2021-04-08 Xah Lee ​good morn Xah Lee ​hellow guys Xah Lee ​what topic ZitronCrazy ​hello Xah Lee Xah Lee ​hi zitron Юрий Холодков ​hello. doom emacs ;) Юрий Холодков ​or more important would be to share your mathematica findings BartholomewJS ​Greetings! Юрий Холодков ​wouldn't it be too much to ask switch to dark theme. I can't look to bright white for long rn Юрий Холодков ​I have no questions. I know you study mathematica a lot now, so you can talk about it Юрий Холодков ​I'm starting studying calculus now, if you have something really interesting to show in mathematica about it.. you choose Jason Root ​How do you make your living? Jason Root ​I know that you are great programmer Jason Root ​but you don't seem to work for company Юрий Холодков ​oh, lojban! Юрий Холодков ​heard of it, there's Toaq too, which has more asian concepts in it Юрий Холодков ​regular != unambigious Юрий Холодков ​*unambiguous Юрий Холодков ​..no it's more than unambiguous Kerick Leite ​Did APL = Lojban of mathematics? Юрий Холодков ​mayakovski in russia Юрий Холодков ​futurist movement Юрий Холодков ​*futurism Юрий Холодков ​there's wiki lojban (not wikipedia) Юрий Холодков ​hard-fork Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Rezii ​Hello Avere Senso ​do you think a conlang will ever see mass adoption? Юрий Холодков ​no engineering! but for self-learning... CLP Calculus is a good resource. Will be useful still? forgot my research already... I study logic and set theory too rn Юрий Холодков ​graph theory, semantic stuff. want to build semantic org-roam in emacs :D Юрий Холодков ​I am ready to drop calculus... Юрий Холодков ​i go sleep in 5 mins, but will watch remainings Юрий Холодков ​thank you Kerick Leite ​If one can optimize a alphabet for writing speed, could they also be optimized for reading speed? What is the experience of reading chinese? Can it be read faster because symbols encode whole words? Avindra G ​if you disagree even slightly with the ergo split you will have a bad time Rezii ​Thanks for streaming! Avere Senso ​thank you Xah Kerick Leite ​Thank you, Xah. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Thanks for the scream, really interesting topics. Justin Scarfy ​Hello Xah Lee Say something... 0/200