2021-04-09 Xah Lee ​start soon Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Cherry Ramatis ​hello, first time on stream, cheers from brazil Alex Giorev ​cheers from Bulgaria! Was about to go to sleep (its 2AM here), but didn't want to miss watching Xah live for first time BartholomewJS ​Greetings! Grim Sysadmin ​Morning guys Grim Sysadmin ​well morning here at least ZitronCrazy ​Hellooo Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Not so much into Emacs, but I want to see your Functional Programming Mastery! Cherry Ramatis ​it's 8PM here, it was luck to find xah lee online Grim Sysadmin ​0928 here. I miss most stream because of the timezone difference İsa Mert Gürbüz ​any reason for not using kebab-case for variables? Cherry Ramatis ​what is the difference between car and cdr? Alex Giorev ​car returns the first component of a pair, cdr returns the second component Alex Giorev ​@Xah Lee Do you think this list implementation (using cons cells) is good/bad language design? Cherry Ramatis ​makes sense, thank you very much Mr 22B ​do you meditate Xah ? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Another great scream is about to end. Thank you very much. Xah Lee Say something... 0/200