2021-12-05 Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​I mainly use Jove, which is a small Emacs sans the Lisp (it's just straight C). It does have the ability to set keybindings, record macros, and create new modes. Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​Do you think I could implement a version of xah-fly-keys on it? It's a much smaller program, but I'd love to experiment with your ideas. Xah Lee ​sure. you can try Xah Lee ​i dunno anything about jove Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​Thanks. I was reading your tutorial and it looks very doable. I've been using Emacs for over a year, and I still hesitate whenever I need to move the curser. The default keybindings are just *&%$. Anonymous ​I'm black, do you think I could figure out Dactyle keyboards? 100 Happy Years ​For sure, brother. Anonymous ​thank you 100 Happy Years ​but vim/evil is more ubiquitous 100 Happy Years ​same with qwerty 100 Happy Years ​I know vim isn't perfect but it's included in so many places and extensions that I can be productive even if I have to use a different editor. Anonymous ​this guy is epic Anonymous ​same level of passion for key binding as terry davis had for templeos, subscribed. Anonymous ​I'll give xah-fly-keys a try. Mau Nguyen ​@Anonymous you follow him to write your own! 😉 Anonymous ​I'll pull the repo and take a look Mau Nguyen ​hi XahLee...can you start teach us hacking? Anonymous ​how do I change my grades in school? Dizziness ​there was an attack on you. I heard it. Dizziness ​you can change your grades by learning how to hack your school server and altering the grades in the database. Xah Lee Say something... 0/200