2020-08-20 BartholomewJS ​Greetings. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​morn bart BartholomewJS ​How's it going? Alan W ​👋 Xah Lee ​pretty good. how's you? Xah Lee ​morn alan BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Greetings, nice to see you. Cortez Phenix ​good morning BartholomewJS ​Always fine when Xah Lee's up on a live scream. Michael David Wilson ​Morning mate! Michael David Wilson ​(Well it's actually 11PM for me) Xah Lee ​morn guys BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee is alive. Danielle__ __ ​O/ Michael David Wilson ​Is this being recorded? GrinDeg ​Hey hey finally live on decent time 😀 BartholomewJS ​@Michael David Wilson Kind of, in a way, yes. BartholomewJS ​@GrinDeg Precisely. GrinDeg ​@BartholomewJS 👋 BartholomewJS ​Doesn't a Chinese typewriter need like 50000 buttons? Michael David Wilson ​I need one of those bloody command log things! Michael David Wilson ​That was absolutely insane. Every time I watch this I'm just mind blown every minute. lcook ​o/ George ​Hi BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Very interesting, even for non-Emacs user. Julmuri ​why NOERROR is a string? is it not a boolean FichDichInDemArsch ​:goodvibes: George ​Xah Lee can you briefly explain comments in elisp? What's the difference ; vs ;; vs ;;;? Are there any commenting conventions I should know? BartholomewJS ​Food truck delivering Chinese noodle soups into Xah Lee's apartment George ​Or oatmeal truck delivering raw oatmeal? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Very informative scream. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Xah Live Scream Julmuri ​i want noodle soups too 😄 BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee You should do more screams early in the morning, you are way more chilled then.