2021-06-17 Xah Lee ​on in 5 min Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Gribojedow ​Hey Xah. A K ​Xah Lee is the most based man in the universe. This statement cannot be refuted. Gribojedow ​True. beetx5 ​hey lee , first time catching a stream BartholomewJS ​Greetings. BartholomewJS ​@beetx5 You are the first person to use his last name only, to address him. 😁 BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Can't sleep without the Xah giving me brain food. 😁 beetx5 ​i want to ask a question but its kinda off topic and i guess inappropriate? Syed Ali ​Hellohello Mario GT ​Hi Xah, did you saw the leaked windows 11 ? looks pretty nice beetx5 ​i thought the leak was fake news Syed Ali ​@beetx5 inappropriate questions are the best kind of questions beetx5 ​@Syed Ali i just wanted to ask why he has naked pictures of himself on the website 😄 Syed Ali ​Lol Syed Ali ​Let’s see what he says. Syed Ali ​@Xah Lee can you please review the techkeys six key macro pad sometime This message is held for review. beetx5 ​you can thank mobile for shitty designs Mario GT ​I agree on linux GUI mess up, I'm a macOS programmer, but also like Windows , sadly the GUI in all the Windows version, prior to 11, are very inconsistent, everywhere Mario GT ​and no to mention hi dpi gui, macOS is the best there Mario GT ​Hi hate dark themes, my eyes burnssss Moch Deden ​what's up Moch Deden ​that's only windows problem BartholomewJS ​@Moch Deden He's showing right now, that it's not only a Windows problem. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I agree with your views on website design. It's nice to have the G502 or similarly capable mice, that let you scroll horizontally, as well, to minimise the pain. Still, the design is crap. BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee I think the reason for the horizontal scroll bar for displaying programming code is that formatting code the wrong way, makes it harder to read. Moch Deden ​@BartholomewJS at least in linux we have more choice This message is held for review. Mario GT ​I'm want to see all the code, not a small part, and then having to scroll horizontally, pure cow shit Mario GT ​And that happens on a lot of tech sites BartholomewJS ​@Moch Deden Yes, but the choice is highly priced. It takes a lot of effort on Linux, to get what you want. If you REALLY want something custom, you need to write scripts and dive deep into Linux. x xx ​FIREFOX DONATES TO ANTIFA WHAT??? beetx5 ​i liked the disappearing button x xx ​im uninstalling right now thank you Xah Lee for your edification x xx ​I appreciate your wisdom ❤ BartholomewJS ​@x xx The best news is the news the mainstream tries to obfuscate. 😉 Mario GT ​on my Linux machine, I use i3 tiling window manager, I like it, on macOS I use Tiles apps for organizing my windows, not so good but better than nothing Mario GT ​thanks Xah x xx ​@BartholomewJS So well put my friend, thats why I reject modern news sources and I use my agency to choose XahLee News BartholomewJS ​@x xx Best way to get depressed and fearful enough to fight what you deserve is to stay up to date with mainstream news every day. It's a system to oppress members of society. BartholomewJS ​@x xx I personally stopped watching mainstream news a couple of years ago. One of the best decisions I ever made. BartholomewJS ​@x xx It's also ironic how much more truthful and honest an extremely opinionated source, like Xah Lee, is than mainstream news, that are rarely even remotely honest. BartholomewJS ​@x xx One of the best examples from last year are "fiery but mostly peaceful protests". 😁 Xah Lee Say something... 0/200