2020-08-30 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​yoy, will do. nybo sergio hernandez ​Xah, thank you for share your knowledge Xah Lee ​morn guys Xah Lee ​hey @nybo BartholomewJS ​Greetings. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee alive. Synthesia Kin ​Opinion on doom eMacs? ButtonMenu ​Love your site. Have you seen the Tightyl (new Dactyl variant)? ButtonMenu ​I would also be interested in any ideas and opinions you have on how Tightyl / Dactyl could be improved. =) sergio hernandez ​Can you share keyboards for sale(links) of the type of keyboard that you comment? sergio hernandez ​[message retracted] sergio hernandez ​How can I setup the keyboard of my MacBook Pro, I'd set this with: (global-set-key (kbd "s-º") "\\")(global-set-key (kbd "s-1") "|") nybo ​wops, was eating dinner sergio hernandez ​What I can do is insert characters like: | ] [ } {...... but I can't find where is the keys in the keyboard in macos. Sorry if I can't explain. nybo ​can you explain the general idea behind xah-get-thing.el? nybo ​[message retracted] nybo ​o.0 Pseunition ​cya bro Pseunition ​i love you nybo ​yep, ty, seems rly useful