2022-02-21 Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Xah Lee ​commence in 4min Link. ​Hey xah!! The Arche Duck ​Hey xah. Sai Tarun Reddy ​hi mr. xahlee Jack Smith ​Hi Xah! Link. ​There are some modded wireless dactyls, but, yes, they are rare The Arche Duck ​I've never bought a split keyboard like this one before, might try it out. breaktheloop ​wow that Glove80 keyboard seems promising. I might order one The Arche Duck ​Yeah, if I get myself something like that I'll probably get that one. breaktheloop ​i'm looking over the Glove80 kickstarter now. Wireless is a nice feature breaktheloop ​i recently acquired a regular style keyboard for gaming, a Ducky One 3 in Matcha color with red mechanical switches breaktheloop ​but i might order that Glove80 for programming ergonomics The Arche Duck ​Yeah for a keyboard like that having something wireless would be nice. Sai Tarun Reddy ​APL uses a lot of symbols right? breaktheloop ​okay, i'm ordering the Glove80 The Arche Duck ​Ooh nice. bitc ​more like a. p. smell 😏 Sai Tarun Reddy ​do you think anyone can code APL fluently? seems so unwieldy Sai Tarun Reddy ​lol Sai Tarun Reddy ​diacritic? Jack Smith ​I'm new to programming and only used python for about 6 months. What's your advice for a newbie about learning multiple langs? Better to master 1 or should you try different ones? Love your channel The Arche Duck ​Personally I'd say you should learn multiple languages, especially if you want to work professionally. You always will have a language you know the most but it never hurts to learn more. nonefvnfvnjnjn jevjenjvonejn ​do you use logseq? Sai Tarun Reddy ​How would you convince people to try out wolfram lang at least once? The Arche Duck ​I suppose I misunderstood the question hehe, I thought they meant if they should learn 1 language and only use that one forever lol. Jack Smith ​Thanks booth to Xah and Arche for booth your awesome answers!! I was mostly wondering about trying to pick up Wolfram parallel to python The Arche Duck ​You certainly can learn both, just don't go overboard like Xah said hehe. No problem matey. breaktheloop ​Thanks for the stream Xah! Alberto ​thanks Totem ​I missed the stream Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​I missed the strean Celtic Orthodox Prayer ​stream Xah Lee Say something... 0/200