2021-03-02 Xah Lee ​yo clamato422 ​Heya Xah Lee ​post your questions Xah Lee ​Q and A today Mark Olenik ​HI Xah! Pedro Morais ​hi. can you please talk about emacs setup on windows? mingw? Pedro Morais ​and tips about powershell inside emacs? Louis Brauer ​good evening! Cammil Taank ​hello xah! winny ​are you using the official emacs binary? how do u make it not slow on windows? Mark Olenik ​Tell us please about your maths self-study routine, and what your favourite topics are at the moment? Vlad Maverick ​I'm getting sick of windows 10. Almost switching to Linux. Do you have experience with Linux? Dedware ​Why do you have paper on eye? Cortez Phenix ​@Dedware because of mild cross-eye Afonso Rafael ​Your videos on this kind of logistics on emacs are really, really good! Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​source code pro is also a good font me thinks :) Afonso Rafael ​You have linum global? or just for a set of files? Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​also i have a macro for running elisp ony in one type of OS: (defmacro with-system (type &rest body) "Evaluate body if `system-type' equals type." `(when (eq system-type ,type) ,@body)) Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​(with-system 'gnu/linux (run something) (run something else)) Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​(not my macro, I found it) :) Mark Olenik ​yes :P breaktheloop ​@Xah Lee i have a theory (out of my ass) that the common emacs CTRL-key combinations contributes to carpal tunnel. Users like Emily have chosen to use emacs with vim controls (evil) to help avoid this breaktheloop ​What do you think of my theory that emacs CTRL-keys contributes to wrist/handproblems? Do you mostly use the default emacs CTRL-key combinations? Or a custom setup that helps avoid wrist problems? clamato422 ​Hi clamato422 ​In Win10 i think you can install Ubuntu mide via MS Store? clamato422 ​...mode... winny ​Another nice solution is MSYS2, which is mingw based, but also wraps up in a nice package manager, basically Git Bash++ F F ​why are you pirate vfen ​what do u think about the hhkb keyboard? breaktheloop ​i am curious to hear about your self-studying math too vfen ​@breaktheloop remap caps lock to ctrl and you dont get emacs pinky problems winny ​don't do three finger salutes - you have two hands on the keyboard at once - you could type modifier with one hand, letter with other hand Dominic Montifiore ​Would you rather own your own mountain or your own lake? Angus Zhang ​ten thousands Jack Sharp ​very nice result there xah with your elisp grep Angus Zhang ​how much memory Emacs will occupy then? breaktheloop ​JESUS breaktheloop ​lol breaktheloop ​math question is good Syed Ali ​Why is 0! = 1 Louis Brauer ​Please, a last few minutes of your thoughts about Lisp and Common Lisp as a general programming language. Worth learning? What's to gain? Brandon ​Would love to hear your take on the crypto bubble. Brandon ​crypto art, nft's, etc... Jack Sharp ​corsair gaming mouse has onboard memory for setting up key combos on the 12 buttons Angus Zhang ​I have 3 layers on my 40% keyboard. Angus Zhang ​and happy with it. vfen ​@Jack Sharp iCue is also 1gb software 😀 Jack Sharp ​@vfen yeah but you can set it and unintstall, the mouse has 3 differerent light settings each with their own dpi and saved buttons Feroz Riaz ​Hi @xah What applications you recommend for Mac OS ? For keyboard and mouse efficiency and effectiveness. For Window management? Application management. Shortcuts etc. breaktheloop ​yes, loud and clear! Jack Sharp ​yes clamato422 ​Hey Jack Sharp ​you appear to be alive at29c040a ​Hi! What do you think about TeX Shinobi keyboard? Louis Brauer CHF 5.00 Thanks, Xah for your passion! Mark Olenik €10.00 Thanks for the stream Xah, lots of interesting stuff