Justin Scarfy ​Hello everybody! Xah Lee ​hello justine BartholomewJS ​Greetings. Xah Lee ​morn bart Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Himanshu Shukla ​hey xah BartholomewJS ​I'm ready. Himanshu Shukla ​me too Xah Lee ​starting in 2 min Himanshu Shukla ​okay Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​It's all Greek to me. Himanshu Shukla ​I'm Indian Himanshu Shukla ​I found you through your Emacs blog. Tutorial was very good Pavel Popov ​Hello from Amsterdam! ❤ to Xah Lee Emily ​Hey hey Himanshu Shukla ​what is your current age? Rony Reis ​Oh man the memories radiozradioz ​Wikipedia is excellent Syed Ali ​Do we have any particular topic for today? Justin Scarfy ​hi Dirgham Mahmoud Al-omour ​Hello from Saudi Arabia Justin Scarfy ​yes, you made sense Dirgham Mahmoud Al-omour ​true BartholomewJS ​You make sense. I know a lot of online communities having this Lisp elitism vibe. Emily ​Yeah! - I never realised about that history with the community being so insular, was really interesting to find out about Emily ​I know you don't do political stuff, but just as you mentioned your topic I'm curious, what are your thoughts on it if you wanted to say? Dirgham Mahmoud Al-omour ​Could you talk about accessing DBpedia using CL-NTRIPLES in your coming talks? Алмаз Фахрутдинов ​Hello. I've been programming for about two years, typing text with touch typing, what do you think is worth switching to the dvorak layout, working in vscode with the vim extension BartholomewJS ​Thank you for the great scream. See you next time. Dirgham Mahmoud Al-omour ​Xah, thanks a lot. I'll email you soon. Xah Lee Say something... 0/200