2021-07-24 MiningGodBruce ​prepare for code great code BartholomewJS ​Greetings. ZitronCrazy ​Hello Xah Lee Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​I'm cuckoo for coco puffs. Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​start in 5 Xah Lee ​!! Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​Go for it, Homey G Dog. Xah Lee ​morn BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee is finally alive. Cortez Phenix $5.00 He's alive! MiningGodBruce ​Good morning Mr Xah Lee winny $5.00 Mathematicians love torus-shaped pastries! Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​Can you do this same thing in GnuPlot? Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​I know you hate GnuPlot, by the way 🙂 BartholomewJS ​Xah swearing is the most beautiful music in my ears. This message is held for review. MiningGodBruce ​GNU plot worst fuck skum plot library Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​Sorry, Xah 👹 jedwar pacheco ​Hi Xah! greetings from Perú BartholomewJS ​Doughnut Moch Deden ​live BartholomewJS ​Don't even bother. Running Python is almost as hard as getting an audience with the Pope... Jack.L ​好极了 Guillermo Rojas ​where I can find your extension? BartholomewJS ​So much for one-shot. 😆 BartholomewJS ​Damn BartholomewJS ​Objective Mathematica BartholomewJS ​I can't resist. BartholomewJS ​No, I don't work on weekends, except I want to. Tanner Legvold ​Xah, it looks like you need to add PerformanceGoal -> "Quality" to your call to ParametricPlot3D inside the Manipulate to not get the ugly effects Tanner Legvold ​No, its an option to ParametricPlot3D Tanner Legvold ​Btw, if you do want to customize the Front End, I did some of that here: Tanner Legvold ​But its not easy going and gets messy... not likely worth the effort BartholomewJS ​Great scream, thank you very much. See you next time. Xah Lee Say something... 0/200