node.attributes JavaScript

Get all attributes. Return a Live Object of NamedNodeMap object.
const xattrs = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes;

// get value of the id attribute
console.log(xattrs["id"].value === "qgVv4");

// get value of the class attribute
console.log(xattrs["class"].value === "c1 c2");

// get value of the data-x attribute
console.log(xattrs["data-x"].value === "x1 x2");
<div id="qgVv4" class="c1 c2" x="x1 x2"></div>
// show that result is NamedNodeMap type
const xattrs = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes;
  Reflect.apply(Object.prototype.toString, xattrs, []) ===
    "[object NamedNodeMap]",

NamedNodeMap object is Array-Like Object and Iterable Object

// show that NamedNodeMap is iterable
const xattrs = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes;
  Reflect.has(xattrs, Symbol.iterator),
// show own keys of NamedNodeMap

const xattrs = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes;
//  [ "0", "1", "2", "id", "class", "data-x" ]

Each item of NamedNodeMap is a object.

const xattrs = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes;
for (let k of xattrs) console.log(typeof k === "object");

each object in NamedNodeMap is a Attr object

// each object in NamedNodeMap is a Attr object

const xattrs = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes;

for (let k of xattrs) {
    Reflect.apply(Object.prototype.toString, k, []) === "[object Attr]",

type of Attr object is object:

// type of Attr object is object
const xattr = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes[0];
console.log(typeof xattr === "object");

the Attr object is not a iterable, has no keys:

const xattr = document.getElementById("qgVv4").attributes[0];

// the Attr object is not a iterable
  Reflect.has(xattr, Symbol.iterator) === false,

// no keys
Reflect.ownKeys(xattr).length === 0;