-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Kathy H ​yep B M Corser ​1AM in Rwanda 😃 Kathy H ​wow hello africa B M Corser ​5 outshined ​7 B M Corser ​That's a Lamy Safari if I'm not mistaken B M Corser ​(the pen) Nabi Yang ​8 javascript warts Alan W ​herro Alan W ​pls Kathy H ​@B M Corser eagle eye! kowodo's pen is Lamy safari B M Corser ​😉 Nabi Yang ​there's no audio Nabi Yang ​lol i can hear you now. we're you just turning your own volume up and down Kathy H ​uh oh😂 digress as usual, keep repeating let's do javascript and not doing it B M Corser ​Let's talk about fountain pens hehe Alan W ​brendan eichman Alan W ​ermm eich Alan W ​not eichman Nabi Yang ​oh wow, remember blinking, scrolling banners outshined ​why is incorrect? why wouldnt null be an object? Nabi Yang ​you were talking about the dark ages of javascript. reminded me of how bad things were back then cid ​Hi Xah! J0sefKnecht ​Why don't you use Object.keys? What's the difference with Reflect? Freddy Freeman ​live coding! Freddy Freeman ​NICE Rajeev Abroy ​please make playlist BartholomewJS ​Greetings. J0sefKnecht ​thanks Xah Lee Say something... 0/200