2020-08-10 Live chat Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​late 10 min Xah Lee ​coming Scott Bilik ​Good afternoon Xah! Scott Bilik ​Funny, I was just looking at the Braille Unicode earlier today because sometimes it's used for cheap graphing on the terminal. Xah Lee ​1 write a command to remove paragraph tag2 display hr as a line in html. live code it.3 write a rot13 web app. JavaScript 4 emacs workflow. put elisp command 「xah-html-insert-br-tag」 into a html page Alan W ​👋🌊 Scott Bilik ​Here's an example of graphing with Braille unicode: Scott Bilik ​Or this Randy Hollier ​hello Cortez Phenix ​good afternoon Paul Eduard ​lately (last couple of month) have been interested in topics related to 4 - emacs work flow Paul Eduard ​Hello btw ✌ Scott Bilik ​emacs workflow happy friend ​3 JavaScript. write a rot13 web app. Scott Bilik ​Google cointop or gotop Scott Bilik ​for examples of braille workflow Thomas Wall ​Have you ever programmed in C#? Moonbeam snails ​cider generally implies it is fermented and alcoholic Scott Bilik ​it shows the graph using braille Thomas Wall ​I enjoy programming more in dynamic languages these days. Paul Eduard ​cider is fermented apples! usually alcoholic, very good and popular with the ladies up here in Canada 🙂 Alan W ​lol borg xah drink Thomas Wall ​Two letters. Scott Bilik ​Have you contrasted Python vs Ruby?? Thomas Wall ​Ruby > Python Thomas Wall ​Ruby is my fav! Scott Bilik ​Agreed about Ruby >> Python. Scott Bilik ​My son and I were sad that most Raspberry Pi projects are Python based instead of Ruby... Thomas Wall ​Completely agree! Jason ​I've only ever used Python but I'd be open to giving Ruby a go, I'll use your 1 hour tutorial as my starting point 🙂 Thomas Wall ​FlowStone uses Ruby. DSP programming tool. Alan W ​Xah evokes God Alan W ​bless this stream Elderio Meersky ​Hello, world! ewio ​[message retracted] Scott Bilik ​😄 Paul Eduard ​🙌 Thomas Wall ​def foo(self, bar): self.bar = bazdef foo(bar) @bar = bazendThe second is better... IMO! Thomas Wall ​def foo(self, bar):self.bar = bazdef foo(bar) @bar = bazendThe second is better... IMO! Jason ​Every language has it's place, you wouldn't write a frontend in C but it has it's place in numerous other settings Thomas Wall ​Ruby parallels how I think. Thomas Wall ​Smalltalk as well. Thomas Wall ​In Ruby all types are classes. All operators are methods. 1 + 1 is the same as 1.+(1) Cortez Phenix ​وداعا أيها الأصدقاء Alan W ​Ruby ❤ Scott Bilik ​Exactly!! It's a Braille hack!! Scott Bilik ​It reminds me of how graphics was done on the TRS-80 Model I and III Scott Bilik ​So anyway "gotop" is similar. Scott Bilik ​Seems to be a trend of using Braille for console based graphing. BartholomewJS ​Greetings. Thomas Wall ​Discord is written in Ruby. Alan W ​:care: Alan W ​:care: intensifies mc read ​did I get into the middle of a power fight ? Alan W ​drama the fak sh17 hole Alan W ​lol BartholomewJS ​LOLCODE is better than Python, too. Any language is better than Python. Except C. mc read ​you can use any lang on RPI ... wtf is this Guido-bashing-open-season ? mc read ​Guido invented Python ... who would expect anything else than support for Python from him ??? This message is held for review. BartholomewJS ​@mc read Some people are honest and know they made shit. BartholomewJS ​@mc read So if he'd be honest, he would not support his own creation. BartholomewJS ​Python is garbage, compared to other modern and popular programming languages. mc read ​nobody can be honest after they create (ask people with kids ) Jason ​I feel bad for knowing Python and not Ruby after this talk show haha This message is held for review. BartholomewJS ​@mc read Don't know about your location, but where I live there are tons of parents calling their own kids shit, because they are actually shit. Jason ​I don't use Python a lot though, I mainly use Java mc read ​he got rid of semicolumns .... but I do agree it is not as "elegant" at it is advertised This message is held for review. BartholomewJS ​@mc read When kids are taking drugs and are being violent, parents even often accept that their own creations are shit. BartholomewJS ​@mc read As did many other languages, too. Python gets the props for things that were already done before. Thomas Wall ​Self, colon, indent... Yuck! Thomas Wall ​len() BartholomewJS ​Look at Pascal, look at Oberon, or what it was called. Nobody knows this, yet it has big influences on modern languages. Alan W ​ruby is much more fun to do quick scripts with Alan W ​golang is great for elegance of design mc read ​kotlin is getting a lot of good press ... Alan W ​JavaScript will always be with us, until we trash browsers at least mc read ​this usually means it is not good BartholomewJS ​@mc read Because Kotlin is actually good. Scott Bilik ​Agreed: what Rails did to Ruby, Machine Learning did for Python mc read ​@Alan W ... Amen 🙂 Thomas Wall ​I don't like the abbreviations in Golang. I lost interest at fmt.Println() mc read ​@BartholomewJS because there are a LOT of people using JetBrains products ( which is good ) BartholomewJS ​@Thomas Wall Try Rust. "fn".... BartholomewJS ​@mc read I try to avoid JetBrains as much as it is possible. (It is hardly possible, though...) Thomas Wall ​Rust is full of abbreviations. mc read ​@BartholomewJS $$$$$$ auch too Alan W ​der die dem das mc read ​[message retracted] Alan W ​im speakin german mc read ​Look Xah is trying to be modest .. he has no reasons to be modest .. he's done so many things .. he should be proud Scott Bilik ​Sorry, guys, but I have to go. Dinner is finished and it's time to serve my family. Hope to catch you on an upcoming livestream or in the Discord... Alan W ​👋 Alan W ​have a good dinner! mc read ​@Scott Bilik Bone appetit ! Alan W ​lol @BartholomewJS u naughty boy Alan W ​getting censored mc read ​@BartholomewJS it is Xah & Bart evening ... BartholomewJS ​@mc read The evening of the masters of destruction. mc read ​@BartholomewJS ... too much skin .. BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Can everybody see now why I rarely comment here? I feel like my mouth is caged like one of a vicious dog. Alan W ​😢😢😢 mc read ​@BartholomewJS not sure about the dog, or vicious part .. but definitely caged BartholomewJS ​What I also don't understand is why Python is so much used for Machine Learning. Isn't Python waaay too slow for such a task? I just don't get it. And don't mention "Cython". Because if you wanna use BartholomewJS ​C, then just do it. Don't use Cython. Alan W ​i think they use python to call compiled code Alan W ​from other languages Alan W ​C and C++ i imagine BartholomewJS ​So Python is the new shell script replacement glue code? 😆 Alan W ​*nod* mc read ​@BartholomewJS I'm telling you .. the lack of semicols is giving the impression of simplicity .. Alan W ​lol yeah; lack of semicolon thing is such a dumb point Thomas Wall ​*Originally written in Ruby Alan W ​i type semicolons all the time in my JS Alan W ​have to make the python kiddos cry Alan W ​"what happened to explicit is better than implicit?" Alan W ​zen of python bro Alan W ​😀 mc read ​my wife is a ML phd .. she was working a lot in Prolog ... and when she had to do some stuff in Python her reaction was: "Wow , this is so easy " Alan W ​a lot of how ppl do python is just simple imperative code, control flow Alan W ​so I can see how the waifu would find it EZ Alan W ​versus Prolog big brane mc read ​@Alan W if you look at the last 100 years, most of the time not the best tech solution won ... many times the technologically inferior solution won BartholomewJS ​@mc read Maybe Prolog is just so much harder, that's why she found Python comparatively easy. BartholomewJS ​@mc read Precisely. Look at Texas Instruments. Alan W ​@mc read yes this is what master xah has taught us Thomas Wall ​Bye, Xah! Thanks! Alan W ​history of software BartholomewJS ​Their products are crap, yet, every school buys their products. Alan W ​shows that superior engineering doesn't win mc read ​@Alan W Q.E.D. Alan W ​ONLY FANS STREAM Alan W ​ONLY FANS Alan W ​OMG OMGOMG mc read ​... BartholomewJS ​Fans only stream infomatec ​yeah BartholomewJS ​Stream of Fans