2022-01-11 Xah Lee ​start in 5 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. The Dude ​👍 David ​hello from spain Louis Brauer ​Hi Xah! Louis Brauer ​Yeah, my favourite topic! Louis Brauer ​IT WILL BE GO Jorman Molina ​hola Jorman Molina ​[message retracted] David ​my guess is golang is probably the fastest David ​but who knows Jorman Molina ​@Xah Lee do you have used Parallelism functions with WL? (Parallelize, ParallelEvaluate..) Ian Coville ​'The' is the most common word? The Dude ​did you maybe pick the wrong option when trying case sensitive search? Lachlan Audas ​Yes, Lachlan Audas ​he did Viata ​Hi @Xah Lee Lachlan Audas ​You said no to fixed case search before Ian Coville ​Consensus! The Dude ​powershell should be a good option for benchmarking the scripts The Dude ​measuring time in powershell: The Dude ​Measure-Command { .\do_something.ps1 | Out-Default } hame Spärde ​LOL The Dude ​@Xah Lee what does the "no change" option mean? The Dude ​[message retracted] Ian Coville ​⇒? Louis Brauer ​Python is "the most popular programming language"! How dare you say anything bad about it? 😉 Ian Coville ​You said it, u+21d2 Ian Coville ​Googled 'Python unicode' and stackoverflow comes up! Another red flag! Ian Coville ​Ha! RictorScale ​greetings The Dude ​bye! Ian Coville ​The journey is more fun than the destination! RictorScale ​its a lot to remember The Dude ​@Xah Lee I think you can use the powershell measure command feature to time the other languages RictorScale ​wouldnt it be best to compare the implementations for each language? it would take much longer but maybe it would be more accurate Xah Lee Say something... 0/200