2020-08-21 BartholomewJS ​Greetings. Alan W ​hay thar Xah Lee ​hi bart, alan infomatec ​Hello :) Danielle__ __ ​O/ Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Renato D.O. ​looking good weebojensen ​yo infomatec ​It's off topic, but why no https (TLS ?) in your sites? Renato D.O. ​btw how can I list the entire xah-fly-keys Renato D.O. ​great Nimetion Shikosico ​Hello, world! Alan W ​哈嘍 👋 Anton Zabirko ​hi Renato D.O. ​that was neaaat Paul Eduard ​nicely done Huy Trảo ​this is python? Paul Eduard ​it's emacs lisp Jaihindh Reddy ​thank you Xah Lee Say something... 0/200