2021-05-28 Xah Lee ​start 10 min late. Xah Lee ​coming soon Xah Lee ​post questions BartholomewJS ​Greetings! BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Can you show examples how e.g. Python's syntax is blocking true functional programming from happening? Xah Lee ​coming on 5 min. sorry Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Dion Bridger ​guido van rossum is an anti fp zealot Nawaf ​Hi Xah Lee Dion Bridger ​think xah has an article about pythons broken lambda Nawaf ​I have a question, what makes you switch to Windows? Please execute my ignorance if you have mentioned that before. Dion Bridger ​python also lacks tail recursion Dion Bridger ​no strong typing Dion Bridger ​no macros breaktheloop ​Brendan Eich pancreasnou ​brendan eich breaktheloop ​is JavaScript creator pancreasnou ​Rich Hickey talks are really good, very inspiring breaktheloop ​cool @pancreasnou, I'll check them out Ernests Kuzņecovs ​Did mathematica succeed as a tool to understand mathematics? Dion Bridger ​do you have opinions on Wolfram Physics? Dion Bridger ​got the answer there :P The Magpie ​hey xah, long time no see. Any tips on how to learn fp I don't have a strong math background ian ​i want to get into theoretical cs, i already read this book,but do you reccomend any particular authors or books to further my studies? Dion Bridger ​ian Dion Bridger ​Knuth Dion Bridger ​immutability The Magpie ​immutable Ernests Kuzņecovs ​Immutable drgbennett ​immutable immutability Dion Bridger ​guido wanted to force python programs to be understood by people who only know algol family langs like C Dion Bridger ​and Java EIΣ ​privet(hi) Farzin Firouzi ​@Xah Lee are you upset that you invested so much time in a dying programming language, lisp/elisp? EIΣ ​isn't java introduced a lot of good things to industry world? garbage collection, portability, jit Ernests Kuzņecovs ​Have you ever covered type systems? They seem to be very important from my perspective but I never see you talk about it. (I'm a haskell fanatic BTW) Dion Bridger ​GC was introduced by LISP Ernests Kuzņecovs ​Haskell is on the rise in the industry I think (lately a lot of Haskll job openeings) EIΣ ​in a single language EIΣ ​platform* Dion Bridger ​I think guido broke lambda on purpose Dion Bridger ​to prevent code that looks "weird" ( I.e. not imperative) EIΣ ​🤣🤣 Jack Sharp ​Hello Mr. Lee Dion Bridger ​would have been better with no lambda than a broken 1 Ernests Kuzņecovs ​lambda calculus is turning complete or something like that Dion Bridger ​pythons lack of strong typing is its worst problem imo Dion Bridger ​u used to mock java Dion Bridger ​I* Dion Bridger ​but admit easier to get things right on first try in java Avindra G ​lol Rochus ​Brandon Eich Avindra G ​brendan Rochus ​oops EIΣ ​what do you think about fate of StandartML. Why do we need OCaml and Scala and don't stay with SML EIΣ ​d* EIΣ ​and also why SML family isn't widely used Oleg Marakhovsky ​Cool shirt Xah! Gilberto ​Are you going to do an autohotkey tutotial for your windows computer? Avindra G ​Linux gaming a lot easier nowadays. If your game is on Steam, Steam Proton works fine. I play read dead 2 (2018) no problem on Linux Dion Bridger ​Xah channeling Edsgar Dijkstra Dion Bridger ​Xah do you think programs should be proven correct? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I feel exactly the way about society and its SJWilization. Wannabe Rhetor ​what the hell is "comp lang perving" EIΣ ​no yaml pls Laurent Siksous ​My punch cards are OK Xah Lee Say something... 0/200