2021-11-15 SqiffyMarlin ​Hehe Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. AnalyticMinded ​why do you like mathematics? passion or just a job requirement? Jorman Molina ​do you have listened to stephen and lex fridman podcast? Alan W ​lol Xah, the GREATEST idiot is quite the title; maybe number him among the greats Alan W ​but not the greatest! AnalyticMinded ​when I was a child, I dreamed of understanding Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem... but I think now that dream will not come true Alan W ​@Xah Lee joe rogan could beat u at jiu jutsu AnalyticMinded ​I'm teaching myself set theory and model theory.... it's tough! AnalyticMinded ​I'm 36 Justin Scarfy ​i understand Andrew Wiles' proof now 😛 Alan W ​does Xah sell nutritional supplements so we don't have to be idiots in math? Alan W ​live stream has been goin good 🙂 Alan W ​how does lex friedman get a big audience? Alan W ​😛 Alan W ​ty for show xah Alan W ​good to hear from u Jorman Molina ​it is funny when he said somenthing like "maybe because i am russian i am a romantic what id the meaning of life?") Dan Crispin ​hello Jorman Molina ​what about github copilot? Jorman Molina ​I refer to lex fridman he said he is a romantic AnalyticMinded ​I enjoyed your math talk AnalyticMinded ​thanks Xah Lee Say something... 0/200