2021-11-25 Xah Lee ​start in 3min Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​putting on makeup Vice Q ​Hi Xah Benjamin Schulenburg ​Hi Xah, Wolfram sounds interesting Ragheb Alghezi ​what are your thoughts on Copilot (the new NLP language model for generating code)? Vice Q ​+1 for wolfram Vice Q ​How hard is to type in conventional keyboards after you get used to the kinesis one? Tiago Seco ​@Xah Lee have you ever tried sage? if so, what do you think about it compared to mathematica? Tiago Seco ​ok got it 😀 Vice Q ​why a backslash when you print the file paths? Tiago Seco ​your explanation so far is excellent West ​Just joined in. Thélima Theoú | Θέλημα Θεού ​Good morning Alan W ​henlo xah n friends Nest ​vally moment Thélima Theoú | Θέλημα Θεού ​is Wolfram src code available? I would imagine no... Ben Holtzman ​Hi Xah. Nice to see you're online while I'm awake here in California. Ben Holtzman ​In case you're looking for topics, I'm interested in Github Copilot. Abhilash M ​LongestCommonSubsequence ? Vice Q ​text processing using wolfram is for the brave! good job! Alan W ​see u xah Xah Lee Say something... 0/200