-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Dan Morris ​Hello Xah Lee ​hi dan Xah Lee ​dan, which country? again Emily ​Heyy gang Dan Morris ​@Xah Lee I'm from Brazil. acmonpong ​hello yall Xah Lee ​morn, all, dearly beloved Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Dan Morris ​Suggested topics: Contributing to Emacs, Hacking with Emacs, Emacs Lisp for general purposes programming, Emacs distributions (i.e. Spacemacs, SXEmacs), Emacs Window Managers (EXWM) and desktop app... BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee is alive. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Not emacs again... BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Anything but Emacs. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Do you use a Firewall? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I mean dedicated. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Dedicated Firewall, e. g. Hardware or Software. Dan Morris ​How to contribute to Emacs. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I am setting up a Firewall for our corporate network. Dan Morris ​😃 BartholomewJS ​How to not talk about Emacs. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee ufw rulz BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee iptables is cancer, but ufw handles it very well. Dan Morris ​Another interesting topic is Nix/Guix PM's (Package Managers). BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee also be aware of notables. BartholomewJS ​notables. BartholomewJS ​nftables BartholomewJS ​Thanks, auto-correct. acmonpong ​Suggested topic: How to cope with always having to learn new stuff when programming. I think that is the most mentally taxing part of programming, to always be in that state of confusion. BartholomewJS ​@acmonpong Good idea. Campbell Barton ​You can review and give feedback to other peoples packages, if it's not yet accepted and it's an area you're experienced with. Kathy H ​NixOS +1! Greetings all Dan Morris ​Is xah-fly-keys on MELPA ? BartholomewJS ​@Kathy H Nice to see you again, after such a time. Greetings. Dan Morris ​Hello @Kathy H Nice to see you again too :) Dan Morris ​@Xah Lee Search for "telega.el" on melpa commits BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Why would you emacs again. 🙄 Dan Morris ​telega.el is full-featured Telegram client for GNU Emacs. BartholomewJS ​Whatever, I'm out. Campbell Barton ​To be fair, managing package repository is a lot of work, I think it's fine to have melpa community managed. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Next time when you rant on Unix, stop using Emacs. Then you can talk about VS Code. Dan Morris ​@Campbell Barton and requires a lot of knowledge/skills... GrinDeg ​Hi Xah and chat Dan Morris ​I'm trying to get in touch with more emacs developers and package maintainers to gain skills to write my first package. Dan Morris ​Hi @GrinDeg Dan Morris ​The community is more evil than the evil mode in emacs hahaha Jason ​Hey Xah, Hey chat Campbell Barton ​Well, emacs having small code-base seems OK Campbell Barton ​It's similar to Python/Ruby/Rust - small core, have package manager for extra stuff. Dan Morris ​A lot of packages/features are ignored to being added in emacs (many times for a good reason) Dan Morris ​ufw is like AVG antivirus for Windows hahaha Jason ​What would you suggest to an enthusiast amateur programmer like myself to do in order to start learning Emacs lisp? Dan Morris ​@Jason Start by reading the Emacs tutorial (there is a built-in command: C-h t MAT5CH ​hey @Xah Lee and chat MAT5CH ​sorry, ab it late to the party Dan Morris ​😀😎 linux security hahaha Jason ​Oh yeah who could forget the shit show that Heartbleed created in OpenSSL Reberti Soares ​livescrean? Dan Morris ​I'm very satisfied, thanks @Xah Lee Campbell Barton ​It's not so bad with snaps now :) Ben jamin ​I thought Telegram is for Russians who want encryption to hide from government? Kathy H ​thank xah Kathy H ​*thanks Dan Morris ​Thanks Kathy H ​yep Kathy H ​going well, thanks. auctex+cdlatex+snippets rules!!! Dan Morris ​I would suggest others next topics: LaTex org-mode, etc. Ben jamin ​I wish TeX was not so ugly syntax Kathy H ​I personally cannot think of any better syntax for editting math functions in unicode system, so I thank whoever for making latex tolerable.. Ben jamin ​Have you ever met any of these Emacs people in real life before? Dan Morris ​Another interesting topic: Fractals/Mandelbrot set... Ben jamin ​Does everyone do what Richard Stallman says? I guess he has much influence because he is famous Kathy H ​thanks bye Alan W ​Internet history with Xah is always fun Alan W ​ty Dan Morris ​bye Ben jamin ​tybye Ben jamin ​Xah should write history book Xah Lee Say something... 0/200