2021-04-12 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Potato Eater ​hi xah! Grim Sysadmin ​Morning Grim Sysadmin ​Australia Aldo Uribe ​Hi Xah Lee Base ​that do be a nice cube Aldo Uribe ​that is good 3Dplot Farzin F ​@Xah Lee Are you looking for full-time work? Justin Scarfy ​Hello how are you? Getindor ​covid made in china sami ghasemi ​👍🏻 rix4trix ​Greetings Xah, model-01 user. looking for programmable keypad. considering the uhk-v2 like yours, have you heard of the Coolermaster-Controlpad with analog pressure-sensitive-commands? Suggestion? Thx Hana Zuki ​java is dead ????? Grim Sysadmin ​That beeping had me searching for one of the children's watches Cesar Rodriguez ​it is getting anoying the beeping Cesar Rodriguez ​beep Cesar Rodriguez ​beep Xah Lee Say something... 0/200