Huan Nguyen ​chillwcatshelterin Alan W ​welcome back xah! Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. FFSray ​Hello @Xah Lee BartholomewJS ​@Xah Lee Greetings. Finally seeing you again. Alan W ​hey Bart long time no see! 🙂 ZitronCrazy ​Hello Xah Lee. Huan Nguyen ​hello xah BartholomewJS ​@Alan W Thank you, nice to see you, too! 🙂 Dizziness ​How do you force yourself to do stuff when you don't feel like doing it? Do you have some secrete technique that helps you focus on the current task even if you don't feel like working on it? BartholomewJS ​@Dizziness Interesting question for making Xah Lee answer it. I am curious about this, too. Alan W ​politicians wanna program society Alan W ​social engineers FFSray ​Switched to golang recently, never using python again FFSray ​I really prefer golangs struct + method systems over pythons oop Huan Nguyen ​lol Huan Nguyen ​do you like cats xah FFSray ​I can really see the appeal of wolfram language, but as a non-mathematician it is hard to get into Justin Scarfy ​Hi noobXqoou ​Xah Lee maybe you could use FileNames["*", dirs, Infinity] to get all filenames recursively? noobXqoou ​you forgot the s in FileNameS Rodrigo Fernàndez Flores ​🎇 Bobby Hill ​Vim or Emacs Bobby Hill ​chillwcat noobXqoou ​Xah Lee you probably need the asterisk for recursing the subdirs. but you can use Infinity as third parameter to recurse without asterisk. noobXqoou ​Xah Lee the limiting to html needs to happen in first paramter noobXqoou ​next time do it in idiomatic wolfram language style as well maybe? noobXqoou ​maybe it could be shorter than powershell? Akhilesh K R ​Hello @Xah Lee Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​Hey Xah! noobXqoou ​i guess a better "normalization" would be to count "symbols" or something like that? noobXqoou ​Otherwise I would call it a draw noobXqoou ​Cool thx :) BartholomewJS ​Thanks for this great scream. Xah Lee Say something... 0/200