-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Emily ​heyy gang Xah Lee ​wooot! @Emily Xah Lee ​hey Justin Emily ​goood morning Kathy H ​hi all! Emily ​uk xah gang meetup :) Xah Lee ​https://discord.gg/QYFcqNT Xah Lee ​xah discord Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Nabi Yang ​hi Kathy H ​there is actually a monthly Emacs meetup in London, I am there every month 😁 Emily ​oh I didn't know that kathy - I may hade to take a look :D Emily ​do you have any information about that :o mati navas ​hola crash hacker ​hello lads Nabi Yang ​thistles are eeyore's favorite food Nabi Yang ​eeyore is the donkey from winnie the pooh mati navas ​milkthistle is good for your liver Xah Lee ​Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/London-Emacs-H... vulcan ​wao A A ​hey gnu you ​What is the difference between camel case and snake case? Justin Scarfy ​I communicated linguistics with Chomsky Justin Scarfy ​Newton vs Leibniz Nabi Yang ​gnu you, sounds like a joke. what's the punchline? but if you're seriously asking thisIsCamelCase and this_is_snake_case gnu you ​Thanks @Nabi Yang gnu you ​I am going to be reading your articles on this. Thanks Xah. A A ​-v -e -r -s .. A A ​C+S , C+Q maybe ? A A ​You said you are going to demonstrate that pipes are not good , then you jumped to arguments which are mere data so any program handles them as it wants .. A A ​Therefore, you stressed nothing here ... A A ​The only convention is having argv exposed to programs through __libc_start_main to main if you are using glibc . gnu you ​What's the best convention for file names? crash hacker ​for convenience, underscores but im using spaces for privacy related stuff so scripts by others ro crawl my websites dont work well mati navas ​youre not using trim on a string here mati navas ​@Xah Lee Pablo M ​trim it first. crash hacker ​triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mati navas ​^ crash hacker ​i still dont see any advantage over pipes crash hacker ​tbh Justin Scarfy ​was windows written in emacs by bill gates? Pablo M ​string.trim().split() ? mati navas ​should be it Justin Scarfy ​what editor did bill gates write windows in? crash hacker ​I think BASIC Daniel Langlois ​Hi! crash hacker ​"Altair BASIC" Justin Scarfy ​but that was a physical editor? Daniel Langlois ​..in emacs. crash hacker ​think its emacs Justin Scarfy ​now xah is using a virtual editor? emacs live in windows [which was written by BASIC, a physical editor?] Justin Scarfy ​am I getting this correctly? Justin Scarfy ​my internet lags... paul durao ​Pipes multitask, dot notation does not, usually Daniel Langlois ​dot notation vs. bracket notation fewer limitations. Daniel Langlois ​both choices in javascript paul durao ​Go has pipes, but no multitasking crash hacker ​@Justin Scarfy its not your internet, it's TCP connection so it takes about 1 minute to appear on xah's stream Kathy H ​thanks Emily ​byee Xah Lee Say something... 0/200