-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Alan W ​hay bart n co Alan W ​ワクワク Xah Lee ​start not Dan Morris ​Like; Alan W ​哈喽! Alan W ​懒dumb Dan Morris ​Morning; Alan W ​乱dom! Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. The Magpie ​Greetings The Magpie ​Nicaragua Alan W ​@Xah Lee looks at small asian woman products Dan Morris ​I'm very busy working, but I'll be here as long as I can; Alan W ​why don't u enjoy tasty pastries in an uptown cafe while u are at it? paul durao ​Should have portable monitors like iPad paul durao ​Should have portable computers like iPad The Magpie ​Been watching your content for a while now, it’s quite interesting. Joined your discord server like a week ago Xah Lee ​http://xahlee.info/kbd/keyboard_blog.... Dan Morris ​"​Been watching your content for a while now, it’s quite interesting." Me too!. The Magpie ​Software engineer here, mainly do stuff with databases, python for work and Scala on the side Alan W ​if u go on discord, choose a tetragram from xah page and change ur nickname 😃 Alan W ​tetramino, polymino Dan Morris ​Hi @Alan W 😄 The Magpie ​What’s xah’s background, math major? Alan W ​Xah天才 genius dropout extraordinaire The Magpie ​Oh damn, respect man Alan W ​more publications than many, many grad students Alan W ​more page views than you and your brothers and sisters combined Alan W ​wears a hoodie and is pro youtuber Alan W ​silicon valley tech geeker Alan W ​Arch nerd, doesn't even need Arch linux Dan Morris ​I would like to see Xah lee CV. Dan Morris ​Anyway, math is fun, math is love. Dan Morris ​Wow, what about scheme shell.. paul durao ​Linear algebra is nice Alan W ​your shell is not pop Dan Morris ​Xah Lee has a dark hacker side hehehe. BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Greetings. This message is held for review. Alan W ​@BartholomewJS batschschschschschschcshschschcsh Dan Morris ​@BartholomewJS Greetings!. BartholomewJS ​@Dan Morris Greetings. paul durao ​I learnt by myself before I got a degree Alan W ​omg xah programmer internet deep hole of angst report Alan W ​this is like a rapper Dan Morris ​hahaha paul durao ​Lol Alan W ​xah dabs on millennial programmers, tell us to go read books and actually learn something 😲 Dan Morris ​lol, Xah Hacker 😀😎 Alan W ​i had no idea there was an encyclopedia on integer sequences George ​Hi 👋 Alan W ​👋! Alan W ​xah social signals math people ingroup Alan W ​xah is gatekeeper for programmer hacky hack who want to lern themselves some maths Alan W ​😃 Alan W ​🍩 <- torus Alan W ​^ my math education from xah live stream Alan W ​digested and made accessible 😉 The Magpie ​Pascal’s wager Alan W ​✨ Ray T. ​The Bible Way To Heaven (sanderson1611) Alan W ​@Xah Lee topic: to what extent can people *choose* what they believe in? Can you choose to believe, or just live on the assumptions that something is true? Alan W ​there is no need to *believe* in Integers, but you can assume integers, reason about them, etc Alan W ​and see how your model of them maps to reality BartholomewJS ​@Alan W It is impossible to choose to believe anything, because you can only believe in something if you really find it making sense. If it does not make sense to you, you are unable to believe it. Alan W ​@BartholomewJS that's basically how I understand it; though I think one could choose to "live their life with the assumption that XYZ exists" or something similar BartholomewJS ​@Alan W This is an issue since ever with religion. That's why atheists for example don't "choose" to not believe, they just can't believe such non-sense. Alan W ​in this sense, is the Pascal wager basically leading you to *act as if God exists*? I am not sure how to understand what "believe" means there as a matter of choice BartholomewJS ​@Alan W One can only assume if they believe in the assumption, which again, must make sense. BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Pascal's Wager is one of the most extremely overrated sh** on earth. Pascal's Wager is pretty much brainless. Alan W ​no I think you can assume even if you don't belieive; like you can assume Google is deleting your data when you ask them too, even if you really believe they aren't haha Hello beautiful people! ​Hello beautiful people! BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Because it creates a false dichotomy by putting 2 things side-by-side as if they were black and white, while they are both extremely grey. Alan W ​👋 BartholomewJS ​@Hello beautiful people! Hello beautiful people! ​Hello @Xah Lee 😃 Alan W ​what integer sequence does xah follow to read comments Alan W ​that's a math puzzle Alan W ​recreational math > recreational drug use BartholomewJS ​Wait the scream already started? BartholomewJS ​YouTube almost never starts the scream properly... Nabi Yang ​well alan, you can be like paul erdos and do both! though to be fair, his drug use wasn't recreational BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Every form of knowledge roots in philosophy. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee If culture is based on philosphy, then Japanese philosophy must be much superior to Western philosophy. So why do you prefer idiotic Western philosophy over Japanese? Alan W ​prograhaming BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Prograhamer = "special" Programmer Alan W ​(v) the act of preaching pro Paul Graham ideology Nabi Yang ​is that his philosophy? 😛 Alan W ​xah is using discursive asian philosophy to dodge the Western inquisition Alan W ​🤔 Andrew Tan ​🐰 Xah Lee ​http://xahlee.info/math_software/game... The Magpie ​Xah, do you ever talk with people on discord I see a voice channel but I don’t reckon ever seeing anyone on there The Magpie ​Oh alright I see, I’ll join one of these days then Alan W ​"culture is downstream from philosophy" <--? This message is held for review. Alan W ​@BartholomewJS のweebレベル>9000 George ​Pet peeve: people who learn formal logical fallacies and think they're now masters of debate Alan W ​@George ackgh-tually Alan W ​Confusion-ism Xah Lee ​墨家 Alan W ​墨西哥 的 墨?! Alan W ​Mohist Western Brother Xah Lee Say something... 0/200