2021-07-14 Thuan Pham ​I watched your video "food of the genius" 8 years before, nowadays what food you eat day to day? Thuan Pham ​I from Vietnam, time now is 11:20pm, so i sleep now, have a good day :D Xah Lee ​start in 10. Xah Lee ​Thuan Pham, i eat well these days. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Brave Heart ​Hello Giuliano Franco Palazzi ​hello Mel Gibson Xah Lee ​sec. tech issue Giuliano Franco Palazzi ​if u use Linux you don't have tech issues, only on windows and Mac Brave Heart ​😲 @Giuliano Franco Palazzi PixelOutlaw ​Well, not until you spend an evening fixing xorg.conf. :) Brave Heart ​my pinky hurts from all the brackets in lisp Brave Heart ​@Xah Lee can you move make the command log visible please. PixelOutlaw ​Windows backslashes are a real pain in most programming languages. Unfortunate design. PixelOutlaw ​Well most languages with escape characters. Giuliano Franco Palazzi ​@PixelOutlaw just use xorg Brave Heart ​good old powerpc PixelOutlaw ​I'll take UNIX over IBM's "midrange" iSeries systems. They don't even have directories. You don't know hell until you try AS/400 systems. Brave Heart ​plot PixelOutlaw ​I wish Xerox PARC would have been allowed to continue their computer business. They had a LOT of firsts. Brave Heart ​thesis, antithesis, synthesis Brave Heart ​No, never thought about it. Said Tagimouti ​No Brave Heart ​@xah lee do you use layers on your keyboard? Brave Heart ​Thank you so much Xah Lee Say something... 0/200