2021-03-17 miscibi ​Ooh my god. Been waiting for this one for such a long time! I'm new to Emacs, and been considering creating a hybrid of your Xah fly keys and Henrik's doom, while keeping it ergonomic. Have fun! <3 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Juhani ​more like doomed emacs Xah Lee ​yo guys Xah Lee ​😀 Xah Lee ​lots people omg. Gribojedow ​People think you're gonna stream a video game. Prashant Tak ​zzamboni Juhani ​never tried on windows. on linux i had to "sync" it instead using the normal package system. kinda weird. Syed Ali ​@xah have you used the SixKeys macro keypad from TechKeys. What are your thoughts about it if you have. BartholomewJS ​Greetings. BartholomewJS ​WSL2 Alex Munteanu ​Greetings all the way from Romania!, Xah. What made you switch to Windows? Gribojedow ​Maybe on Windows you run the doom.cmd install? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Get WSL2 to run the script. It's the best way on Windows. Alex Munteanu ​Try WSL2 BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Don't clutter your Windows with cygwin F ACKS BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee WSL2 Gribojedow ​Try running doom.CMD install. Prashant Tak ​it works on windows BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow CMD is ****. Prashant Tak ​just do as it says, i"ve tried it before BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Just use WSL2. All other options are crap. Liokardo ​hum, doom emacs Gribojedow ​I think the included CMD script might be equivalent for Windows. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee /usr/bin/env is just a program for Environment in Linux. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee It tells the script runner where to find the right interpreter for the script. Luis Prado ​there is a section about windows on the faq BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee /usr/bin/env is crappy method of getting the correct environment. Gribojedow ​@Xah Lee Try doom.CMD, it's included with Doom Emacs. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee /bin/sh + /bin/bash on Ubunut, Debian, etc. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee /bin/sh = /bin/bash on Ubunut, Debian, etc. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I have JS disabled on Github and it works. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee F Emacs on Windows, just use it inside WSL2. BartholomewJS ​Just run it inside WSL2. Vnought ​Hi! (This is Henrik) To get Doom set up on Windows, folks generally install WSL so they can install it in a linux-like environment. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee IT'S NOT A BIG THING! Just install the WSL2. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Just use WSL2, it's easy and quick. Takes 10 mins for n00bs. Gribojedow ​@Xah Lee Check what doom.cmd is doing. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Download WSL2. Even works without Microsoft Store. Prashant Tak ​@Xah Lee Just do what it says in the install thing, no need for doom.cmd BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Just use WSL2... BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee CMD will just frustrate you, trust me. Use WSL2 and we are all happy. BartholomewJS ​Ahhh, no no CMD, please no... Prashant Tak ​@BartholomewJS can you chill BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Get Windows Terminal and use WSL2 through it. It's very convenient and works well. Syed Ali ​Backslash Liokardo ​don't need dot BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee CMD is ***!!! Do NOT use CMD!! Prashant Tak ​just do normal ./doom install Gribojedow ​In CMD you use just the command alone. ie. "doom.cmd" BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee CMD is a dead horse. Liokardo ​yes Juhani ​does choco not add emacs into PATH like scoop? Gribojedow ​@BartholomewJS CMD is still good for some really simple things, like this Doom Emacs wrapper - because it's super fast to launch. BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow Do you even use Windows? BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow If yes, you should know that PowerShell is much quicker, because of it's Linux-like API. BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow With CMD it's like beating the crap out of a shell and then making everything backwards. That's how using CMD is like. Cammil Taank ​you actually ran the ELSE branch BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow As you can see Xah Lee struggling with it. BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow It obviously is crap, else he wouldn't need to try to run it 5 times, just to start a "simple" script Scott Bilik ​When I read the title, I *had* to come and see the rant that would surely follow... ;-] Vnought ​@Xah Lee Try: .\doom.cmd install Gribojedow ​@BartholomewJS I understand what you mean, but you don't understand what I mean. CMD is super fast to LAUNCH, much faster than PS, so it's still good for really simple launcher scripts and similar. Syed Ali ​Lol I’m here for the rants too Scott Bilik ​and on a *Windows10* machine!! no less! BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow You mean the shell itself? Indeed, I do not follow. Why is it "super fast" to launch? And even then, it does not matter, because you just need to launch it once a day. Gribojedow ​@BartholomewJS Of course CMD is mess as a language. I'm saying it' good for single specific purpose I mentioned above. BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow I do not see that as a convincing argument, because in my opinion speed is not an issue, especially when we are talking shells here, that run inherently inefficient scripting languages. Gribojedow ​@BartholomewJS Yes, the CMD shell launches instantly, while PS shell takes longer. If all you need is a simple 1-5 liner, CMD might be better. Ok, it's a matter of preference. Gribojedow ​@Vnought Xah tried doom.cmd. It's just a simple wrapper, not an installer. Vnought ​@Xah Lee You need to run `./doom install` then you can simply launch Emacs Prashant Tak ​@Xah Lee did you run doom install Syed Ali ​@Xah Lee doom.cmd install Gribojedow ​@Vnought He doesn't have sh installed on Windows. BartholomewJS ​@Gribojedow Still, I don't trust CMD. I don't even want to run a one-liner with it. Juhani ​😃 barrios160679 ​Check DistroTube's channel, he has a good overview/walkthrough on Doom. Not Windows though Liokardo ​hey, i don't think you need to use cmd.exe. you can run the script from powershell Liokardo ​@Xah Lee "doom.cmd" is a wrapper Justin Scarfy ​hi Liokardo ​hello Syed Ali ​It’s insane how much bloatware is getting installed Liokardo ​could it be optimized much? BartholomewJS ​@Syed Ali Precisely. Prashant Tak ​yes Liokardo ​huh, evil by default, yet it's optional. barrios160679 ​yes, doom user Syed Ali ​Oops sorry Liokardo ​Am not a Doom Emacs user. big Xah Fly Keys fan Justin Scarfy ​i dont yet - I LaTeX Balaji A ​I was using doom, but now migrating to vanilla emacs. It's just too much of packages without knowing what is going on inside the framework. Luis Prado ​you can remove evil easily Liokardo ​"like a IDE" oh that philosophy. Gribojedow ​Eight Megabytes And Constantly Syncing (packages) Balaji A ​Which according to you is better straight or use-package? Henry Lenzi ​define "distro" in the Emacs sense, please Liokardo ​hmm. Which packages can be removed without breaking Doom Emacs? which packages are builtin with this distribution? Luis Prado ​xah fly keys works well Juhani ​you can use use-package with straight Balaji A ​straight takes a long time to clone the repo and consumes a lot of space too. use-package seem to be quicker. Vnought ​Haha, it's certainly a lot to install. If it's any consolation, `doom install` sets up Doom with many modules included. They can be disabled. Liokardo ​disabled? Vnought ​@Liokardo all of them Liokardo ​Installation took 6 minutes. Vnought ​@Xah Lee There are roughly ~400 packages across ~150 modules, and roughly 40 modules are enabled out of the box. Liokardo ​over 500 elisp files, including the config files for the packages Vnought ​@Xah Lee There's a `M-x doom/increase-font-size` Liokardo ​magnify font, Ctrl+x Ctrl+- or Ctrl+x Ctrl++ Vnought ​@Xah Lee Or `M-x doom-big-font-mode` (keybind: SPC t 😎 Vnought ​`SPC t b` Liokardo ​oh, change font Liokardo ​@Vnought HAAAAAHAAA Liokardo ​accidental emoji Liokardo ​as funny as accidental dab Prashant Tak ​you can install all-the-icons for the broken unicode BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Until next stream, install WSL2. Liokardo ​@Xah Lee do menu-bar-open, then Options, then Set Default Font Vnought ​@Xah Lee Try `M-x doom/increase-font-size` a couple times Prashant Tak ​@Xah Lee C-x C-+ would increase font size at29c040a ​How many software engineers are required to install Doom emacs? Prashant Tak ​@Xah Lee You can disable evil mode by C-z Vnought ​@Xah Lee Evil is enabled by default, so you must press `v` to enter visual mode and make a selection. Balaji A ​@at29c040a it's a very well written framework, and very well documented to. not that difficult. Vnought ​@Balaji A Its docs could certainly be a lot better though. Especially on Windows Vnought ​(I'm Doom's author, btw) Liokardo ​@Prashant Tak @Xah Lee you pressed Ctrl+z! Liokardo ​alright. Doom Emacs installed ablanchi ​@Xah Lee im pretty sure just hitting space bar is where all the doom options are for finding files and things Balaji A ​@Vnought I find the current level of documentation is good enough. I did not find any difficulties when started using it a year back. I used it in mac and in linux now. Liokardo ​@Xah Lee didn't you say recently that Doom Emacs author was watching? Vnought ​@Xah Lee I'll work on making `doom install` less opinionated, and easier for Windows users to deal with Liokardo ​@Vnought how so? less steps? Vnought ​@Xah Lee re:games, yeah! But I have a second windows pc for gaming (and adobe) Vnought ​@Liokardo Yes, and perhaps have it ask you if you want evil installed or not. Right now it just installs it without your permission. Vnought ​It can be disabled after-the-fact, but would be nicer if folks could avoid it from the get go Prashant Tak ​@Xah Lee If you don't want to learn evil mode, you can disable evil module or use C-z to disable it and use vanilla bindings which might make it easy for you. Liokardo ​@Vnought yeah, alright. Liokardo ​hmm what about C-z? @Xah Lee do 【C-h k】, 【C-z】 Vnought ​@Xah Lee And thank you for trying it! Liokardo ​ah, text wrap BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Please install WSL2 until next time. at29c040a ​@Vnought if you have programmable keyboard with layers and holding space with key acts like shift, how to use leader key? BartholomewJS ​@Vnought Our leader thanks you for your product. Therefore, your product must be great. LEDI_ PUBG ​ Moood Vnought ​@Xah Lee I think you want `C-w C-o` (or `SPC w C-o`) Gribojedow ​Thanks. Vnought ​@at29c040a You could change the leader (by changing the `doom-leader-key` variable Liokardo ​See you later. at29c040a ​thanks:3 Vnought ​@Xah Lee Bye! Thanks for the stream! Liokardo ​@Vnought can have two leader keys? space and backspace, cuz Kinesis Advantage