2021-02-20 Juhani ​do you miss OS X yet? Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​a bit late. in 10 min Xah Lee ​no no miss mac os actually Mr 22B ​hi zumwelt ​Good afternoon Xah Liokardo ​hello Syed Ali ​Good afternoon zumwelt ​did you recently go cross-eyed? It has been a while since I've been on one of yours streams Mr 22B ​config from scratch in vanilla emacs vs doom emcas ? Syed Ali ​2007 mac mini wow, 14 years Syed Ali ​Sorry 2017 Mr 22B ​Topre is best zumwelt ​truth zumwelt ​using a Realforce R2 right now Mr 22B ​using HHKB hybrid but def realforce feels more rigid zumwelt ​from Florida! Only my username is German :) Syed Ali ​I’ve been using the kinesis advantage 2 dvorak layot for several months. Seems to be helping reduce discomfort in my hands. Syed Ali ​I have to figure out what to do with my old keyboards zumwelt ​it's also important to reduce the risk of blood clots in your legs zumwelt ​yes, lets get into the emacs! Liokardo ​eeeemack Mr 22B ​do you think it;'s better to use doom emacs or emacs from scratch for someone who is new to emacs community ? ( coming form neovim zumwelt ​I used to use these streams to teach me new things in lisp/emacs/javascript zumwelt ​🙂 Syed Ali ​I am a vi guy so I’m here to create the distractions :) Antonio Hernández-Garduño ​Suggested emacs setup on a MacBook? Mr 22B ​thanks Jack Sharp ​windows firstname lastname ​powershell is better then BASH? really? runneypo ​why is it better? fms ​powershell be used on linux? runneypo ​I never hear any linux people saying anything good about powershell fms ​free software phonetics! Liokardo ​@runneypo hm Jack Sharp ​TBH i love Free ethics but as a linux user It's really dreadful sometimes fms ​emags Liokardo ​38 minutes now Syed Ali ​cat grep awk sed ps wc fms ​bash shell hacks are fun yes Syed Ali ​chmod Syed Ali ​very obscure commands reserved for usage by the elite few fms ​truly, xah is the most anti-unix person 😆 Liokardo ​Unix, Linux, free software, open source. over 10 years still. Syed Ali ​Haha ‘unix haters handbook’ zumwelt ​that is gold hahaha Afonso Rafael ​powershell is quite bad tho Liokardo ​@Afonso Rafael why? Liokardo ​how R34P3R GR1M $20.00 Your complaints about Unix are similar to what some people say about emacs -- why not just use VS Code with pull down menus? Hmei7 ​🛀 Ernests Kuzņecovs ​Are you ever concerned about the centralisation of power in the social political stand point instead of it's affect on software? fms ​do you think emacs will be used in 20 years? Hmei7 ​VS Code using more RAM than your operating system itself. Emacs, although more heavy than Vim or Nano, is miles ahead of VS Code or IntelliJ. firstname lastname ​@fms Yes. I will be using if or I will fork it if the official releases are bad Ernests Kuzņecovs ​What are the main responsabilites of the free software foundation? What would happen if something like that just didn't exist? fms ​@firstname lastname ok, but are there many new comers to emacs? i feel like in 20+ years there will be even fewer users Ernests Kuzņecovs ​Crypto currecny given out based on contributions made to special open source projects fms ​CoC is inevitable unless there is zero-tolerance for SJW infiltration, like suckless Liokardo ​how's your progress with Mathematica so far? firstname lastname ​@fms hopefully that will happen. elitism keeps software good Liokardo ​haha! single key presses! FLY! R34P3R GR1M ​Thanks! R34P3R GR1M ​But, we still need to hear what you have against VS Code menus instead of emacs shortcuts 😀 Liokardo ​you gonna change title of this stream? Liokardo ​"be responsible"; Xah article "Responsible software licensing" Nick Coleman ​I read an article that stated not to think critically. firstname lastname ​what is the best way to move around the OS while using emacs? how do you feel about tiling window managers like yabai for mac Liokardo ​@Nick Coleman huh? Nick Coleman ​Probably just a clickbait headline. R34P3R GR1M ​I said VS Code menus in my original comment 😀 Liokardo ​@firstname lastname Xah does not recommend tiling window managers. Syed Ali ​Now let’s try to open it in vi Wildfox ​Poeple recommended me Vim over Emacs for RSI, weak pinky ... 😆 Mr 22B ​VSCODE takes away joy of programming tbh Liokardo ​@Wildfox hah. change whole muscle memory R34P3R GR1M ​Nice answer 🙂 R34P3R GR1M ​I am just saying PowerShell is to Unix Shells as VSCode Menus are to Emacs Shortcuts R34P3R GR1M ​But we can revisit another livestream 🙂 Liokardo ​@Wildfox hey, get keyboard with big thumb keys, big Alt keys, set Ctrl to those (swap Alt and Ctrl) Liokardo ​Xah Fly Keys. Mr 22B ​VScode + mouse usage will also give you carpal tunnel lol R34P3R GR1M ​Great answer 🙂 Syed Ali ​Goodbye all. Liokardo ​buy xah stuff Liokardo ​See you.