2021-05-31 Xah Lee ​on in 5 min Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. fms ​wag1 Said Tagimouti ​Hello Said Tagimouti ​oh Farzin Firouzi CA$5.00 Xah + Unix Philosophy = ♥️ George ​Good Morning Syed Ali ​Greetings all BartholomewJS ​Greetings. Syed Ali ​By the way Xah. Foot pedal for kinesis Farzin Firouzi ​@Xah, did you have issues with emacs when transitioning from MacOS to Win10? Attila Bencsik ​What do you think about Draculad keyboard ? Attila Bencsik ​And also what do you think about Trackpoints ? Syed Ali ​Single pedal that come into the keyboard via phone line works great to configure modifier keys Farzin Firouzi ​I use vim key bindings in my dwm config Farzin Firouzi ​so win key + j or k switches between windows Attila Bencsik ​why is that crap ? i mean u can program it as u want with qmk BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik You can't program additional buttons, that are physically missing... Syed Ali ​@Atilla don’t get him started on qmk BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik On 40% keyboards you are forced to have numbers on non-exclusive keys. Attila Bencsik ​i dont use those buttons, even when i am programming Attila Bencsik ​also its much more comfortable tyiping on a grid layout BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik I doubt this is true, however even if that is true, it does not matter. Maybe you are an alien. However, normal users use such buttons all the time. Attila Bencsik ​i dont have to move my hands far BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik Grid layouts are unrelated to a keyboard being 40%, per se. Attila Bencsik ​fingers* Farzin Firouzi ​I think Xah is upset at me because of my superchat message. it was just a joke :) BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik It's better to move your finger for a couple of millimeters than pressing all the weird spider fingers combinations... Attila Bencsik ​I now, but watch the ultimate hacking keyboard ,its not grid BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik I didn't say I like the UHK. Though, if that's the only downside with the UHK, it's not that big of an issue. Nothing is perfect. Farzin Firouzi ​I dislike grid keyboards because it will make me feel weird when I'm on a different keyboard or a public computer Attila Bencsik ​its uncomfortable for me, if i touchtype Farzin Firouzi ​attila Farzin Firouzi ​what language you program? BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik Okay, Alien. Attila Bencsik ​usually python, and C Farzin Firouzi ​what area of programming would that be? I know Python and C and am looking for work :) Attila Bencsik ​Having a number row is great, but its too far for my fingers for typing like 5-6hours BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik You use the 2 worst languages in the world. No wonder you are getting along with a tiny keyboard. 😂 Attila Bencsik ​What you mean what area ? I am not a programmer, Its just hobby 😀 Farzin Firouzi ​o okay Syed Ali ​No more emacs Farzin Firouzi ​by area, I mean, what career would require c and Python exclusively. those being the only two that I know BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi It's pretty easy to find Jobs with Python and C, unfortunately. Attila Bencsik ​@BartholomewJS I could agree on python, but why C ? 😀 BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi C for any legacy code. Python for any new age project that is missing expertise. BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik There is a reason the word "cancer" starts with C. Farzin Firouzi ​cool. I just want to avoid web stuff :) BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik C has almost no abstraction layer, by default. If you program plain normal C, you could almost program in Assembly, because of are very alike. BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi If you want to survive in the next decades, you eventually won't get around web stuff, except you are very deep inside the backend. BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi I don't like web stuff, either. But users love web stuff. Attila Bencsik ​@BartholomewJS What programming language is good then ? Farzin Firouzi ​I would love to do just C Farzin Firouzi ​maybe with IOT devices Gil Tomás ​Hi Xah, I've been enjoying your videos on Mathematica a lot. When will you grace us with your take on Emacs Calc, the poor man's Mathematica? BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik Depends on the use-case. I personally love Nim and I like Rust, because it absolutely destroys the C/++ **** we have been forced to live with, for decades. Farzin Firouzi ​isn't Rust hard? BartholomewJS ​C is the Cancer of the programming language world. If you want to kill someone, just let them learn a normal language and then let them learn C. They will hang themselves. Syed Ali ​It’s a bit extreme to say that BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi Rust is hard, compared to Python, yes. But compared to C anything is easy. Even Assembly is not that hard. So if you know a lot of C, Rust won't be a problem for you. Gilberto ​@Xah Lee Is the tilda key used a lot in programming? Do you think it could be used as a modifier key instead? Farzin Firouzi ​very simple site fms ​haha Syed Ali ​I love it when Xah goes on a good rant fms ​the meaning of blog, wow didnt know that Farzin Firouzi ​xah s Unix Philosophy rants are my favorite Attila Bencsik ​@BartholomewJS I heard about Rust. Do you think it would be better if i would spend my time on Rust, instead of C ? Farzin Firouzi ​better to learn C first :) BartholomewJS ​@Attila Bencsik You should decide for yourself, what you think is best for you. However, if you want to know my opinion about recommended languages, I would indeed recommend Rust over C, in a heart BartholomewJS ​beat. Farzin Firouzi ​the Book, Effective C is what I recommend BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi C will destroy your brain, if you dive too deep into it. fms ​images can be a superior method of simple information delivery, ofc technical need be written. But it seems sophist writing as a 'flex' on social media can make one quite popular now... Farzin Firouzi ​the book doesn't hold your hand and tells you about every thing, especially secure C Hmei7 ​. . . . . Hmei7 ​... Hmei7 ​.... Farzin Firouzi ​Bartholomew, C is often taught wrong resulting in unexpected behavior The Magpie ​@Xah in functional programming how would you explain monads and monoids? Farzin Firouzi ​if you learn it correctly, it's not as much a pain Gil Tomás ​yep BartholomewJS ​@Farzin Firouzi 🤣 There is no "secure C". C is inherently insecure, by design. You cannot make it secure, except you create a restrictive language on top of C. Farzin Firouzi ​K&R is outdated Farzin Firouzi ​that sounds like something a JS programmer would say fms ​the C as an elitism for modern programmer space Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​that blue and yellow one was escher Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​style Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​m.c. escher :) BartholomewJS ​@Bjørn Magnus Mathisen Escher was amazing. fms ​@Xah Lee that's quite close, expect for the levitating car? that looks like exotic house in Caribbean which have helicopter pads fms ​+ jetski fms ​the china government view their people as little more than bugs? so-called chinese "civilizations" throughout history are dystopian hellscape in which people have disease and are commodities @Xah Lee Wannabe Rhetor ​the spine? BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee There is a big story behind Texas Instruments. Summarized: they are crap, but got government funding decades ago, not because they were good. Texas Instruments sucks donkey ass. Wannabe Rhetor ​ti-83 had a pretty good rpi app Wannabe Rhetor ​er rpn Wannabe Rhetor ​cyborg Syed Ali ​Android? Humanoid? ablanchi ​transhumanism fms ​cyborg BartholomewJS ​Cyberpunk Syed Ali ​I’d like x-ray vision fms ​like a trans gender Wannabe Rhetor ​beginner's mind Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​"A new kind of science" :P Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​you are a wolfram fan no? :) Wannabe Rhetor ​wolfram's book is being used as a stand for my monitor Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​w.r.t to CA and chaos theory Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​its being used to weigh down my bookshelf - I think I plowed through 50% of it before i lost focus :D Channing Stephen ​Chinese students are not allow to use caculator BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Nice scream, as usual. Thank you very much. Bjørn Magnus Mathisen ​thanks for a nice stream Xah Lee Say something... 0/200