2020-06-06 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​start in 3 Xah Lee ​post questions lcook ​o/ Alan W ​大家好 halo everyone Xah Lee ​type Freddy Freeman ​hi there Freddy Freeman ​yes what is the thumbnail andrew lastname ​hey there. this is andrew from discord BartholomewJS ​Greetings, everyone. Freddy Freeman ​hey bart BartholomewJS ​@Freddy Freeman 👋 Paul Eduard ​Hi everyone! Xah Lee, have you been interested in fractal geometry? Great collection of shells. Freddy Freeman ​theyre beautiful Freddy Freeman ​did you collect them all yourself? Freddy Freeman ​in california? BartholomewJS ​My parents collected a lot of shells when they were travelling. BartholomewJS ​Xah Lee's collection looks pretty much like theirs. Alan W ​more than one shell is bloat Alan W ​note how a hermit crab will only use one shell at a time Alan W ​@Xah Lee how can you call yourself a real hermit if you have more than one shell? Alan W ​these shells should be collected, broken up, and redistributed to the people Freddy Freeman ​😁 Freddy Freeman ​wow BartholomewJS ​@Alan W 👋 Alan W ​👋 @BartholomewJS 🙂 Freddy Freeman ​yay keyboards jagen ​sorry I'm late. passionate aggressive haskell learning jagen ​hi @Alan W Alan W ​👋 @jagen monadic greetings to u Alan W ​lol split keyboard Alan W ​split over split keyboard Alan W ​( [ ) ] Alan W ​well more like [ ( ] ) Alan W ​"let me plug in the xbows so you can see the lights shine" V.V ​arch logo keyvoard? Alan W ​portability = non bloat ? Alan W ​🤔 Michal Wagner ​How do you use arrow keys on these >60% keyboards? Switching profiles? Manuel Lara ​Hi! I just arrived but don't have questions jagen ​@Xah Lee you said you did jjuggling? Michal Wagner ​wtf :D Manuel Lara ​BTW I've been using the UHK for a month, great (I love the mouse mode), but the comfort could be better. andrew lastname ​yes, i am still here andrew lastname ​i just mostly wanted to know about your experience traveling back then. i've been to many countries before but nowadays it's a lot different bc everyone phones, google translator, etc andrew lastname ​while you left to paraguay at a pretty young age. did you speak spanish or guarani? etc andrew lastname ​i am to this day blown away by the ability chinese people have to learn languages of the countries they move to. it doesn't matter if it's paraguay, serbia, the us Michal Wagner ​Nice jagen ​yeah true. esoteric jagen ​I do 3 ball This message is held for review. Alan W ​Russian andrew lastname ​i do 1 ball lol Alan W ​col you shun Michal Wagner ​Why are you not using linux? Mac OS is bloated ;) Michal Wagner ​And get https for your website, bro Alan W ​@Michal Wagner why https? there is nothing to hide Alan W ​Xah is the public figure of public figures R34P3R GR1M ​lols, yet another pre-roll epoch times ad before i get to watch Xah. yet another thumbs down on it 🙂 Alan W ​we can publicly engage the public figure Michal Wagner ​hahaha Michal Wagner ​best emacs juggler R34P3R GR1M ​juggling, is there no philosophical tradition Xah is not versed in?? R34P3R GR1M ​Parenthesis Juggling ! Alan W ​i think the biggest demotivator for juggling for me was that other people care about stuff like music more Freddy Freeman ​"i have balls!" yes Alan W ​so if you wanna pursue virtuosity Alan W ​getting decent skills in playing piano, guitar, etc. will be fun and give you more social interactions Alan W ​than being interested in juggling jagen ​i don't know pro juggling well but i know thomas dietz. he's sick jagen ​and known for bad ergonomics jagen ​he's got a bit of a shoulder tilt Alan W ​lol data structures gone crazy!!! Alan W ​it's juggle stream jagen ​they have balls that can read your apttern and translate it to siteswap jagen ​or at least I saw something like that once on youtube Alan W ​GLASSES OFF Alan W ​Xah can see the 4D chess Alan W ​your geopolitics mean nothing Michal Wagner ​WTF IS THAT ROOM BRO andrew lastname ​yay! live juggling Emily ​Hello hello! Alan W ​hay there @Emily Emily ​!! I've joined at just the right time it seems jagen ​those all have the same siteswap : ) Emily ​:waveyDog : Michal Wagner ​👌 Alan W ​@jagen hush; only xahtists place paramount importance on the siteswap pattern Alan W ​it is the delivery which counts Alan W ​for performance value Alan W ​this is Feelings Management ™ Emily ​:care: Alan W ​"two balls ... and two balls ... never cross" Alan W ​don't be a beta orbiter jagen $10.00 jugglers unite! Alan W ​write ur own algorithm Michal Wagner ​Clean your room and switch from emacs to vim then you can get easy girlz ;) Alan W $8.88 dollars for ballers andrew lastname ​how did Alan's message end up in moderation? he only said "Russian" lolol Freddy Freeman ​😂 Alan W ​@andrew lastname gets the noggin joggin Alan W ​now @Xah Lee is talking about "behind the back juggling" jagen ​ack. too hard! jagen ​too hard! Alan W ​sounds like he is ready to join the establishment Alan W ​like @R34P3R GR1M jagen ​I can do backcrosses on a good day jagen ​behind the back = impossible andrew lastname ​the youtube let us track you message on duckduckgo is a classic Michal Wagner ​NICEEEEEEEEE jagen ​yes! lcook ​oh damn it, I'm late Emily ​Welcome Emily ​(she says as if she hadn't joined a few minutes ago...) Michal Wagner ​Did you check out the Dygma Raise? Alan W ​maybe u all would be on time if it was called "xah tea time" Alan W ​Americans are on time Alan W ​for protests Alan W ​and for other matters Emily ​;-; sorry alan jagen ​hahaha Alan W ​its okay, just try to use less 's's in your spelling Alan W ​and u'll be punctual too Emily ​;-: orry alan lcook ​so close yet so far Michal Wagner ​MSN h4h4h4 Alan W ​w04h lcook ​:shelterin: Alan W ​shirtless xah in wild california jagen ​NASTY Alan W ​rood boi jagen ​absolutely massive jagen ​@Xah Lee phenomenal jagen ​nasty in a good way : p Michal Wagner ​The juggling emacs master lul andrew lastname ​that's pretty cool Alan W ​@Xah Lee what are your current thoughts on the b4t flu? Emily ​:elbowbump: Alan W ​xah weeb confirmed Alan W ​innocent of koreaboo Alan W ​Le Xah de Montreal Alan W ​paren paren paren bagels paren paren paren lcook ​Use all operating systems through the power of virtualization! :) andrew lastname ​yes, that answers my q. ty ))) Alan W ​lol xah on "crowd control" Michal Wagner ​Just use juggling for getting girls 😉 easy peasy Emily ​Does it work well? :p andrew lastname ​naggum? lol Michal Wagner ​well firstly Xah has to clean his room :D jagen ​Once when the realtionship was going downhill my ex told me "juggling will never get you laid" jagen ​that cuts deep Emily ​;-; jagen ​this was great xah jagen ​I agree 100% Michal Wagner ​rip Freddy Freeman ​thanks xah Freddy Freeman ​was fun and informative This message is held for review. Michal Wagner ​good shit jagen ​🙋 jagen ​I am biased jagen ​: ) Emily ​Byee Xah Lee Say something... 0/200