2020-08-25 LIVE 1:02:32 Title xah talk show 2020-08-25 emacs, reaction on try out speedbar and treemacs Category Science & Technology Privacy Public Concurrent viewers 2 Likes 7 Chat revenue – No data Concurrent viewers 13 Chat rate 3 Playbacks 106 Average watchtime 0:08:17 Concurrent viewers 08:10 AM 08:20 AM 08:30 AM 08:40 AM 08:50 AM 09:00 AM 24 18 12 6 0 Live chat BartholomewJS ​Greetings. BartholomewJS ​A good time to scream. George ​Hello George ​Hi Xah Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​hey guys Антон Коняхин ​Hello. Sarthak Adhikari ​Hi Sarthak Adhikari ​Do you live in SF? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee alive. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I like how this keyboard looks. Andrew Li ​not all of us in SF hjkl 7 ​Hello Xah Andrew Li ​we're quite spread out all over the world Alan W ​cooking food, so in-and-out Drk5orp - ​WHAT ABOUT VIM? Alan W ​but hello all 😀 BartholomewJS ​@Drk5orp - What about 🌴? Drk5orp - ​hahaha coconut exactly Drk5orp - ​nice trick ;) lcook ​o/ GrinDeg ​hello everyone 🙂 Nick Allgood ​Hi friends ! Glad to finally get to see a livestream of these, i usually have to catch after infomatec ​Hello Sarthak Adhikari ​I type "kill-some-buffer" and keep on pressing "y" for 10 seconds.. 100's of buffer closed in seconds 😀 Sarthak Adhikari ​*M-x kill-some-buffers infomatec ​maybe like org-mode infomatec ​shift-+ ? Sarthak Adhikari ​there are some snippets related to expanding Sarthak Adhikari ​but not sure if that is what we are looking for Sarthak Adhikari ​maybe you should Ctrl + f "expand" on the link and take a look Sarthak Adhikari ​Not sure why I cannot send links Sarthak Adhikari ​I think Alexandar wrote lsp-mode and dap-mode for emacs Sarthak Adhikari ​yes Sarthak Adhikari ​Actually Sarthak Adhikari ​there are some commands Sarthak Adhikari ​like u Sarthak Adhikari ​let me give you some details Sarthak Adhikari ​treemacs has some commands like u(goto parent) etc infomatec ​Xah lee "reacting" to movies/series/song when? 😀 Sarthak Adhikari ​there is no visual indicator of whether I am in command mode or insert mode inside treemacs buffer Alan W ​🌲 Alan W ​"i want ugly looks" Alan W ​themeless xah Alan W ​functional borg infomatec ​ranger is more suitable ti VIM people Sarthak Adhikari ​so I wanted to write a small snippet that would activate insert mode as soon as i switch to a treemacs buffer Alan W ​tiling window xah Alan W ​go! Антон Коняхин ​Thank you.) infomatec ​tiling window :P infomatec ​where's the clock ? Alan W ​@Xah Lee with all this tiling action, you might as well use Linux with a VM Alan W ​Russian-ness intensifies Alan W ​Tetris!!! Alan W ​да!! Антон Коняхин ​Bye Xah Lee Say something... 0/200