2022-01-03 Alessandro Rosetti ​go go go!! Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. TheLk0998 ​Have you preordered the kinesis Advantage360? Xah Lee ​start in 5 Volodymyr Vitvitskyi ​👍 Otrebla Blaotre ​Good evening from Italy Track Vegeta ​I have 3 x-bows ktaleent kekma ​congrats Alessandro Rosetti ​me too from Italy 😀 Otrebla Blaotre ​please @Xah Lee try dwm tags method Alessandro Rosetti ​that's a cook keyboard Alessandro Rosetti ​cool ktaleent kekma ​are browns too heavy for you? how did you get rsi from them? ktaleent kekma ​I thought the brown ones were good for typing Otrebla Blaotre ​yes, the dynamic wm ktaleent kekma ​I mean for blog posters type of people, of course they're good for typing lol Alessandro Rosetti ​dwm needs to be understood. watch at luke smith's video Liokardo ​Xah does not want workspaces. Otrebla Blaotre ​@Liokardo tags are not workspaces Alessandro Rosetti ​tags are like meta-workspaces composable workspaces basket11 ​why are you not usign gnu/linux? ktaleent kekma ​ he probably has an article on that basket11 ​you are basing a persons worth of other peoples admiration towards that person ktaleent kekma ​when the_davinci ​Why dont you come on Twitch ? ktaleent kekma ​probably because youtube just werks, why would he switch to twitch? Alessandro Rosetti ​thank you Yusuf Taha Atalay ​Hello Otrebla Blaotre ​Those Keys look like MALACHITE Yusuf Taha Atalay ​is this the un-boxing stream you have talked about last year ? Pgbd Smfchu ​vOR .nGo Otrebla Blaotre ​do you like Zig language? What do you think about rust and go? PuzzL ​emac N0Z ​why you don't like topre switches, from what i hear its the combination of rubber dome and mechanical switches, right? David €5.00 Thank you for your videos and tutorials Otrebla Blaotre ​[message retracted] Otrebla Blaotre ​Do you like the Drevo GRAMR? Dizziness ​are you vaccinated? how many doses? Otrebla Blaotre ​Vivaldi is Closed Source ManThermos ​what's dygma? This message is held for review. Iver Mork ​dygma cock Danil Braun ​whats going on here ktaleent kekma ​Yes, I am jokeruk ktaleent kekma ​jokerul ktaleent kekma ​Zig is yet another C-like language ktaleent kekma ​but it has more features I guess ktaleent kekma ​like interfaces and stuff ktaleent kekma ​I don't know much about it ktaleent kekma ​it's in "alpha" state right now Track Vegeta ​Dygma is a trademark, they sell the raise keyboard Louis Brauer ​bye xah ktaleent kekma ​bye Xah Lee Say something... 0/200