08 PM zumwelt zumleben ​no audio 4:08 PM zumwelt zumleben ​no audio 4:08 PM Eduardo Alencar ​maybe discord? 4:09 PM Nabi Yang ​does he have himself muted? i see a slash through the speaker icon on his little preview 4:09 PM zumwelt zumleben ​yes 4:10 PM zumwelt zumleben ​spam no audio! 4:10 PM Jos ​I can't hear you! 4:10 PM Eduardo Alencar ​down 4:10 PM Eduardo Alencar ​down 4:10 PM Eduardo Alencar ​noo 4:11 PM zumwelt zumleben ​mute 4:11 PM zumwelt zumleben ​mute 4:11 PM zumwelt zumleben ​mute 4:12 PM Nabi Yang ​has he been muted the whole time? 4:12 PM zumwelt zumleben ​no just the last few minutes 4:12 PM Emily ​Yep 4:12 PM Eduardo Alencar ​lol 4:12 PM Kathy H ​hahahaha omg 4:12 PM paul durao ​Lol 4:12 PM Emily ​Hehehe 4:12 PM Eduardo Alencar ​how long has it been? 4:12 PM Gasol Wu ​ya 4:12 PM Nabi Yang ​now we can hear you 4:13 PM zumwelt zumleben ​hahahahhahahah 4:13 PM Emily ​Welcome back! 4:13 PM paul durao ​Lol 4:13 PM Eduardo Alencar ​yea 4:13 PM zumwelt zumleben ​yayyyy 4:13 PM Eduardo Alencar ​since you dropped 4:13 PM zumwelt zumleben ​maybe like 10 minutes 4:14 PM paul durao ​We have audio back 4:14 PM paul durao ​The original mouse demo had a chord keyboard 4:16 PM zumwelt zumleben ​that's both funny and scary 4:20 PM zumwelt zumleben ​can you program different functions if you press two pedals at once 4:20 PM zumwelt zumleben ​with the kinesis savant 4:21 PM BartholomewJS ​Ah f off, I looked all day long for your schedule and now you scream right after I stopped looking. Come the fuck on. Is this on purpose? Btw you still owe me. 4:21 PM paul durao ​Chord keyboard 4:22 PM Eduardo Alencar ​you are cool 4:23 PM BartholomewJS ​You don't have to be perfectly on time, but make at least a bit more regular. Back then every evening a scream was very good. @Xah Lee 4:23 PM paul durao ​Nobody could master it 4:25 PM Nabi Yang ​datahand 4:27 PM Kathy H ​bye thanks Xah Lee Say something... 0/200